Voice Recognition on 720 - Discussion

Well, I did do a full backup, just don't know if it is worth going back to 7.4... I like the auto power off when turning the car off :) And the lack of full compass icon doesn't bother me... So we will see I guess...
I live in Australia and my GO720 had VR out of the box. I always keep the firmware up to date and have never had any issues with regards to the VR working.

Just today I upgraded to the latest version of the Australian maps and now my voice recognition buttons are grayed out.

App 8.010 (9369/080529) OS: 190943
64 MB RAM free: 32.1 MB)
GPS v1.21, Boot 5.4106
Map: 'Australia' v720.1868
Language English UK

Is there any way for me to keep the current map and get the VR working again ?
Hello all,

This forum has helped me with a few things, so I thought I'd post up my experiences.

I just purchased two TomTom 720 the other day.

One of them had the voice recognition working from factory, the other did not.

The one working from factory had Firmware 7.221, Map Version 710.

The one not working from factory had firmware 6.xxx, Map Version 705.

I read through this forum, and updated the non-working system, via Latest Map Guarantee, to 7.481, and Map Version 720.

Suprise, suprise, did not work.

So good thing I have two of these. I accessed the mass storage drive of the working system, and copied and pasted all 53 of the cspeech files into the same North_America_2GB folder of the non-working system.

I tried it out, and it worked! Albeit not very good. Unless I am speaking english wrong, it is very overrated.

If anyone has similar problems, the same may work for you.

Btw, these are great GPS systems, and I would not pay the extra money for the 930 or 730, but I think its completely ridiculous that there are so many variations with the SAME DEVICES on the market.

Good luck.
In Australia but with a North America made TT720 re VR

Does anyone know how to get my Voice Recognition work using the Australia Map that came preinstalled in my TT ?

If i sue the North America Map the voice recognition works fine, but once i switch to the OZ map I go to Navegate to, Address and then there are no buttons for the VR.

I do have the latest Aust Map 720.1838 and software 7.461

Can anyone help?
Does anyone know how to get my Voice Recognition work using the Australia Map that came preinstalled in my TT ?

If i sue the North America Map the voice recognition works fine, but once i switch to the OZ map I go to Navegate to, Address and then there are no buttons for the VR.

I do have the latest Aust Map 720.1838 and software 7.461

Can anyone help?

I don't know whether one of you posters in Oz is this same poster (different name) in another forum. Also, the same experience:
So no luck on VR on the 720?

I have the go 720 with version 7.481 and i am trying to find out a way to put on Voice Recognition. I am guessing there is no luck as of right now? Can anyone help me out. thanks!
I have the go 720 with version 7.481 and i am trying to find out a way to put on Voice Recognition. I am guessing there is no luck as of right now? Can anyone help me out. thanks!

You have to help us out with more information:
--Where are you located?
--What map do you have?
--Did you have VR with an earlier firmware?
You have to help us out with more information:
--Where are you located?
--What map do you have?
--Did you have VR with an earlier firmware?

-i am located in the USA
-I have the 7.20 map version..the MOST updated one becuase i just bought my TT and used the latest map update
-No i never had VR
-i am located in the USA
-I have the 7.20 map version..the MOST updated one becuase i just bought my TT and used the latest map update
-No i never had VR

Okay, check whether you have a bunch of csspeechxx.dat files in your North America folder (you need those for VR).

If so, do you have a text file called support_asr.dat with only a '1' (no quotes) in it and the file in your asr folder? If not, create one using Notepad. Make sure you have Windows set to show extensions for known file types. You don't want to wind up with a file called support_asr.dat.txt.

AND ... if you DO have the csspeech files AND the support_asr.dat file and a pin reset doesn't get you VR, try this: remove the support_asr.dat file to your desktop (don't delete it!), do a pin rest. Any better?

If not, you can try to revert to a lower (7.221) firmware version. A link is here: http://www.oldboy.me.uk/TomTomUpdates/index.html.

Try it with the support file in the asr folder and pin rest. If still no go, remove the support file and do a pin rest.

BUT no firmware version or location of the support file will matter if you don't have the cspeech files.

One last thing .... try all of the above with a computer voice selected. Good luck!
VR not working with Australai 720

I live in Australia and my GO720 had VR out of the box. I always keep the firmware up to date and have never had any issues with regards to the VR working.

Just today I upgraded to the latest version of the Australian maps and now my voice recognition buttons are grayed out.

App 8.010 (9369/080529) OS: 190943
64 MB RAM free: 32.1 MB)
GPS v1.21, Boot 5.4106
Map: 'Australia' v720.1868
Language English UK

Is there any way for me to keep the current map and get the VR working again ?

I have just upgraded to Austraia Map 720 & found VR not working !
So I copied cspeech_AUS.dat from the old map directory. It worked but does not recognise anything I say - it is confused . What dictates the language/accent that is recognised?
App 7.481
Here's a post from another forum and the poster is in Australia as well. It's not what you will want to hear but:

"If your in Australia here are the App Version and Map Version you need to make it work - App Version is 7.481 - Map Version v700.1491 - No other Map Versions will work at this time. There are 2 new map upgrades after this Version but will not work."

Don't shoot the messenger :(
I am running my 720 with Navcore 8.010.9369. Everything is working now except for the voice recognition. The option shows up when I go into the navigate menu, however when I click either of the voice options it opens the screen where you enter the address and it tells me "input not recognized" no matter what I say or do. I see a set of lips in the upper right corner with a volume indicator but it is greyed out. I don't really go out of NY state very often so I only really need voice command for NY. I heard from someone with the same problem that if I put all the cspeech files in the folder it will then work. I was wondering if there was any way around this? Why doesn't it work if I have the real NY file and am just trying to use it for NY? I put the larger POI set on my 720 so I don't have room to put all the cspeech files.

I know I can just go buy an SDHC, but this is more of a challenge thing now. I want to see if I can do it without one. However, If I did buy an external card, would I have to throw the entire map folder on there or could I just put random files? What are the best files performance wise to put on the card (if card performance is slower than the internal memory). Also, does the speed of the card make a difference here? I know with some devices like digital cameras it does, but in others it doesn't bottleneck performance. So can I just buy any speed card?
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4 Gig memory cards

I thought that a 720 could not suppport 4 gig sdhc card inserted into it (max 2gb) ?????
Can someone please confirm that they have test this on a GO720 & it works ?
Also I loaded App 7.481 and all my VR problems went away and my Aust map v700.1491 started working with VR, BUT I lost VR on my EU maps !!
Nothing is ever simple !!

Hi, I have a Kingston 4G SDHC card - works like a charm.
I dont have any cspeech files! is there anyway i can get them or install them? this is a bummer!!

Yes, can someone please upload CS files? Ever since I installed navcore v8 my TT has been f'ed up... I spent 2-3hr trying to fix it (even using last backups and it wouldn't work). I had to go back to original-out-of-the-box backup, d/l NA map from TTHome and navcore 7.481.. v7.481 worked fine, but my VR doesn't work I do not have CS files either!! I switched back to v7.221, put support file in and I can see VR (QuickMenu), but when I tap it it says, "Speech files not installed."

I have files such as this installed in my ASR folder:


I looked through some other backups and none of them have CS files mentioned in the very first post (screen shot)? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong...
Yes, can someone please upload CS files? Ever since I installed navcore v8 my TT has been f'ed up... I spent 2-3hr trying to fix it (even using last backups and it wouldn't work). I had to go back to original-out-of-the-box backup, d/l NA map from TTHome and navcore 7.481.. v7.481 worked fine, but my VR doesn't work I do not have CS files either!! I switched back to v7.221, put support file in and I can see VR (QuickMenu), but when I tap it it says, "Speech files not installed."

I have files such as this installed in my ASR folder:


I looked through some other backups and none of them have CS files mentioned in the very first post (screen shot)? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong...

North America map 7.10 was the first to contain the require cspeechxx.dat files in the map folder. Any earlier version won't work.
What are the chances that when all is said and done, when the supposed new v8 maps come out, the dang VR will work as it did back in the 710 maps? I have been moving enough cspeech files and asr 'whatevers' around so much, I am shocked that the dang GO720 works at all. I am not even going to try to get the vr to work. Just my rant...yikes
We can hope.:eek:

I was advised by a TomTom employee some months ago that VR was never meant to work with NA 720's in the first place and that future firmware releases may kill VR, even with those using the 'hack'. Hope this isn't what we're seeing.

All we need is one 720 NA user to respond here that he or she has Navcore 8.010 AND NA maps 7.10, 7.15 or 7.20 AND that VR still works. If that is the case, then there should be a way for all 720 users with that combo to get VR to work.

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