Vote for your most wanted new features here

Is this thread relevant?

Since TT hasn't made really significant updates on critical functionality in years... isn't this thread largely irrelevant?
Surely that makes it more relevant than ever?

I would like to see:

Lane detection
Faster satellite detection time
On the former, see the post in the other thread. What you're really asking is for the map producing companies like Navteq and Teleatlas to tighten up their geolocation of roads sufficiently to detect where the lanes actually are. Truth to tell, we're all lucky that we're even being placed on the right road sometimes - and as you discovered, sometimes we're not. The actual road position vs. the coordinates for the road in the vector maps just aren't good enough yet to make lane detection possible no matter how good the GPS accuracy. Although it doesn't happen often around here, I've had issues similar to yours where my 720 thinks I'm on what you call a "slip road" (a "frontage" or "service" road here). Running the Teleatlas map over a well geolocated satellite shot shows offsets like that here and there. Same happens with Navteq maps. Another thing that can throw things off are road realignments that are not picked up quickly by the mapping companies.

Here's an example of a missed geolocation not far from home (for me). It's not a very radical example, but it shows how this problem occurs, and why the "road snap" feature on any GPS can be fooled. This particular example uses whatever mapping service Google is currently using in this area:

brighton, co - Google Maps

With that level of map accuracy, there's not a lot the GPS can do, and you can imagine examples where a slip road might actually be closer to the expected coordinates of the main road.
Since TT hasn't made really significant updates on critical functionality in years... isn't this thread largely irrelevant?

Tomtom's implemented a few things from the list, although many of those changes are in newer models which haven't made it into the US yet.

Some improvements include non-sun-washout screens and lifetime traffic/maps. But I agree that a number of important ones are going ignored.
5 Things for Australia

1. Choose to display next town and distance to for use on long journeys, helps with fuel planning.

2. Agree, auto cancel when reached destination

3. Agree to search by street name, effective for remote areas.

4. Ability to set 'track' then back track, again for unmapped off road environs.

4. Altitude, assist in off road navigation
Got a 540TM last week and just found this "old" thread. I hope it's still being used for voting ideas already listed.

1) Verbal notice of which side of street destination is on - 5
2) Mapshare change speed limit for points A-B rather than each road- 5
3) Predictive text lookups as you type street name, poi names - 4
4) More (than 2) names per screen on lookups - 4
5) Delete single past destinations rather than all or none - 3
6) More speed limit indicators on non-highways (Navigon had a tremendous amount of roads covered) - 4
7) HD traffic in USA - 3
8) Favorites sorted alpha rather than by distance from current position-3

Many great ideas listed on this thread !!!
Last edited:
These aren't in any order of importance.

I'd like to have the option to use the black night menu buttons during the day too.

I'd like to be able to change the amount of speed limit before getting a warning. It seems to be pre-set to 3miles over.

Lifetime maps should come standard!

More than 2 us computer voices.

3D maps with buildings and mountains. Why not, 3d poi too!

Cars that are animated, such as wheels turning.

How about the option to add curved roads to the map share.

It would also be nice to be able to change the color of the tomtom it'self, such as in adding skins or covers.

How about better screen resolution.

I guess that's it for now, I'm sure I could think of a few more.
Seems to have affected your caps lock key as well.........:confused:

What model do you have and what do you mean by 'set up'?
In order of importance to me:

User control of auto-zoom (able to select zoom level manually)

Save my favorites when I do a map upgrade

Don't have legal disclaimer each time device is turned on

Automatic time zone adjustment (USA/Canada)
i'll cast a vote for "vocalize which side of the street the destination is on". that would be really helpful. beyone that we're very happy with the TT.
I would like to either change the way "Limited Speed" works or a new option where if I specify that my maximum speed is, say, 40mph, exclude all roads (if possible) whose speed limit is above 40mph. This is very useful for local driving in a city like New York City during rush hour where almost all "fast" roads are anything but fast and local roads can be faster and less aggravating.

I see no value in the current implementation of "Limited Speed" for if I enter 35mph and it chooses an expressway and there is no traffic and the speed limit is 55mph I will go at 55mph. My interpretation is logical, and has real world value.

There are also many times where I want to go to a destination on Long Island and would prefer a more leisurely drive than going on the highway. Setting a limit of 45mph would do the trick.
All, since Tomtom appears to be reading this forum, and in hopes of helping Tomtom prioritize new feature introduction, I am setting up this thread as a way for people to vote for their most wanted new features.

Please reply to this thread with your most wanted new features, and rate each from 1 (little importance to you) to 5 (very important to you).

About once a week, I'll edit this initial post with a tabulation of everyone's results. Hopefully, someone from Tomtom is reading this, and will consider the votes of this community as it prioritizes its development.

A couple of ground rules:
- Only report functionality that doesn't doesn't exist in any product currently sold by Tomtom. Don't report features that are already available in a newer / more expensive models. I'll remove items from the tabulation if / when Tomtom introduces them on a new model.
- Don't report bugs. I made a separate bug-voting thread here.
- If you see another idea you like, vote for it too. I'll count total votes when I tabulate totals.
- I'll default to a rank of 3 if not specified.
- If you change your mind, reply to the thread with a new post with all your votes again. I'll replace your old votes with the new ones. Please don't edit an earlier post as I may not see it.
- If you're not sure if something is available on a newer / more expensive model, please post a separate thread asking for help first.
- To prevent spamming, I'll only tabulate votes from members who have made at least one non-spam/non-intro post somewhere on this forum, between 15 and 120 days prior to voting. New members, please wait 15 days after a prior post before voting.

Here are the current vote totals:

Weight Rank votes...Feature Description
__39_____4.3_____9___navigate to street before city (or choose "anywhere" as city)
__23_____3.3_____7___vocalize which side of the street the destination is on
__23_____3.8_____6___display POI pop-up while in drive mode
__22_____3.7_____6___preference to decrease or shut off the 5 minute uturn delay(see this link)
__22_____3.7_____6___improved selection of long vs short road segments in mapshare
__20______4______5___allow any menu item on quickmenu
__19_____3.8_____5___mapshare edits on segments of streets, not just between intersections
__18_____3.6_____5___auto-sorting of fastest order of stops on an itinerary
__17_____3.4_____5___alphanumeric house number input
__17_____4.3_____4___add/move a road via mapshare
__17_____3.4_____5___larger/full screen emulator in Operate my tomtom
__16_____3.2_____5___ability to add more custom menu icons on main navigation screen
__14_____3.5_____4___auto-poweron when external power is connected
__12______3______4___preference for "browse/panning mode" while navigating
__11_____2.8_____4___preference to prefer highways / avoid local roads
__10_____3.3_____3___create an itinerary online and transfer it to the tomtom(see this link)
__10_____3.3_____3___sort POI by driving distance, not birds-flight distance
___9______3______3___Bluetooth support for PAN, and for more phones / carriers
___9______3______3___aftermarket in-dash radio/GPS with a larger screen
___9______3______3___don't have legal disclaimer each time device is turned on
___9_____2.3_____4___see multiple route options (fastest, avoid highways, etc) on a map before selecting one
___9______3______3___automatically clear routes after arrival
___8______4______2___Bluetooth handsfree calls via line out or FM
___8______4______2___increase fm modulator strength
___8_____2.7_____3___tapless speech recognition (voice keyword)
___8_____2.7_____3___speech control for all menus/functions
___8______4______2___drag legs of a trip on a map to create waypoints
___8______4______2___ability to avoid roads based on vehicle restrictions (in the US)
___8_____2.7_____3___perference to vocalize that directions are recalculating
___8______4______2___choose a level of map detail that would remain at any zoom level
___7_____2.3_____3___change address numbers via mapshare
___7_____2.3_____3___time of day and # of people info for HOV lanes
___7_____3.5_____2___categorize restaurants by cuisine
___6______3______2___navcore 8 SDK
___6______3______2___disable stolen units
___6______2______3___dial by voice - contacts or digits
___6______2______3___a preference for fingerprint identification instead of password input
___6______3______2___special characters for BT DUN (eg: s=2 for nextel)
___6______3______2___speak house number of destination
___5_____2.5_____2___digital compass
___5_____1.7_____3___Time-of-day map features (road restrictions/turn restrictions)
___5______5______1___ability to select multiple roads in mapshare based on partial road name (eg pkwy)
___5______5______1___adjustable volume on line out
___5______5______1___improve accuracy of TTS
___5______5______1___larger font in Browse as text
___5______5______1___higher contrast/whiter background in Browse as text
___5______5______1___auto skip/scroll to future directions in browse as text
___4______4______1___allow subscriptions to be moved to a device within the new devices LMG period
___4______4______1___setting to turn off signpost display
___4______2______2___voice activated dialing via bluetooth handsfree
___4______4______1___user-friendly error messages in HOME
___3______3______1___show zoom scale on driving screen
___3______3______1___breadcrumbs / ability to track travel history
___3_____1.5_____2___mapshare barrier/roadblock, that doesn't erase the whole road
___3______3______1___more americanization of phrases / units
___3______3______1___move "this side of road" speed camera button to the right for right-drive countries
___3______3______1___display coordinates of a POI
___3______3______1___display unsnapped GPS data on satellite page
___3______3______1___faster refresh rate
___3______3______1___replaceable battery pack
___3______3______1___HOME for Linux
___3______3______1___screen lock function
___3______3______1___debouncing of screen keypresses to prevent accidental taps
___3______3______1___increase maximum number of favorites
___3______3______1___keep a consistent name for all stretches of a highway
___3______3______1___show the current RDS-TMC frequency
___3______3______1___show the RDS-TMC expiration date
___3______3______1___color code traffic congestion on the right-hand bar
___3______3______1___ability to delete individual recent destinations
___3______3______1___customize distance of auto-zoom
___3______3______1___ability to save entire routes
___3______3______1___calculator function
___3______3______1___preference to have compass point to where you are heading
___3______3______1___augmented reality (overlay camera pic) on iPhone
___3______3______1___ability to avoid part of a road in the "avoid" menu
___3______3______1___wider up/down arrows in POI search results
___3______3______1___grey-out/disable up/down arrow when at first/last screen of POI search results
___3______3______1___allow changing of 2d car icon color
___3______3______1___larger buttons at the bottom of the screen
___2______2______1___Extend TTS pause between multi-word street names.
___0______0______0___preference to move next street to bottom of screen
___0______0______0___lifetime map update
___0______0______0___obd-II connector (receive car telemetry)
___0______0______0___optional chime when making a turn
___0______0______0___show more than 24 search results for POI searches
___0______0______0___Auto-transfer personal mapshare corrections to newer maps.
___0______0______0___More Advanced Lane Guidance unavailable in Canada
___0______0______0___Iqroutes including seasonal/time of year data
___0______0______0___"send me to an unverified mapshare edit" option to allow crowdsourced validation
___0______0______0___semi-transparent status bar
___0______0______0___navigate to mile markers
___0______0______0___permit more than 48 waypoints
___0______0______0___adjustable tolerance for the over-the-speed-limit alert
___0______0______0___receipts of local location-based broadcasts
Ability to download maps to unit from website when using a Mac not a Windows computer
Then buy another brand. Highly unlikely you'll ever see this functionality return to a TomTom, even though it's been requested frequently.
"Auto power On/Off with Ignition. I am going to buy a different brand GPS if this is not done."
I can't believe that that would be a deal breaker with a GPS !
Auto sorting is my highest priority

Modifying the position of a favourite without deleting and reinserting, especially by taking current position

Dragging end point and waypoints on map

More waypoints on iPhone version
Auto power On/Off with Ignition. I am going to buy a different brand GPS if this is not done.
I like having my TomTom on with my ignition off as it allows me to enter destinations during stops without needing to have the engine running which saves a little fuel. On a long trip where my stops are no longer than 5 minutes it saves me from having to turn off/on my TomTom every time and I do not miss having to clear the legal disclaimer screen with every power up that would be otherwise required. I had a Garmin prior to TomTom and the Garmin didn't turn on/off with the ignition either.

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