[OFFICIAL] New Maps!!

Yeehaw! I just went to the TomTom site this morning, with the idea of verifying that TomTom did not release the update in December as they claimed they were going to. Well, I guess they "told" me...haha. Update time! My order went through this morning without a hitch ($50 GO700 update).

Sorry to hear about the problems of the GO910 owners with updating both sets of maps. That's just ridiculous, and I really don't understand why TomTom would think its customers global enough to include both sets on the GO910, but then only allow you to choose one to update? Someone had a brain fart. Hopefully, they'll correct this problem very soon. That's all they need is to take another hit on their update reputation, which seems to be notoriously bad (for some reason, even though I haven't encountered any problems).

Truthfully, I was assuming that this update would be online, but I guess everyone downloading a 1GB file could lead to quite a few technical issues (not to mention bandwidth expense). Bummer. I guess I'm just used to "getting it now"... ;)
New Map Favorites

I was looking at the new maps section on the TomTom website and ran across some FAQ on the updates. One that I am really interested is this:

(Q) Will My Favorites still be there after I install the updates?

(A) No. TomTom Favorites are stored in the file "mapsettings.cfg". This file is located inside the folder of the name of your map (example: "North America Map"). If you purchase and install a new map, your favorites will be lost. Be sure to save a back-up of your favorites by copying this file to the new map folder on your device.
I was looking at the new maps section on the TomTom website and ran across some FAQ on the updates. One that I am really interested is this:

(Q) Will My Favorites still be there after I install the updates?

(A) No. TomTom Favorites are stored in the file "mapsettings.cfg". This file is located inside the folder of the name of your map (example: "North America Map"). If you purchase and install a new map, your favorites will be lost. Be sure to save a back-up of your favorites by copying this file to the new map folder on your device.

To be honest, even though it will be a slightly tedious task for me, I will be re-inputting my favorites back in manually rather than just copying the file back to the appropriate folder on the my GO700. My reasoning behind this is that some of my favorites are slightly off or wrong because of erroneous map data. I'm hoping that some of this inaccurate data was corrected in the new version of the maps, so I don't want to be stuck with the erroneous GPS coordinates stored in my old favorites file if these GPS coordinates have been corrected in the new version.

Truthfully, I'm preparing myself for disappointment. Previously purchased map updates (for other software) have been less than stellar, and that seems to be the norm across the GPS spectrum. However, a least a little part of me is hoping against hope that there's something to TomTom claiming that this is the most extensive and accurate map update of all time. ;)
Question: How do you pay for the $6 shipping? when you pick up the parcel at the door? It didn't ask for a credit card no.
You didn't see a PayPal screen? I paid the $50 (GO700) upgrade fee through PayPal. Something tells me you didn't complete the order process and you have no map update coming your way....
Serial #

I was pleasantly surprised by the upgrade process. I'm having difficulty locating my product code (it's around here somewhere), so for kicks and giggles I clicked on the 'buy' link and entered the serial number of my 510.

Lo and behold, it put the new maps in my cart for free (with the $6 shipping).
I also did have to use my product code. I only used my serial number.
Has anyone updated both US and Europe maps?
I was looking at the new maps section on the TomTom website and ran across some FAQ on the updates. One that I am really interested is this:

(Q) Will My Favorites still be there after I install the updates?

(A) No. TomTom Favorites are stored in the file "mapsettings.cfg". This file is located inside the folder of the name of your map (example: "North America Map"). If you purchase and install a new map, your favorites will be lost. Be sure to save a back-up of your favorites by copying this file to the new map folder on your device.

From Andy_P2002- The file is called "MapSettings.cfg" on v6 software.
Check you've got your file extensions displayed in Windows - important when dealing with the TomTom as so many of the files have the same name just a different extension. Note the capitals as well, they are important in Linux.

On older software versions, the file will be called {mapfoldername}.cfg instead, so it will be something like "Great_Britain-Map.cfg" (note particular underscores and hyphens too!) - so when you copy it across to a newer system you will need to rename it as above.

If all else fails you can convert all your favourites to be entries in a new custom POI category (call it 'My Favourites' or whatever) just using the 'New POI category' and 'Add POI' menus on the Go, then copy the MyFavourites.ov2 file across instead (and convert them all back again if you want).

The condensed version for your situation...
Take a copy of 'MapSettings.cfg' from the old map folder and save it in the new map folder.

Make sure to backup your TomTom before trying this just in case.
Whats the difference between 6.60 and 6.65?

Before I spend money on changing my maps can anyone tell me the diffence between 6.60 and 6.65? The tomtom website says 400,000 new miles and 500,000 more pois but is that the difference between now and the last update on the wedsite or between the last released map on the tomtoms?
I would be interested in knowing this, as well. I have recently purchased a ONE and a 910, and am trying to decide which one to keep. My ONE came with map version 660.1215 and my 910 came with an older version, which I can't recall the exact numbers.

I'm very anxious for someone (especially me!) to receive their map upgrade and post a full report! :)
Yes I am familiar with the post. I am hoping to have several people post their results with installing the updated maps etc, so that if there are any common concerns or issues we might get an area with step by step how to and what ifs in place before the wave of questions arise. Just wanting to be pro active. Glad to see that someone reads and remembers what the threads contain.
I just received TT One unit yesterday from autonavdirect. When I checked the web site it said that my map is uptodate.

Version info for my TT One

App 6.501 (7460/060904) OS:1343
GPS v1.21 Boot 4.81
Map USA_and_Canada v660.1215

Same here mate, I have had my ONE for about 2 months and it says that i have the most up todate as well
Order you free update?

I ordered my free map update Jan 5, 2007. Got the confirmation from paypal and an email from TomTom. No activity in my bank account for the $6 shipping/handling fee. When I check my order status on TomTom.com it says I have no orders????? :confused: :confused: :confused:

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