TOMTOM one 3rd edition - white screen problems

I recently purchased a TomTom One 3RD Edition from and I also have the "White screen" problem that been plaguing a lot of others by the sounds of it... Mine happens to have a "48" in the S/N too.

I called TomTom Support and they are sending me a Brand New One 3RD Edition via FedEx and taking back the "defective one". I found their Customer Service excellent.

I will keep you guys posted on the performance of the replacement unit.

Anyone have issues with the battery draining rather quickly? The TomTom customer service told me that the battery should stay charged 2-3 hours no problem...

I'd be lucky if I can get 1-1/2 Hours!!! Related to the Whitescreen problem???
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Customer Support

Hi Everyone,

I was just wondering if there is a number for TT suport that Canadians should call?
So far I've been calling 866-486-6866, and all I keep getting is a busy tone... which is rather annoying.
Just to clarify, I am also having the "WSD" problem with my TomTom One 3rd Edition. After exchanging two devices, and all three having the same problem, I figure this isn't a problem future shop can fix, so I'm trying to go to TT directly, but so far it's not going very well.

Thanks for your help!
Hi Everyone,

I was just wondering if there is a number for TT suport that Canadians should call?
So far I've been calling 866-486-6866, and all I keep getting is a busy tone... which is rather annoying.
Just to clarify, I am also having the "WSD" problem with my TomTom One 3rd Edition. After exchanging two devices, and all three having the same problem, I figure this isn't a problem future shop can fix, so I'm trying to go to TT directly, but so far it's not going very well.

Thanks for your help!

I actually ended up emailing them through their website, and got a reply in under a day, and they immediately offered to send me a new one, so you might have more success with that.
Just got off the phone with Tomtom, was expecting a long wait due the msg saying they are having a high call volume, was speaking to a rep easily in under 5 min. They took my info and said a new unit will be in the mail tomorrow and is being shipped 2-day air. VERY happy with the service I got over the phone and was very hassle free. Will make a new post once the new unit comes in and it all checks out.
I talked to customer service at the end of last week, and my new unit came much as I was unhappy at this whole thing, I'm very impressed with Tomtom's quick help with getting this right.
I gave in and sent them an email. They were shockingly fast in replying, and I got my replies within the hour. I have an RMA number and it says I will be sent an email with further instruction about returning the defective unit.

Two questions - How soon does this email come? And will it have the FedEx tracking number in it, or will I have to contact them again to find out? Thanks
I was told once the item is shipped I will then receive the email with the tracking number and the instructions of what will needed to be done next.
So how widespread is this issue? Was this a bad batch issue with a specific group of units shipped to RadioShack and Best Buy? My TT1 3rd edition works fine. It was a gift and I have no idea where it came from.
Spoke to TomTom Customer Service this past Wednesday and recived my replacement TomTom 3RD Edition today!! I'm only going to open it up when I get home...

I just received my third order of 2 defective TomTom Ones from I finally called TomTom directly and actually got through. The customer service number was busy for a week. Anyway, they are sending me 2 new units, the rep said they are a newer slimmer design, I should be receiving them in a few days. All I have to do is put the defective units in the box and send them right back to them with a prepaid shipping label. I also called Frys and complained and they are giving me a $30 credit on the 2 units... My Final cost is $102.99 per unit. Not bad. TomTom customer service was great once I finally got through to them...
I am one of the many in Canada who bought it online via during the holidays and it also was defective.
We called TomTom this past Monday 31 Dec and already got a new one by FEDEX TODAY 4 Jan. A 4 day turnaround (we are in Ottawa).
We were NOT charged any duties etc for it.
I would like to thank TomTom for taking care of the problem so quickly as this could have been a much much more painful process.
My full confidence in TomTom is restored.
This may help you!

Hello again everyone,

I just got off the phone with a TT rep, and they told me to go to the website and scroll down and download the software, which is apparently very new.

Good news! It worked for my One, now I no longer have the WSD problem AND didn't have to go through the whole replacement process. I just hope it lasts.

Hope this helps!

P.S. And thanks whitescreenofdeath for the suggestion, turns out I finally was able to get through on the phone anyway.
Has anyone else tried to the new software? My new Tomtom has already been shipped out, just curious if anyone else can confirm this new software will fix it.
I am one of the many in Canada who bought it online via during the holidays and it also was defective.
We called TomTom this past Monday 31 Dec and already got a new one by FEDEX TODAY 4 Jan. A 4 day turnaround (we are in Ottawa).
We were NOT charged any duties etc for it.
I would like to thank TomTom for taking care of the problem so quickly as this could have been a much much more painful process.
My full confidence in TomTom is restored.

Well this is good. :D

Now did they provide a pre-paid shipping label for the old unit or did you have to pay for shipping?

Has anyone else tried to the new software? My new Tomtom has already been shipped out, just curious if anyone else can confirm this new software will fix it.

I had tried it last weekend and it didn't solve my problem.

If it is newer than last weekend then maybe it now works.

Hi Guys

With respect to all the concerned people in Canada, I also bought my TomTom One from Best Buy and was hoping to return it to there only to find out they've pulled the product. I got in the Boxing Sale for $139 so didn't want a refund, only a replacement.

I phoned TomTom this morning, and they are shipping me a replacement unit via FEDEX Priority, and they are going to mark the package as REPLACEMENT/WARRANTY to avoid me having to pick any duties at the border. Apparently it will arrive next week, at that time I will return my unit to them (I'm not sure what recourse they'll actually have if i don't return the unit though to be honest, I doubt they can keep track of all those returns !).

Hope this helps, I'll post back once I actually recieve it.



I am glad to see Tom Tom finally is getting the message about us in Canada.

Great to see that just a simple REPLACEMENT/WARRANTY on the package can do wonders as I have said in past posts. Why they could not do this at the start is beyond me. Surely prior to this they have had to replace units in Canada.

I will be interested to see if they are now paying for the return shipping as well.

It is all to late for me as I have taken my unit back to Best Buy for a refund and now await a new shipment.

I am glad to see that they are learning from their mistake.

I emailed in yesterday, the replacement was sent out today, and my tracking number says it will arrive on Monday (to Ottawa).

It was shipped using International Priority. I searched around the FedEx website and it says the shipping cost includes customs clearance, so I'm not expecting to be hit with anything when it arrives.

The CSR told me that a shipping label will be included in the package. If it is not, then, well.. I'm not in too much of a hurry to send the defect back to them :D
Houston we have a problem........

I have said in my prior posts I live in Canada and I phoned Tom Tom on Dec 26th to get my unit replaced and given an RMA number and told I would have to pay the shipping at that time. I told them to cancel the RMA number as I would be returning the unit to the store. I even advised them in a follow up email that the unit has been returned and I considered my case closed.

Moments ago in my email arrived with a shipping notice saying TTONEv3 US & Can(In Clamshell) has been shipped to me and will arrive on Tuesday January 8th.

Okay I no longer own a Tom Tom nor do I have the accessories for it, but it appears I am now getting a replacement one for the one I had.

Now the question is what next? :rolleyes:


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