Voice Recognition on 720 - Discussion

Does that mean I can try to reconnect to Home to see if it will allow or do I just call the support telephone number?


I have the latest application 8.302 with latest map 8.25 and still my speech recognition is grayed out, TTHome downloaded the speech files with the ASR folder, whats wrong ?
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Have a look in the North_America_2GB map folder and there should be 54 cspeech_XYZ files (the XYZ part coresponding to the different states) if these are missing you will have to get them from support - Mike
I downloaded the speech files from the first page of this thread and there are also 53 files in the zip file !
TomTom voice recognition

Well here goes my two cents worth on this thread. I too have a new 720 and I tried to install voice recognition. I basically got it to work by downloading the files by Pedro in the first post. My TomTom prompts me to say the city and address just fine, but it doesn't recognize any voice inputs. It just beeps and a small voice not recognized error pops up for a second or two. I tried it with several states and cities but it won't recognize anything. The level indicator in the upper right corner is different from the one in Pedro's first post, but that is probably due to the later maps. I have the latest North_America 2GB ver 825. This indicator has a scale on the bottom edge and it is indicating in the green when I speak an input. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
Voice not recognized

I tried the pin reset, twice, still doesn't recognize a voice input. All I get when speaking a city name or an address is an error beep and a white message on a black background in the upper right corner of the display that says "Input not recognized." I was wondering if the recognition files that I downloaded and installed could be at fault? Other than not recognizing the voice input the voice recognition service seems to be working as it should. Could there be another file of some sort that should be there and I don't have installed? Any help on this will really be appreciated.
Do you have a support_asr.dat file with just a 1 in it (no quotes, no space, nothing) and use Explorer to place that file in the asr folder?
Thanks for the quick reply. The support_asr.dat file has only a 1 in it with no spaces or quotes and I copied it there with explorer. It is really starting to sound like there will be no solution to this problem. Thanks again.
I know you said you tried it with various States, etc. and it still didn't work.

If you have the cspeech.dat files in the NA map folder (which it appears you do) AND you have the current map for which it works (7.10 or higher), which it appears you have AND you have the support file, which it appears you have, then VR should work.

Check these out:
1. Make sure the support_asr.dat file is NOT really support_asr.dat.txt. In Control Panel, Folder Options, View, Advanced, make sure 'hide extensions for known file types' is UNCHECKED

2. If the file is ok, have you tried a pin reset? Does that help?

3. When you are attempting to get VR to work, are you selecting the Spoken Dialog option for VR; if not, try that.

4, If you have gotten this far, try this: completely manually, go through the Navigate to-->street and address and select your state, a city in your state and a street and number. Once the route is calculated (you cal always delete it later -- Clear Recent Destinations or Clear Route), now try to use the VR options to go through the process. Does that help?

5. Gotten to here? Download and run the Clear Flash tool from this link. Run it 3 times. (don't worry that it doesn't mention the 720 model)

Any better?
Voice not recognized

Success at last! I tried the flash tool three times and that didn't work either. Then I noticed an error message that said "name not found." This message flashed on the screen so fast it was hardly visible just before the input not recognized message. At that point I wondered if the cspeech files themselves could be the problem. I checked the new downloaded map that I got with my latest map guarantee and sure enough there were cspeech files in there. I replaced the cspeech files that I downloaded from the link that Pedro2NR provided in his first post with the files that I got with my new map and it worked! I have no idea why those files didn't get loaded in my TomTom when I let Home upgrade my map. The only thing that I can figure is that either the files in the dowload are corrupted or they only work with the 710 map version. Obviously they are not compatible with the latest map and that was the problem. Thanks for all the help and advice that I received in trying to get this issue resolved.
Glad to hear things are ok.

What happens sometimes when TT installs an updated map, it recognizes that the entire new map will not fit in the memory space available so, in its 'wisdom', does not install some files from the updated map; these files are the csspeechxx.dat files, which are left in the zipped map folder.

And that's why (for some) the speech recognition doesn't seem to work until the user manually gets them from the zipped folder and places them in the map folder on the unit.
same problems Roger was having, did everything mentioned, still not working for me, says input not recognized, what am i doing wrong...what info do you need from me to help me, someone help, please?
Have you tried a pin reset???

Did you check whether the csspeechxxdat files are in the NA map folder? Do you have a text file called support_asr.dat with just a 1 in it in the asr folder? Is your map at least 7.10 level? Is your firmware at least 7.221 (I'm sure the latter two are much higher in your unit but I have to ask).

Is indeed your unit a 720 or 920 or higher model? Are the Voice Recognition icons greyed out or completely missing?
Roger can you send me a copy of the 825 cspeek files. I have the same problem , but don't have the files on my computer.

Check and see if the csspeech files are still within the zipped map folder in your download folder. If they are, just extract them and put them in the map folder on the unit.

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