Vote for your most wanted new features here

vocalize that directions are recalculating 5 (This is important prompt to me that I have deviated from route in some way. I appreciate that some want it as an option but not hard wired in.)

vocalize which side of the street the destination is on 5

allow any menu item on quickmenu 4

automatically clear routes after arrival 3

Anti Glare Screen 4
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I would like to be able to send traffic conditions. For instance; they are working on a road i use to commute. There is no warning on my device that I will sit in 15 minutes of traffic. I want to be able to send this so that others are aware and I am temporarily re routed around this for a few days.
Loads of excellent ideas, guys.

Mine is a 2005 Go 700 European

For me, I would like a spoken alarm for speed cameras/traps -- I find that while I get a distinctive tone and an icon showing the speed trap limit and distance to it, almost invariably traps are situated at points of high workload -- that's why they put the cameras there -- so I hear Bing-Bong!! and then find that the trap limit is often 20 or 30 kph higher than the speed I am doing, and I have been distracted - having to read the screen to check that I am not over the limit. I guess I could have explained that more simply, but you get the idea :)

In summary -- I don't need to have any audio if the speed trap is higher than my speed but I would love something like "Speed camera ahead -- you are doing 26 kph over the limit"

I would also like a switchable warning to tell me in kph/mph how much I am over general limits (restricted roads).

But on the whole, TomTom makes our lives easier and has saved my marriage!!!
An "Advanced Menu" option to bring back the menu choices on the newer 350/550 TTS. 5
HOME for linux 3
time-of-day restrictions 4
I would like to see:

1. an anti-reflective screen similar to the ones the modern book readers have.

2. More aggressive approach to map completeness. . I've owned a TT for 3 years now, and they still don't have a road that's been around for 5+ years. (even though Google, yahoo, and AAA maps do list the road on their maps...)

3. I'd like the screen to keep up with the car. We were traveling at 30mph (The posted speed limit), and the TT seemed to be lagging about 100 feet behind our actual position.

4. TomTom home: It needs to be changed. It's slow. Very slow, even with a high speed connection. (e.g. "searching for updates") takes a very long time. I can leave my computer, go down stairs and make a sandwich, and it will still be searching for those elusive updates when I return.
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Regarding your point 3........

The more the poi categories you've selected to show on the map, the longer it takes for the map rendering.

Try to keep it to less than 5 categories and see if that helps......

4 navigate to street before city (or choose "anywhere" as city)
5 vocalize which side of the street the destination is on
4 preference to decrease or shut off the 5 minute uturn delay(see this link)
3 mapshare edits on segments of streets, not just between intersections
5 auto-poweron when external power is connected
3 see multiple route options (fastest, avoid highways, etc) on a map before selecting one
4 automatically clear routes after arrival
5 choose a level of map detail that would remain at any zoom level
3 categorize restaurants by cuisine
4 altimeter
5 disable stolen units
5 Auto-timezone-adjustment
5 show zoom scale on driving screen
4 more americanization of phrases / units
5 customize distance of auto-zoom
4 preference to move next street to bottom of screen
5 show more than 24 search results for POI searches

I would like to have an option to have any screen press to be sounded with a beep like garmin so that you know you pressed the button.
* categorize restaurants by cuisine

This is the only thing that I need. When I am going to a new city, and I want a certain type of food, this would be perfect.
For iPhone, Settings to disable "Network lost" and "Data Roaming is turned Off" prompts.

Also Settings to disable background navigation.
I think a neat feature would be:

"Change from Hwy to Surface Streets"

If we want to get off a freeway and continue via the streets, we should be able to switch instantly with one tap on the screen. Then if/when we're ready to get back on the freeway, we would simply tap the screen again and be directed to an on-ramp.
The ability to 'avoid single track roads' would be crucial for me. My 550 Live is used both in my truck and in the car. I'm often taken down some very hairy single-track roads which isn't good in the truck, but would be OK in the car! OK, I know you guys in the States probably don't have this problem, but here in the UK many rural villages, (especially, it seems, in Norfolk and Suffolk), though linked by main A roads often have single track roads too, which are shorter and therefore seen by my device as quicker. :mad:
New feature? HA!

Just checked out the "NEW" simplified menu...
What a sick joke.
They took all the things that made tomtomgreat. NO options any more NO menu choices.
tomtom is now garbage.DON'T break your old one. Buy a few old ones on sale before they are gone.
Can't add a new POI just a favorite.
Can't add a lat/long.
Totally disgusting!!!!!!!
Not entirely correct. Those models with EasyMenu (other than EASE/Start) got an application update that returned some menu options. Now three pages of them. Not nearly as good as a full menued model (such as a 540, for example) but better than it was.

I was going by what I say in the store.
I was lucky enough to buy a 540, But if that gets lost, broken or stolen I would be in trouble.
I don't require many options but there are some necessary ones.
I DO need to add my own POI catagory and my own POIs. They have too many missing or misplaced POIs.
Favorites are for the FEW MOST IMPORTANT ones. POIs are for the multiple ones that you use less but still important. My catagory may have the Liberty Bell listed, I don't care about the Liberty Bell restaurant across town. When I set up Custer State park in SD I put in the Visitors center, Wildlife Loop road north and wildlife loop road south. Some of my places are pointed right to the driveway.
I NEED lattitude and longitude. Many addresses simply don't work Some cities have WIERD address systems. When I go someplace I have all the places set up where I want to go. And I need the ability to add a POI without going to my computer. If I go someplace I may want to return.
Not only would I like to be able to add personal roads, such as driveways or parts of parking lots.
I would like a non road oriented option too which would give an arrow directly to a location even if it's across a field for handheld mode.
The 540 is almost perfect except for the map/poi errors.
But the new menu is throwing out necessary TOOLS. Like a carpenter throwing out half his saws.
Only negative that I see with too many options is the ability to screw up your box. Set up too many things and the box slows down to unusable status.
More features and the box needs more memory and a faster prossessor. (SP?) .....

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