TOMTOM one 3rd edition - white screen problems

Hi TomTom Users:

I purchased a TomTom One 3rd at Fry's in the US for my wife. We only tried it out yesterday for the first time, and yes, it has the white screen issue. I called TomTom this morning and was very quickly referred to the RMA dept. They, without any issue, offered immediately to send out an advance replacement with instructions to get this one back within 10 days using their courier. They said I'll have the new one within 3 -5 days.

It seems they are now taking this seriously and wish to keep good customers, even those outside the US. I have run the TomTom software on my Treo for a couple years and really am very happy with it. This will keep me as a customer providing all goes as planned.

I hope everyone else with this problem gets the same (only reasonable) treatment. Jim

For clarification, I am in Canada, I simply purchased the unit at Fry's in the US...

Not in Canada, but they are sending me one out w/o me shipping mine first. It's due on the 3rd. Yippie!!!!
guys is this white screen of death problem akin to the one including the one xl versions? For those of us who have pieces of junk One's maybe we have options to upgrade to the XL, as it isn't too much more expensive?
3-5 day shipping

I to got an e-mail that said i will get mine in 3-5 days and can keep the old one till the new one comes and will get a return shipping slip and i live in Vancouver Canada . So they must be looking out for every one that has the same defect Canada or the US .When it gets here i will let you all know if it is true what they have e-mailed me. :rolleyes:
I to got an e-mail that said i will get mine in 3-5 days and can keep the old one till the new one comes and will get a return shipping slip and i live in Vancouver Canada . So they must be looking out for every one that has the same defect Canada or the US .When it gets here i will let you all know if it is true what they have e-mailed me. :rolleyes:

interesting if this is the case I will try that if mine is defective when I get it (hopefully Wednesday now, lol). Would you guys spend the extra bucks and upgrade to the XL if you were me, and had a chance to do so? Or, I could get a magellan 3225 for $200
not bad...

so I called and FINALLY got through to tomtom customer support...spoke to them for a little bit and right off the bat, they understood my white screen of death problem...customer service was actually quite helpful and nice...

they took down my information (address, name, serial #s of my 2 defective units, etc.) and they gave me a reference number and told me that they will ship 2 brand new units (including a pre-paid shipping label to return my 2 old defective units) to me and that they should arrive within 3-5 business days! =)

now i'm wondering...what happens if after receiving my 2 new units, i fail to return my 2 old units?

either way, tomtom is gonna be losing a a lot of $$...
Recieved my new replacement TT One 3rd Edition today!!!

It wasn't supposed to arrive until Wednesday so it was two days early.

It's a serial number 49 and it works like a dream . . . :) :) :)

They also sent me a return RMA and instructions for returning my defective unit, but I already did that with a RMA they sent me two weeks ago. They must be swamped at TT Texas so it's understandable.

All in all I'm happy, as this wasn't a Christmas present, just something I bought for myself.
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map turns grey

I bought a TomTom One XL few days ago at Staples. I notice the map sometimes turn grey in colour. Is this a defect? I updated the software to V7.162 and still doing the same.
I bought a TomTom One XL few days ago at Staples. I notice the map sometimes turn grey in colour. Is this a defect? I updated the software to V7.162 and still doing the same.

This is different than what the V3 folks are experiencing. What you're describing is the unit's loss of GPS satellite signal(s). When ever the TomTom loses the signal, the unit goes to black and white display.
I bought a TomTom One XL few days ago at Staples. I notice the map sometimes turn grey in colour. Is this a defect? I updated the software to V7.162 and still doing the same.

No, the map turns gray when the GPS has lost its lock on the satellites. This is normal behavior.
This is different than what the V3 folks are experiencing. What you're describing is the unit's loss of GPS satellite signal(s). When ever the TomTom loses the signal, the unit goes to black and white display.

Thanks, I guess mine is ok for now.
I had the white screen issue as well. I purchased mine from but now noticed they have removed it from thier site and the store told me it doesn't look like they'll be getting more. I prefer not to have to deal with TomTom directly so I just returned it and upgraded to the TomTom One XL.

Best Buy had no issue taking it back - as soon as I mentioned the "Whitescreen" they just said "OK we've seen this issue a lot"

I called on Monday, received the new unit today, talk about turn-around!

I was kind of hoping I would get to keep the accessories, but oh well, I have a fuctioning TomTom now!!
I tracked down a new unit at another Staples, and it was transferred right to my front door. 2 business says later. :) well done Staples!!!!

new SN Y2549**** 10 power cycles and it works good. so far.
Same problem here

I had not seen this thread before I just sent in one dealing with the same problem. Grey/white screen EVERY time I turn mine on, reset it, comes up with the right screen every time after being reset.

I'm dealing with it but it's a real pain in the _ss!!

Anyone ever been able to fix this?

I bought mine through Amazon so returning it would also be a pain in the same body part.

Best of the Best Customer Care by TOMTOM

Received brand New

When i complained first, they said i have to send only the main unit so that they can repair or replace it.

But it seems they changed their policy , sent brand new and asked to return mount,charger ,everything


Have any Canadians received theirs yet and can confirm there are no additional duty/taxes?

I checked out all the Best Buy's in my area.. Sold out. So TomTom's my only hope, or I'll have to return it :(
Have any Canadians received theirs yet and can confirm there are no additional duty/taxes?

I checked out all the Best Buy's in my area.. Sold out. So TomTom's my only hope, or I'll have to return it :(

I would suggest you return it. :mad:

I have many dealings with warranty stuff from different companies in the US and Canada. I have learned that if a company won't put Warranty Exchange on the shipping label then you will pay any duties/taxes and fees. The fees is the killer because shipping companies such as UPS and FedEx charge about $38 to complete the paper work to bring it across the border. I got asked to pay this once on a $21 nic card that died 2 days out of the box. Talking to Tom Tom on the phone they say they do NOT put warranty Exchange on the shipping label. Their shipping department is not set-up for this as they ship to both the US and Canada from Texas I am told.

Ask yourself this do you want to take the chance and pay the shipping to the US and then pay to get a new unit back? Once you ship you unit to them you are forced to pay when the new unit arrives. If you decline the payment then the unit is returned and you are minus one Tom Tom.

I took my unit back yesterday to Best Buy and the Customer Service Manager showed us the screen to say Units in transit to the warehouse. The Tom Tom rep was suppose to be visiting Vancouver area stores today to discuss the matter with them.

I bought mine through Amazon so returning it would also be a pain in the same body part.



You should contact TomTom customer service and tell them your problem (white screen problem) and they should get some info and send you out a brand new unit. TomTom knows about this and is doing the right thing.

Return to Toronto

Hi Guys

With respect to all the concerned people in Canada, I also bought my TomTom One from Best Buy and was hoping to return it to there only to find out they've pulled the product. I got in the Boxing Sale for $139 so didn't want a refund, only a replacement.

I phoned TomTom this morning, and they are shipping me a replacement unit via FEDEX Priority, and they are going to mark the package as REPLACEMENT/WARRANTY to avoid me having to pick any duties at the border. Apparently it will arrive next week, at that time I will return my unit to them (I'm not sure what recourse they'll actually have if i don't return the unit though to be honest, I doubt they can keep track of all those returns !).

Hope this helps, I'll post back once I actually recieve it.



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