Problem loading my routes into TomTom Go App

I don't really understand the need for MyDrive to be honest, does it have advantages above plan.tomtom? As you pointed out, both need an Internet connection so why not just use the web version? Anyway both are not syncing to TTGo.
MyDrive is an application downloaded on your phone or tablet
TomTom Map is a web page and it is the same thing.

MyDrive on your phone is to use when you are on the road without a computer.
Yes that I know but why would I need MyDrive if I can use plan.tomtom. On the road I would use TT Go anyway? Just curious why others would use MyDrive.
I don't really understand the need for MyDrive to be honest, does it have advantages above plan.tomtom? As you pointed out, both need an Internet connection so why not just use the web version? Anyway both are not syncing to TTGo.

Are you getting the message "Connection Lost................." when you are trying to sync using plan.tomtom?
Nope, all seems to be working well except for the actual sync with TTGo
Yes I understand. Just to be clear, the message I refer to on plan.tomtom is when I press the "yes" to sync. If that message appears syncing does not happen. If the message does not appear it does sync.
Exactly, I don't receive an error message of any kind so it appears that the syncing process works, except... it doesn't. You may conclude that it's on the receiving end and only for TT Go. I have tried on a different Mac to sync with a different iPhone, logging in with the same account but there too, the same results. All goes well except for the sync with TTGo. So it seems the problem can be narrowed down to TTGo and most likely iOS (and Android, but I have no knowledge in that department).
Exactly, I don't receive an error message of any kind so it appears that the syncing process works, except... it doesn't. You may conclude that it's on the receiving end and only for TT Go. I have tried on a different Mac to sync with a different iPhone, logging in with the same account but there too, the same results. All goes well except for the sync with TTGo. So it seems the problem can be narrowed down to TTGo and most likely iOS (and Android, but I have no knowledge in that department).
strange! On MyDrive no message occured when sync failed, but on plan.tomtom it does when sync fails.

I have now been taken seriously by TT customer support and I've given "Rakesh" my detailed findings and he tells me that he's passing them onto the development team

I will report back.
We have applied another fix to our back-end of You may need to sign out and back into the GO Navigation app again. New routes should now sync. Existing routes you may need to re-sync.
In the meantime I have created a new account on TT and have deinstalled and reinstalled TTGo. Now things are working fine with my new account. The old account seems to be problematic. Maybe that was the cause, who knows. I hope that the issue is resolved for others as well.
So I'm sticking with my new account (hopefully I can keep my existing subscription, we'll see).
You have created a new Apple account with a 2nd subscription or you have replaced the old email address with the address of the new account.

You have created a new Apple account with a 2nd subscription or you have replaced the old email address with the address of the new account.

Apple account is the same, just a new TT account. I can't confirm that my existing subscription is still covering my new account, there's not really a away of checking because my new TT account details mention that I don't have a subscription and my old TT account is "broken" and just states on all pages; "Sorry, we're having trouble displaying the XXX page. Try again."
Reaching out to TT support results in that they will get back to me within 48 hours. SO I'll hope to address the issue with them later on. Pffffff, I got it working so I'm OK for the upcoming bike trip.
Tried today, all routes are in the android Tomtom app available. Not yet tried to make a new one.

Update: I waited long time but a new route made in Mydrive doesn't show up in the Tomtom app.

Update II 4-8 17:00 : just created new routes on plan.tomtom, they are directly visible in Tomtom app.
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I looked to see if the issue was fixed yesterday and all my routes appper to be now available in TT drive, my routes
Hopefully all sorted
I will try and create a now route and lets hope that syncs as well
Thanks for your feedback.

@Harry Lemmens
In your iPhone's settings > Apple ID > Subscription, do you have TomTom GO Navigation listed there? Then your subscription is with Apple.
Otherwise check for your old TomTom account and select the Subscriptions tab to see if your subscription is with us. In that case you will indeed need someone from support to help you.

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