Voice Recognition on 720 - Discussion

Speech files use a ton of memory space

These instructions were great! My 720 now has VR - thanks to all.

But my TT on has about 45mb left on the internal storage. Can I delete some fo the speech files (like Canada) if I don't plan to use them? Is there any other files on the TT that can be safely removed to free up some space?

I put music on the SD cards and like to keep that seperate.

You can remove the CAN speech file if you never plan to visit here as well as the files for any states you can never see yourseld driving to (TX is over 40 megs).

But, rather than just deleting these files, I'd copy them to a folder on the pc, just in case.

Or..........copy the entire NA map folder to a sdhc card (4 -gigs is a good sized card) and then you'd have plenty of space to retain all the speech files plus have lots of room for mp3 files; in fact, you can use up to a 32 gig sdhc card with the latest application but that's pretty costly,
Where to find cspeech file,,,

Hello, I don't have this files either on my Go 720 or in my computor... So I don't know how you said that's work,,,

JoBel,,canada ,qc
Go to HOME -> remove items -> items on device. Remove any foreign language computer voices. They are about 40mb each, and can be added later if needed for free.
How to get cspeech ?

Hello, I can't find your files cspeech on the web. And why do I have to find this files other place than my Tomtom update ? Why it's not on the software on my Go 720 that I just bought last week ?

Is it because TomTom have problem with it ?

So my question is where I can find all the file I need to make it work the Voice Recognition on 720 ?
I did have the support_asr on my 720.

Thank all of you,,,

joc canada qc.
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If you got the 720 last week, did you get the newest map through the Latest Map Guarantee? If so, your new map should contain the required files.

What map version is installed on your unit? Tap the satellite bars to see the application version installed. Now, tap the version number and the next screen shows the map installed and the version.
Many 710 maps did not come with the required cspeech files, though they should have.

Have you tried for the Latest Map Guarantee if you just bought your unit?
Hello, I can't find your files cspeech on the web. And why do I have to find this files other place than my Tomtom update ? Why it's not on the software on my Go 720 that I just bought last week ?

The Tomtom 720 is not supposed to have Voice Address Input in the US/Canada. That feature is not listed on the US/Canada packaging nor on the US/Canada pages of the Tomtom website.

The European 720 does have Voice Address Input, and others have found that the steps in this post are sufficient to enable the feature on North American models.

Honestly, Voice Address Input is "cute" at first, but the feature is pretty poor on the 720. It doesn't work in many screens, requires a ton of screen taps both before and during the process to use, and often mis-hears what you say. I gave up on the feature and stopped using it. May not be worth your effort.
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Yea, I do have download the last version.

Thank you guys for helping me. So I should bought the 730 instead. But if it's not usefull it's ok,,,

With the latest application, which you have and the latest map, which you apparently now have, you DO have, in effect a 730.

But you said in an earlier post that you have map 710 on the unit. If you have downloaded the latest map, which you said you did, then it isn't installed.

Use Home-->Add Maps/Voices-->move to Items on my computer. You should see a map listed. Click 'more info' and it should say North_America_2GB 830.

If it does, select it and let Home install it. Then you should have your VR.

And if everything seems ok, then make sure you make an Explorer, not Home, backup of your unit's contents. Ensure hidden files/folders are showing.
With the latest application, which you have and the latest map, which you apparently now have, you DO have, in effect a 730. No I have a 720 with the latest map that I download before the 30 days.

But you said in an earlier post that you have map 710 on the unit. If you have downloaded the latest map, which you said you did, then it isn't installed.I reinstall it again with the same result, the only thing is before I download the new map I did'nt make a backup, so I'm sad...

Use Home-->Add Maps/Voices-->move to Items on my computer. You should see a map listed. Click 'more info' and it should say North_America_2GB 830.The map I have is this map North_America_2GB with no 830 number at the end

So I'm in the same situation but it's ok.

Thank for respond,,,jobel
i ordered my tt go 720, and hoping to get it soon. but just a quick question in order to have the VR on 720 do i need to have NA map version 7.10 & firmwire version 7.221 or later versions would do the work as well?
When you receive your 720, you should first perform a back up.
Then HOME will ask you to update to the latest firmware which will give you VR and you should be able to download the latest NA map which is 8.30. Your update will activate your VR.
When you receive your 720, you should first perform a back up.
Then HOME will ask you to update to the latest firmware which will give you VR and you should be able to download the latest NA map which is 8.30. Your update will activate your VR.

but i thought i need to update it to fw 7.221 and NA maps 7.10. anyway updating the the fw & having NA map 8.30 would also do the work right?
That is the minimum requirement.
Yes you will be find with the 8.3 maps because it is newer than the 7.10 maps.
thank you very much my friend for replying (i didnt expect that you would reply that early).

i have one more question and please help me. i heard that if u update ur fw above 8.01 then u lose the feature of fm transmitter. is it true?
The FM does not work, but I think they will re-enable it in a future firmware if it hasn't already.
I will have to check it out in my car. Sorry I don't know because I use the line-out feature.
FM transmission was removed in apps 8.300 through 8.302. It returned in app 8.350 (and later versions), but only if voice is played the same time as music.

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