GREAT map update, well worth the wait!
Okay, a quick review, I installed the maps (without problems, although it was somewhat confusing on which map to select) and I checked all the areas where I had problems with the old map version.
I was skeptical when I ordered the maps because on my old version there were a TON of missing roads and inaccurate GPS positions and route calculations.
From what I've seen so far, Tomtom has 100% delivered! Seriously, WOW!
What Tomtom has fixed:
Version 6.50
1. Sitting at my home Tomtom calculated my position off by over a 100 yards on an adjacent street. Very frustrating. This version has me EXACTLY where I should be!
2. My work location was off by a half mile on the old version. This may not seem as bad as it sounds, as yahoo maps and other map software actually have it in the wrong city (government error). This version has my workplace exactly where it should be!
3. At work, Tomtom was missing major roads that had been established for over 10 years. This version not only has the missing old roads, it has roads that are just finished. The exit ramp near my house underwent a MAJOR renovation and is yet to be completed, this map version shows the exit ramp routed as it will be this summer. Tomtom tells the future!
4. Routing, while still a little off (not the quickest routes, nor most efficient routes to some locations) do seem improved. But this could still use some work. Maybe they have the speed limits wrong on some roads I take, but no big deal, at least it will take you to the exact right spots now. I haven't yet tested it out on the roads yet, but I did a few simulated runs, worked better.
I'm now REALLY glad I stuck with Tomtom instead of trading it in on a Garmin. If I hadn't seen the press release on the new map release after Christmas, I would have traded it in on an inferior and more expensive Garmin unit.
Overall grade on the new map version:
If the fix the routing a little (I feel it's just tweaking the speed limits) Tomtom may overtake Garmin as the leader in the US. The interface is already a leagues ahead of Garmin and other manufacturers and the quality seems to be top notch.
Did I say I was pleased?