[OFFICIAL] New Maps!!

Missing streets?!?

I'm going to double check but I believe I'm now missing a few side streets on some of the main roads that I usually take. ARGHHH!!! I hope this isn't the case and that what I saw was due to the "auto zoomed out view". I'm now using the Midwest map instead of the entire NA map as initial route planning and in-route corrections are instant now instead of the five-ten seconds they took before.

If the Midwest map is missing these side streets I'll see if the entire NA map is as well.

I've noticed this for the Schaumburg, IL area but I'll confirm.

Has anyone else noticed that the Susan Voice is now missing. Iwonder whay they took her off the list. Anyone know what data file# she was and I will see if I can readd her from a backup.
I'm the only one who hasn't received the new DVD. Guess this is what I get for living in California. :)
Has anyone else noticed that the Susan Voice is now missing. Iwonder whay they took her off the list. Anyone know what data file# she was and I will see if I can readd her from a backup.

Susan is a "licensed" Loquendo TTS voice, not a pre-recorded human voice. All the voices on the CD are the human voices. If you deleted Susan, then I would recommend retrieving it off another TT. Dave, Kate, and Simon are the other english TTS computer voices.
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I have received the new maps V6.65 it only took three days to receive them great. It came from Fort Worth Texas. Now I want to know did I get what I paid for. I have TT GO 700. The DVD has a card with a 15 #code which I entered into the official tom-tom Web site and it said you do not have the latest maps. I just received the maps three days ago what is going on. I have not installed them yet and do I have to remove the old maps. Or will it overwrite the old maps. After you install the new maps were can I find what version I have.
Hello Dan,
You will use TT Home to install the maps. Do a Back up First!!!!!
Read a few pages back, there are instructions there.
Some additional things I noticed...

This may be something that showed up with the 6.xx update rather than the new maps, but I just noticed that TomTom now displays exit numbers at the top of the page when on an interstate highway. I don't remember it ever doing that before -- it would just give the name of the road for that exit.

I noticed it because all of a sudden I ended up with a simple rectangular box with "373" in it at the top of my TomTom's screen. It was so cryptic that I thought it might be an error code or some problem to do with the new maps. Then I noticed that the exit number I was approaching was exit 373!

Anyone know when this was implemented? It definitely wasn't a feature in the 5.xx version of the software, and I haven't noticed it in the 6.xx version until adding the new maps.
I've noticed this, too. Since I updated my ONE as well as my 910, now they both display the exit number top right. I don't mind it, it is helpful.
I've noticed this, too. Since I updated my ONE as well as my 910, now they both display the exit number top right. I don't mind it, it is helpful.

Oh, I don't mind it either -- I was just curious as to whether it was an application update or a result of the recent map update.

So far, I've been very impressed with the map update for my area. I still say the install is confusing, but then again, I think TomTom Home would be a confusing app for the majority of non-techie TomTom customers. There are too many tabs, three different columns, etc. It's not a very intuitive interface to an otherwise simplistic (yet powerful) device. I think TomTom Home needs a complete revamp on the design, and then updates like this will go a lot easier for everyone.
I couldn't agree more, internetpilot. The fact that the upgrade goes differently for different people is bizarre. That and the HOME app on a Mac is not universal for Intel macs yet. :)

I've also been very impressed with the new maps. My brother's neighborhood (which is 4+ years old) did not show up on the older 910 maps, but it's there now that I've upgraded. It was always on the ONE maps (660.1215). But the kicker is - it's NOT on the Garmin Nuvi 660! So maybe for those of us in USA, TomTom finally has the better maps! :)
I've noticed this, too. Since I updated my ONE as well as my 910, now they both display the exit number top right. I don't mind it, it is helpful.

???? Did I miss something? The exit numbers on the highways are now displayed for next turn on the tomtom? I thought they always were inluess there was a route number for that exit, then it displayed the route number instead....

Am I confused?
I'm going to double check but I believe I'm now missing a few side streets on some of the main roads that I usually take.
Whewwww... Not missing any streets that I had previously! It's due to the "auto-zoom out feature". If I zoom in, I get the street names of the roads I thought had lost their names.

Does "North America" contain all the maps in the DVD? Does one need to add others, such as Guam, if it is needed? An issue I had was fixed. I live in a gated community in NE Florida, and one of the street was blocked off many years ago by a fence. Before this update, my TomTom kept trying to get me use that street to get out of or into the gated community. The new map now shows a gap in that street where the fence is. However, both of my sons' houses, one in Sunnyvale, and one in Tallahassee, are still not shown. Those houses have been around for couple of years now. The North America map have much more POIs, such as "Shops", than the USA/Canada map. These are my observations so far.
As far as I know, the map data is the same, just broken into smaller chunks for those with a smaller amount of memory (like 1g cards, etc.)

I've also noticed the North America maps have many more water masses than the USA/Canada.
so far so good

I've only been able to use the new maps a few times, but they seem substantially improved. New streets; traffic controls added; nothing incorrect YET in my immediate area.

I'll post an update as I learn more.


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