Vote for your most wanted new features here

brighter screen that doesn't wash out in sunlight

I couldn't find where anyone had voted for this and according to your tally there is ( 0 ) votes unless I just didn't see it. but I personally think it should be right up there at the top.

Time Zone change

Another thing that might be nice would be for the unit to change the time when you are traveling east or west and cross into a new time zone. In my case when I travel from my home in Nova Scotia to my place where I stay in the winter I cross two time zones.

Most cell phones do this so I would think it could easily be implemented.
5 Bluetooth handsfree calls via line out or FM

Bluetooth phone over the tomtom built in speaker is completely unusable for me. The volume is far too low, and I am in a BMW sedan with the windows up.

I wouldn't call this a new feature since it existed on older models and was removed. :mad::mad:

I like most things about my 720, but I will eventually replace with a Garmin Nuvi because of this issue.
top of my list is Bluetooth phone audio through stereo (either line out or FM - don't care which, just want it)

2nd - street name before town

3rd - TomTom HOME that actually works
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5. Get my TT to work through my bluetooth Nokia car kit, thus leaving me able to listen to the radio rather than using the FM transmitter. TT Navigator on my N73 does it so why cant the 930?

5. The ability to avoid part of a road, I travel the A40 around rush hour and there is a stretch of 8-9 miles that is very heavy, but I cant just avoid part of the road at the moment,only all of it

5. The ability to put various way points on, it would then satisfy the point above.
Probably mentioned a few times...


For the love of god. Considering the United States has always worked on the flawed system of your physical address COULD in fact be different then your mailing address these things are useless a lot of the time....

Why doesnt Tomtom understand this? If I have to goto 1234 Smith St, Parkville, MD and nothing pops up what do I do then? Well I either have to A: Refer to a paper map, which makes the point "Why have a GPS?" or B: Call a friend with a Garmin so he can say "1234 Smith St is in Baltimore, MD"....

If you KNOW the area and can say "Well Parkville is bordering Baltimore, maybe I'll try Baltimore". Then its fine, however if I'm using my GPS, half the time I don't KNOW where I'm going. Hence the reason for using a navigation device....

I get so annoyed with not having that simple feature I'm willing to give up IQRoutes, Mapshare, ALG, Live traffic, etc etc etc so I can actually FIND the address I'm looking for with a Garmin or something. What is the point of having those features if you cant even START the navigation process?

Venting....I'm ok now... :) This just happened to me twice today, and I had to use a paper map once and call a friend with a Garmin the other time...
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Search all Cities

I second, third, and fourth CynicX on this...
Probably mentioned a few times...
And yes, it's been mentioned before, and now again.

My reason for needing this is not the double-address issue, though. It the same as has been mentioned before: For those of us living in/near major cities it's more often than not we have location information (address, point on map, etc.) but have to guess among many cities before the full address can be formed.

This is bad enough when you have to poke through several cities, but it's happened many times when I'm in a different part of town that I don't even know the possible city names! (Yet all this info is in my device!).
So I'm forced to use The CynicX Method and pull out my Rand-McNally or call a friend with a device that can give me the city/cities based on the roads.

Silly, it wound seem. Gimme a "5" on this on again.
Have road numbers vocalised as they are generally accepted to be spoken ie A1198 should be vocalised as the "A eleven ninety eight" or "A one one nine eight" and not as at present "A one thousand one hundred and ninety eight". Which is 12 syllables as opposed to 5, so by the time you have listened to the end of the sentence you have shot past the turning.
Also the facility to input OS GB grid references
a feature that will save your modified route
rather than the IQ route
every time you navigate to
a feature that will save your modified route
rather than the IQ route
every time you navigate to

It already exists. Once you have a modified route with waypoints, you can go to itinerary planning and choose "save itinerary". Then you can retrieve the itinerary when needed from the same menu.
It already exists. Once you have a modified route with waypoints, you can go to itinerary planning and choose "save itinerary". Then you can retrieve the itinerary when needed from the same menu.

thanks much mvl
for your kind reply
will try that
have a nice day
nice to have a pop up balloon notifies what updates are available for our units from the system tray Home icon
I need all features you wrote.

Also able to change fonts. Change theme of main screen. Change full map color ( for examlpe to do look out like on garmin or navigon ). Make better 3D. Able to touch on POI and roads on the map while you driving/stopping. Sometimes i want to see tomtom look like navigon and garmin with main screen and road. Why tomtom make possibility to change for us everything we want from fonts to roads and we will make themes and evertrhing to make look out what we want?

I got tomtom 930t. And it hard to me to see which way im driving on. On navigon you can see clear the names of ways.
5_navigate to street before city (or choose "anywhere" as city)
1_display POI pop-up while in drive mode
1_improved selection of long vs short road segments in mapshare
3_preference to decrease or shut off the 5 minute uturn delay(see this link)
4_mapshare edits on segments of streets, not just between intersections
5_auto-sorting of fastest order of stops on an itinerary
5_vocalize which side of street destination is on
3_alphanumeric house number input
2_add/move a road via mapshare
1_larger/full screen emulator in Operate my tomtom
3_ability to add more custom menu icons on main navigation screen
3_allow any menu item on quickmenu
2_auto-poweron when external power is connected
1_preference to prefer highways / avoid local roads (I think selecting fastest route takes care of this one.)
1_create an itinerary online and transfer it to the tomtom(can use houghi)
5_sort POI by driving distance, not birds-flight distance
1_Bluetooth support for PAN, and for more phones / carriers
1_preference for "browse mode" while navigating
0_aftermarket in-dash radio/GPS with a larger screen
5_don't have legal disclaimer each time device is turned on
3_see multiple route options (fastest, avoid highways, etc) on a map before selecting one
0_increase fm modulator strength
0_tapless speech recognition (voice keyword)
0_speech control for all menus/functions
4_drag legs of a trip on a map to create waypoints
3_ability to avoid roads based on vehicle restrictions
3_perference to vocalize that directions are recalculating
2_choose a level of map detail that would remain at any zoom level
4_change address numbers via mapshare
3_time of day and # of people info for HOV lanes
1_navcore 8 SDK
1_disable stolen units
0_dial by voice - contacts or digits
0_a preference for fingerprint identification instead of password input
0_special characters for BT DUN (eg: s=2 for nextel)
2_Time-of-day map features (road restrictions/turn restrictions)
1_ability to select multiple roads in mapshare based on partial road name (eg pkwy)
0_adjustable volume on line out
5_allow subscriptions to be moved to a device within the new devices LMG period
1_setting to turn off signpost display
0_voice activated dialing via bluetooth handsfree
1_user-friendly error messages in HOME
0_Bluetooth handsfree calls via line out or FM
2_mapshare barrier/roadblock, that doesn't erase the whole road
0_more americanization of phrases / units
0_move "this side of road" speed camera button to the right for right-drive countries
2_display coordinates of a POI
0_faster refresh rate
2_replaceable battery pack
1_Extend TTS pause between multi-word street names.
0_brighter screen that doesn't wash out in sunlight
0_preference to move next street to bottom of screen
0_lifetime map update
1_obd-II connector (receive car telemetry)
0_optional chime when making a turn
5_show more than 24 search results for POI searches
5_Auto-transfer personal mapshare corrections to newer maps.
1_breadcrumbs / ability to track travel history

5 Direction to POI when searching POIs
4 Option to add via point to current route without having to go through itenary. If I am already on the way somewhere, then I should be able to look for another destination and have the TomTom ask if I want it to be a via point. Garmin does this.
I second, third, and fourth CynicX on this...

And yes, it's been mentioned before, and now again.

My reason for needing this is not the double-address issue, though. It the same as has been mentioned before: For those of us living in/near major cities it's more often than not we have location information (address, point on map, etc.) but have to guess among many cities before the full address can be formed.

This is bad enough when you have to poke through several cities, but it's happened many times when I'm in a different part of town that I don't even know the possible city names! (Yet all this info is in my device!).
So I'm forced to use The CynicX Method and pull out my Rand-McNally or call a friend with a device that can give me the city/cities based on the roads.

Silly, it wound seem. Gimme a "5" on this on again.

Can I bring this up again? hehehe

Tomtom HAS to do SOMETHING about this. My TT cant last too much longer, I've been using it for about 10 hours a day at least 5 days a week usually 6 for about a year now. Thats what 2500-3000 hours of run time and constant use.

Anyway its not really giving me any problems but when the time comes it will be dumb of me to buy a device that does not have this function. I cant keep relying on paper maps and friends with Garmins. I'd love to stick with tomtom esp with IQroutes and all the other good functions but I'll be forced to go with Garmin if this issue isnt addressed.

It would be so simple, search state function. How does this get overlooked?
Im with you guys that its very important that TomTom implement a Search All Cities function. So that it searches for cities close to your location or close to the city that you entered.

I wonder if TomTom has ever implemented any of these user suggestions on here or not? or is this all just wishful thinking.
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I have the TomTom XXL 540S. A few feature requests I would really like to see get implemented.

5 - vocalize which side of street destination is on

5 - Allow any menu item on quickmenu.

5 - Extend TTS pause between multiword street names.

5 - Improve the TTS speech engine.

The speech engine needs to be worked on more so that it pronounces street names better. Susan needs to go back to school and learn how to speak better english. :)

5 - Improve Browse as Text Route Instructions.

The font size for the Text & Arrow route instructions for turns needs to be increased so that its easier to see. Background is kind of dull and should be whiter. Also there should be dividers between the individual list of turns to seperate them better. Also there really needs to be an Auto Scroll down function so that it automatically scrolls past previously made turns.

5 - Option to disable Auto-Zoom map.

The Auto-Zoom is very annoying. When I turn on the device and it shows me my current location (before a route is planned) it shows all the streets and street names around me. Then the device just Auto-Zooms out and many of the streets then disappear. The names for many of them still show up, but the streets themselves just vanish from the screen. You can zoom in, but it will just as quickly zoom you back out. :( While in route it would be nice to be able to pick and stay with a certain zoom level also.

4 - navigate to street before city (or choose "anywhere" as city)

3 - Improve the Scrolling Tabs on the right hand side of the screen.

The scrolling down/up tabs to look at POI ect. should be a little bit wider horizointally so they are easier to press. Also the white arrows inside the tab pointing up/down should be grayed out when you have reached either the top or end of the list. For example when you first start looking at the POI list the top tab arrow point up should be grayed out indicating not to scrolll up anymore. Once you reach the end of the POI list the bottom tab arrow pointing down should then turn gray indicating that you can't scroll down anymore.

3 - Preference to decrease or shut off the 5 min. uturn delay.

3 - Option to change the color of the car symbol in 2D mode.

3 - Buttons at the bottom of the screen need to be enlarged just a little bit more so they are easier to press.
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5_navigate to street before city (or choose "anywhere" as city)

Just brought a TomTom XXL 540S. Went on holidays and had my motherinlaw's 6 year old Navman for comparison. I'm pissed I can't believe the old navman was more useful. Sure the tomtom was quicker and more features. But at least you can find the street. With the Tomtom if you don't know the city your stuffed.

I'm hoping they might fix it, But after this amount of time. I'm not holding my breath.

I was so close to choosing a Navman with 3 years free maps.
Updated my list of feature requests above and just prioritied them better on which ones I think are most important.

Does any believe that any of these features will be implemented by TomTom software developers? Do they do much after they release a product to add on new features that people want? This is my first gps so I don't know what to expect. I know if I see that TomTom actually cares and listens to its users and implements some features requests (not all) then I would be very happy and more likely to stick with them in the future for my purchases.
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Oh, enhancement requests certainly are implemented on application and/or map updates but as to how frequently and the quantity of improvements, well that's another story.

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