Voice Recognition on 720 - Discussion

yes i did how do i get my vr back

One person was able to copy the mapsettings.cfg file from a backup (before the upgrade) to the map folder on the unit after the upgrade & replacing the new .cfg file (the old one will be in the map folder on your computer).

Other who couldn't get that method to work went to the cab file of the prior version firmware in the download folder on their computer (the specific path is that which is shown in TTHome's Tools/Preferences/Folder Preferences. Probably: C:\Documents and Settings\user\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Downloads.

From the cab file (right click, open, and copy all the files in the asr folder to the asr folder on the unit, replacing those on the unit).

Some couldn't get either method to work and simply downgraded back to version 7.221

Finally, I've been told a new firmware version to replace the buggy 7.48 will be available Thursday. So, maybe it's just best to wait a few days for it.
voice icon on keyboard grayed out

ok... what did i do wrong... thought i followed "stickey" correctly..

am i doomed or can i get spoken addresses to work? if so .... any help is appreciated...
ok... what did i do wrong... thought i followed "stickey" correctly..

am i doomed or can i get spoken addresses to work? if so .... any help is appreciated...
What firmware is installed on your unit?
Do u at least see the VR options?
olla pedro

this is what i have..
tomtom go 720
app 7.221 (8572/071121) os:2318
64 mb ram ( free19.6mb
gps v1.21 boot 5.4106
north america map_2gb' v710.1584
language english.

yesterday i downloaded the support asr_zip file you provided in the "stickey"
i went into my computer and changed option to show hidden files
unzipped it and put it in the asr file on my unit
disconnnected the device
booted it up
the icons for spoken address and spoken address dialog are present and colored
when i hit the spoken address dialog icon
the next thing that happens is a long "one moment please" then it says city not recognized.. the keyboard shows up and the speech icon on the key board is greyed out
and thats where i am as of now...
VR on Go720

I purchased my 720 a couple of weeks ago and it did not come with VR out of the box. I followed the directions here for enabling VR. I now the VR option but it is grayed out (Upper right of screen) when entering address.

App 7.480 OS:3024
Map v710.1584

Not sure what to do now. I have verified the .dat file to be correct with a 1 and it is only 1 bit long.

Any help?
I just connected up my 720 this morning.

Version 7.481 is out.

It fixed my VR issues!

I hope others have the same success.
Just found this site and this thread. Was all ready to hack my 720 to enable voice recognition but just for grins I checked it first and found out it was already there!

Now I've had it for a while, bought it before TomTom was even supporting it on their site. I remember being told by TomTom it was released and on sale in the US before they expected it to be. So I know when I got it it didn't have voice recognition on it. And I was jealous when I heard the 920 came out with it, but now I have it.

But I remember upgrading it from the 705 maps to the 710 maps because the 710 maps used ~400M more space and I no longer could put as many mp3's on it. I complained to TomTom support because TomTom Home was only showing I had 1.2G used for maps when I actually had 1.65G used and that left me only ~150M for mp3's. That went nowhere, they never were able to fix it or explain it. They gave up and said call support which I never did because I went down that road before on other issues to no avail. But I just got the latest TomTom Home tonight and now it shows 1.65G maps used, and only 154M free.

I also just upgraded to 7.481 tonight but what ever I had before that (7.221 I think) had the voice recognition enabled because I checked for it before I did that upgrade.

But I also picked up in this thread the mention of throwing a SD card in, I did so, threw my mp3's on it, fired up the Jukebox, it found them and whalla! I now have plenty of space for my mp3's.

That surprised me that it worked, because I was told (or read someplace, maybe the manual) that the SD slot was only for upgrades and could not be used for anything else like mp3's. I thought that was a stupid waste of a resource (never tried it till now) but now that's a moot point.

I'm likin' this Forum!!
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7.481 VR Success

I am pleased to report that after upgrading to 7.481 that VR seems to work fine, "right out of the box" on my 720.

I did not have to resort to using any files from my older backup.

To enable Voice Recognition on your 720 you must need the following:

  • NA Maps 7.10 version with voice recognition files. Here is an example:


  • You also need the Firmware 7.221 installed
  • A text file called support_asr.dat with ONLY the number 1 in it.
    NOTE: I attached the file. Unzip it and put the file in your ASR folder on the unit.

To use Voice recognition click on the main menu and select 'Navigate to'


Then select 'Address'


You will see 2 Voice Recognition options.


The difference is that the Spoken Address(Dialog) will ask you to state city, address, etc while the other option will not verbally ask you these options.


The next page will take you to this:



If it originally didn't come with it, then you wern't suppose to have it!
This is because the original 720 map: North America 7.05 did not come with the cspeech files. When the 720 units were offered the 30 day map upgrade: 7.10 it did have this option.
The European 720 came with VR enabled because their map supplied it. Of course this is just one piece of the puzzle. Since TomTom did not have time to release the 720 for North America in time to add the cspeech files to the map, they had to remove the feature all together. They did have time for it to be release on the 920 units.
7.481 is working well for me too. :)

I have 7.481 Firmware, map 715.1712 with the speech files, and the support_asr.dat file from this thread in the ASR folder, and I don't even get the icons for VR to show up.

Pin reset, nothing.


Absolutely every step, every process, every single part of this 720 has been a hassle, a let down, and a promise unrealized. Worst. Purchase. Ever.

I have 7.481 Firmware, map 715.1712 with the speech files, and the support_asr.dat file from this thread in the ASR folder, and I don't even get the icons for VR to show up.

Pin reset, nothing.


Absolutely every step, every process, every single part of this 720 has been a hassle, a let down, and a promise unrealized. Worst. Purchase. Ever.


North America 7.15 map or USA & Canada 7.15? If the former, you can try to revert to firmware version 7.221.
new here too

i am also new, as with alot of others i have seen. and i am trying to see if i upgrade to the latest map 720

my current firmware is 7.481, can the vr work with this setup if i upgrade the map version, and has anyone else had any luck with it.

i currently have map705.1481
i just bought the unit from another individual that has had it for about 6 months

i noticed the version 710 was the version everyone is talking about. can someone fill me in, whether it would benefit me to pay for the new map for the VR option, and if there is much updating between the version i have and the version that is available.

i know this is a multi part question, but with me being new to this, i imagine there will probably be more. :)
Yes, I updated my 720 with the most recent firmware(7.481) and North America maps(7.20) and added the support_asr.dat file to the ASR folder on the device ... Voice Recognition functionality is present and working perfectly. :)
For many, the 'novelty' of VR wore off quickly after they had it working. For others, they prefer the voice input to typing. So, there isn't a correct answer, I'm afraid.

As well, many did NOT notice a great improvement in mapping for the areas they frequented between the 7,05 and 7.10+ maps.

You may want to put out a call for locations you know are not in your 7.05 map, and if they ARE in higher level maps, then their existence may sway your purchasing decision.
You would at least need the 710 maps to get VR working. Right now TomTom has released the 720 North America maps.
You may want to put out a call for locations you know are not in your 7.05 map, and if they ARE in higher level maps, then their existence may sway your purchasing decision.

Too bad there's not a way to view your specific area before buying. They should at least have this option for the regional maps. Just another way to get $$$ for something that may not have been updated at all.

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