[OFFICIAL] New Maps!!

I don't believe the new maps have shipped on any NA TomTom's yet as they were just released (about two and a half weeks ago). I would suggest everyone that has a TomTom and wants the new maps to call TomTom support or try using the website despite the fact that it tells you that you have the latest maps (I've personally been told by TomTom support that several of the areas of the website are very unreliable, especially the serial code lookup page). Logic should be enough if you're aware of the fact that TeleAtlas (map producer) only released the maps to TomTom in late November, early December that it's highly unlikely that they're on or were on any devices sold in November or December.

I ordered my free map update Jan 5, 2007. Got the confirmation from paypal and an email from TomTom. No activity in my bank account for the $6 shipping/handling fee. When I check my order status on TomTom.com it says I have no orders????? :confused: :confused: :confused:
Ditto. On "My Orders" it gives the shipping template but the fields are blank.
Received my Map updates on 1/7

I received a 510 as a Christmas present. Registered it on Christmas day and ordered the new maps. Package showed up Saturday and I didn't have a clue what it was. Lo and behold, the new map disk arrived.

I spent about 90 minutes updating everything and I'll be taking a number of trips in Ohio over the next week so I can test it out. I hope everyone else gets theirs soon.....
I received a 510 as a Christmas present. Registered it on Christmas day and ordered the new maps. Package showed up Saturday and I didn't have a clue what it was. Lo and behold, the new map disk arrived.

I spent about 90 minutes updating everything and I'll be taking a number of trips in Ohio over the next week so I can test it out. I hope everyone else gets theirs soon.....

How was it shipped - USPS, UPS, etc. ? Want to know what to be watching for - USPS might fit in mail box, others get dropped on the stoop. Thanks
I ordered mine on Dec 26 and have seen nothing so far. I am really looking forward to getting mine and testing them out!
They were delivered by US Postal Service. I just reviewed the DVD case and it doesn't have a version # anywhere on it. It is part # 9a00085s if that helps. OOPS, just realized on the product code card included that the maps are version 6.65.

I just removed the maps from my TT 510 and installed the new maps. I guess in hindsight that I could've just installed them onto my SD card. Oh well, next time.
I got my maps today. In case anybody is wondering, it's the exact same map for the ONE as for the 910. I have both and ordered both, and they are identical.
European Maps

This is a concern to all 910 users from both Europe and US. We have both maps and need updates to all the features we purchased, not a partial.

I ordered my US maps on 12/21 and still have not received them yet.

I am going to be traveliing to Europe in late January and wanted to make sure that I had the latest European maps for my 910.

The European Maps (from TeleAtlas) were released by Tom Tom on 26th November 2006.

The European version that came with my 910 (bought in Dec 06) is 650.1052, I believe that the latest version is 660.1256. When I inquired with the Support line back in Dec when US people would be able to update to the latest European Maps, I was informed that they would be avaialble sometime in the Jan/Feb 07 timeframe. To date I have not received any correspondance from Tom Tom.

Has anybody in the Forum been succesful at getting the European Maps updated ? If so can you please provide details on how you achived this ?


I received my update DVD in the mail for my GO700 today. I would love to try it out in about 30 minutes since I'm traveling to another town for my son's wrestling match, but...I get a simple and cryptic "network error" message when my TomTom Home tries to login to TomTom.com to register the install, etc. So I can't install them because I don't want to risk putting the new maps on there and not be able to activate them, have to restore the old backup, etc. I don't have enough time before my road trip...darn it. The weird part is that I can login just fine on the TomTom.com website, so it must have something to do with the Home module being down or something. Maybe too many people are receiving their map updates!

Oh, by the way, does anyone know what the "Satellite Imagery" option is on the bottom of the install list? There's one file labelled "USA" that's 6.8mb and then another "USA Basic" file that 224kb.

Unfortunately, the documentation included is something less than stellar (nonexistent). I was hoping to find something documentation about the update on the DVD, but there isn't anything. When you load the DVD, it automatically starts TomTom Home, so it's not like you're presented with an option to read PDF documentation or something. When you explore the DVD, there is a folder called "Manual", but that's just a hyperlink to TomTom.com with generic X10 documentation. I have a GO700. This isn't doing me much good.

TomTom really has to start doing better than this with updates. It's not like everyone who owns a TomTom GO is a techno-geek and willing to figure this out. Why do I have the funny feeling that this will take multiple calls to TomTom Support to figure all this out? Why can't they just put out user friendly software/map updates?
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Same thing happened to me with the "network error"message. Glutton for punishment that I am, I went ahead and installed anyway. Worked like a champ. More good news is that none of my POI data was erased. My home address was still set correctly, and my favorites were all still there!

I used TomTom HOME and it just installed right over the North America map that was there. I didn't have to delete anything.

It was a very easy update, if you ask me! Don't worry about that "network error" message, mine installed just fine without logging in first.
Same thing happened to me with the "network error"message. Glutton for punishment that I am, I went ahead and installed anyway. Worked like a champ. More good news is that none of my POI data was erased. My home address was still set correctly, and my favorites were all still there!

I used TomTom HOME and it just installed right over the North America map that was there. I didn't have to delete anything.

It was a very easy update, if you ask me! Don't worry about that "network error" message, mine installed just fine without logging in first.

I think a lot of us are going to have different experiences if we own an older GO device. The map folder on the TomTom GO700 is a completely different name, so the update will not install over the old one, and instead simply reports that there's not enough room on the hard drive to install the map update.

I ended up having to delete my old North American map file first, which resulted in my Favorites, home location, etc., being deleted. The only thing that stayed put was the 3rd-party POIs that I added, but since they were in the old North American Map folder, the new map update doesn't know anything about them. I moved them over to the new North American folder and now they show up. I'm going to try to copy my favorites, etc., from backup. I'll do a search on the forum to find out what filename that's stored under.

My update wouldn't install until the "network error" message was resolved, since it couldn't access the TomTom website to verify the product code was valid.

There's also a LOT of different options for installing maps. There are maps by state, groups of states, regions (NE, NW, SE, SW), Canada, Alaska, U.S.A., and one big North American map, too. It can be a little confusing to upgrade because it's not all that intuitive to figure out what you actually need to install. For a minute or so there, I thought that TomTom had returned to individual state files and didn't offer a big continent file now.

So far I'm VERY happy with the additional roads added for my area. I now don't live in a field -- my house is actually on a road! They also corrected about 1/2 dozen major interstate intersections that were changed about two years ago, and added a lot more POIs, even some that are rather new (like less than a year old). Just from what I've seen thus far, this update was well worth the $50 -- at least for my area of the country (NE Florida).
Address/Location Lookups for the new maps...

Like I said in the post at the following link, I'm probably going to regret offering this in a couple of days, but if you want me to look up a specific area, address, new construction, etc., on the new maps and post a screen snapshot for you to see if it's worth it to you to pay for the map update, please post the requests in the thread here:


It's under the Official TomTom Releases forum if you want to know where to find it again in the future.
I have received my maps. When tt home loads what do I do then? I see the dvd but do I check the block in the third colum (update) for maps - north america, , home (seems to be a larger file) and the satellite imagery.
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I have received my maps. When tt home loads what do I do then? I see the dvd but do I check the block in the third colum (update) for maps - north america, , home (seems to be a larger file) and the satellite imagery.

It will be one of two things:

1. Just click on the North American file (about halfway down the list of all those maps) and then click the big Install arrow. It will then copy over your existing North American maps.


2. You'll first have to delete the old North American maps first, because the map update is installing to a folder of a different name than your older maps, so it's not overwriting and you'll end up with a disk/card full error. To delete maps, either browse to it through My Computer or using TomTom Home you'll have to click "Delete from TomTom" in the left-most column of the Home app. Select what you want to delete, and then click the Delete button. Keep in mind that if you use TomTom Home to delete the old maps you will also delete your home location, favorites, etc., so make sure you have a recent backup of your old TomTom configuration. Once you've installed the new maps, you'll need to go to your TomTom Home backup folder (usually under My Documents/TomTom/Home/Backup/blah blah/North_American-Map) and copy the Mapsettings.cfg file over to the new map folder on your TomTom.

I know...not very intuitive, eh? Most of us here are techies or at least gadget savvy, but I couldn't imagine my 65-year-old father doing this without having to call TomTom Support several times. It's not a very obvious process.

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