6200 will not load, Reset soft, Reset hard or just stay on

Tell me - when your previous attempts at a recovery failed, what did Windows and MyDrive Connect do? As I say, your logs indicate that a driver crash occurred that took down MyDrive Connect which was depending upon the driver for a particular method of display.
thank you

Tell me - when your previous attempts at a recovery failed, what did Windows and MyDrive Connect do? As I say, your logs indicate that a driver crash occurred that took down MyDrive Connect which was depending upon the driver for a particular method of display.
Oh ok ill need to try again to see I did try on my win 11 laptop but it had a failed hinge so needed to go to service I then used a loan laptop that I think was updated to w10 It might be a but old as it wouldn't update to w11

Happy day daryl
After sereral days tomtom service has replyec but want a video of the 6209 starting and closing repeatedly. I wonder what they are looking for ? If you start a tomtom and turn if off and then on again that's what you will see The previous video I sent they couldn't open but I will try again Do people still use zip ?
Yes I saw someone had done that I would have no idea how.
I have just sent video to Tomtom now Hoping they can view
2 videos have been sent with no reply as yet. Maybe they operate over 5 days and it has been the weekend Have been a little to busy to play Tomtom over the last few days. Hope everyone is well
A reply from tomtom today. Just to say that they have escalated to their technical team.
That was a journey but nice to have been updated.
Hello have been to busy to follow up but nothing from tomtom technical

I'm so looking forward to hearing what the issue was and being able to share. Interesting to know who was on the right track I think we have had a sync issue, bad battery and what else was there.
Welcome to put your pick in. Happy dayz
Hello people I have heard from Tomtom and the issue is unclear and I'm advised it is still being looked into by their technical people. No resolution as yet but nice to be contacted by tomtom to keep me informed. Let me know if you have interest and I'll keep all updated thank you
Hello people I have heard from Tomtom and the issue is unclear and I'm advised it is still being looked into by their technical people. No resolution as yet but nice to be contacted by tomtom to keep me informed. Let me know if you have interest and I'll keep all updated thank you
But of course! You never know what the next new member here will bring as a problem. It might be yours.
Perfect, I was hoping that after all this it might have some value to the Forum


Update today
Tomtom support did contact me to advise that they are still looking into the issue, hey nice that contact continues if not yet resolved. Has anyone experienced such a situation before ?
Update today
Tomtom support did contact me to advise that they are still looking into the issue, hey nice that contact continues if not yet resolved. Has anyone experienced such a situation before ?
For a year or more at a time, yes. But then, we don't give them easy to reproduce ones, either!
An update to my situation I seem to have received a genetic email without any information Is this a record for time taken to resolve ?
tomtom customer service is zero and i have had lots of trouble with them over the years so i wouldn't get my hopes up and too high although i am currently using a 6200 and it works great most of the time. bought new off a friend recently.
UPDATE Well what can I say There is no update Nothing No contact, they say they are testing the issue I have and the reason I cant use my Tomtom and nothing heard Amazing issues here with Tomtom
UPDATE nothing, I did receive an email in response to mine that a fix has not yet been found It really it quite amazing that this has yet to be resolved. I do wonder if it is for me to forget with time ? What else is known about an inability to resolve down load issues ?
UPDATE Well what can I say TomTom have real issues Your next download could be the one that finds your unit unusable.
They still maintain they are looking to resolve their issue that has caused this problem.
They say that the log I sent showed something they had not been aware of before BUT cannot seem to fix. This unit had a lifetime of included updates and It failed with the 1st one.
They mentioned about sending the unit to them but the courier cost is extremely high but they cant guarantee a fix.
Copy of what I have said is available if required as copy paste.

Not totally sure of the Forums being but what are your thoughts. They do continue to respond to emails but just to say they are working on it ?

I have said please phone me talk to me but nothing yet
In my opinion, it is not a software or map update that destroyed your GPS
Otherwise it would be thousands of GPS that would have the same problem as you.

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