Hi TomTom Users:
I purchased a TomTom One 3rd at Fry's in the US for my wife. We only tried it out yesterday for the first time, and yes, it has the white screen issue. I called TomTom this morning and was very quickly referred to the RMA dept. They, without any issue, offered immediately to send out an advance replacement with instructions to get this one back within 10 days using their courier. They said I'll have the new one within 3 -5 days.
It seems they are now taking this seriously and wish to keep good customers, even those outside the US. I have run the TomTom software on my Treo for a couple years and really am very happy with it. This will keep me as a customer providing all goes as planned.
I hope everyone else with this problem gets the same (only reasonable) treatment. Jim
For clarification, I am in Canada, I simply purchased the unit at Fry's in the US...
Not in Canada, but they are sending me one out w/o me shipping mine first. It's due on the 3rd. Yippie!!!!