TOMTOM one 3rd edition - white screen problems

Well, I got the new TomTom today..

Does the same thing as the first unit after the WSD patch..
Starts first time with Sound...then any further starts there is no startup sound.

I guess it's normal :D

Have to love the support.. 2 days to Ottawa, no questions asked...all prepaid. They have a happy new customer in me.

I just don't understand why support would not have said it was normal operation instead of shipping out a new unit? The old one is working fine now in hindsight.

The only thing I noticed now is there is a slight version difference.
Original is version 7.165 OS 2331 S/n Y1 xxx
the new one is 7.162 os: 2327 S/n Y2 xxx

I guess I'm missing an App update, but my Home doesn't show any updates.
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Well, I got the new TomTom today..

Does the same thing as the first unit after the WSD patch..
Starts first time with Sound...then any further starts there is no startup sound.

I guess it's normal :D

Have to love the support.. 2 days to Ottawa, no questions asked...all prepaid. They have a happy new customer in me.

I just don't understand why support would not have said it was normal operation instead of shipping out a new unit? The old one is working fine now in hindsight.

The only thing I noticed now is there is a slight version difference.
Original is version 7.165 OS 2331 S/n Y1 xxx
the new one is 7.162 os: 2327 S/n Y2 xxx

I guess I'm missing an App update, but my Home doesn't show any updates.

Did you ever returned your original TT one or you are now stuck with 2 :D
Did you ever returned your original TT one or you are now stuck with 2 :D

No.. TT was pretty specific with their instructions to send back the old unit.
They itemized everything that needs to go back and included 3 copies of the Customs documents and a prepaid Fedx waybill.

I like the level of service TT provided concerning this issue...why mess it up ;)

although having a 2nd TT would be nice. Maybe next Boxing Day :D
I just thought I'd add my experience with TomTom Support. I got a "ONE 3rd Edition" for Christmas (#Y1348....)

I've spent the last 20 years developing software/firmware [6052/68k/80x86/8051/TMS320/ARM7/etc./etc.] After hearing about the OpenTom project and seeing talk of the SDK and GNU toolchains, I wanted to play with my new present. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance immediately.

It would work great until you shut it off, then it would stay stuck on a white screen until the hard Reset was pressed. (You could hear the voice navigation sometimes.) No App updates or patches would help.

When I tried to get a replacement from the local store it was originally purchased at, I was told they were backordered with no ETA.

I called TomTom and spent just a few minutes on the phone. After noting the problem and the serial number, they determined it wasn't fixable in software, so they shipped a FULL replacement package (ONE 3rd/Mount/Charger/USB) FedEx, with a prepaid return label for the whitescreen unit I still had on hand.

Quick and painless. I'm impressed.
Hi Dagwood.

I'm one those here in Canada who bought the TT1 3rd ed with the WSOD. Anyways, I received my replacement. But i have to pay $13.00 which for GST plus other fees I cannot understand. TomTom marked the item to be worth $49.99... Did you pay something to FedEx with that amount? :confused: I'm afraid if I'm going to send the "prepaid" package to TomTom, I'm gonna pay some hidden fees again...

They're Everywhere

Well today I have had 3 units and the last was OK. They found one from a different batch of Serial Numbers. I noticed the last "good one" was easier to get going on Tomtom Home (the duds repeartedly asked me to "link" the unit) and was up to date in the software whereas the previous 2 "whitescreeners" were not.

I like that this unit charges through the USB when plugged into the pc but not "connected" to the pc.

Retailers in NZ replace anything that does not work out of the box...say within a couple of days. I never buy off the ebay type sellers as there is no recourse.

Though Tomtom is now selling a lot here due to heavy advertising there is no NZ presence so no-one to ring or make enquiries.

Really like the unit so far so hope the white screen stays away. This unit has no reset button but you hold down the "On/Off button for more than 15 seconds apparently to reset.
Well today I have had 3 units and the last was OK. They found one from a different batch of Serial Numbers. I noticed the last "good one" was easier to get going on Tomtom Home (the duds repeartedly asked me to "link" the unit) and was up to date in the software whereas the previous 2 "whitescreeners" were not.

I like that this unit charges through the USB when plugged into the pc but not "connected" to the pc.

Retailers in NZ replace anything that does not work out of the box...say within a couple of days. I never buy off the ebay type sellers as there is no recourse.

Though Tomtom is now selling a lot here due to heavy advertising there is no NZ presence so no-one to ring or make enquiries.

Really like the unit so far so hope the white screen stays away. This unit has no reset button but you hold down the "On/Off button for more than 15 seconds apparently to reset.

This is a really old thread. :mad:
This is a really old thread. :mad:

Well why did you bother to read it and then complain with a mad face? As an expert you probably don't need this forum anyway (and I suspect the forum does not need you either).

Tomtom is new in NZ and this problem with the whitescreen is prevalent. The purpose of my post was to let new owners in NZ know that the problem has been around for a while and that the info given by subscribers is pertinent and useful when getting the product replaced.
white screen

Well, the problem is all over the place, I got mine at BestBuy in Toronto Canada just today. I thought I was luck as all the stores did not have them and then found this BestBuy which just had received a new load of 149 of them. I guess they are not recalling them yet!!!


Well I think we should all get a TT ONE XL for having us go through all of this during Christmas.

Well I bought mine in Orilia Ontario (Oct) ($140) and it works fine..except when I changed the splash screen..the screen is now white but the rest
of the unit is fine....any ideas on splash screens?:rolleyes:
Being a wide screen, the splashscreen needs to be a size of 480 x 272 and the file itself needs to be called splashw.bmp.

If you have tried a smaller .bmp meant for the 3.5 inch screen, you get the white screen.

Also, the information found here may help.

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