6200 will not load, Reset soft, Reset hard or just stay on

Oh sorry, thank you for that link but yes been through that one.
It takes quite some time before the black and white screen comes up while holding down the button. If you held the button for some crazy time - say 30 seconds - you're saying the device would reboot while you were still holding the button down?
It would it would close The closing drums come up pretty quick I have tried just holding fir 30sec but no it was ok out of the box till the very first update So it's the update that started all this
I just can't believe how bad the support is.
I only pulled this out of the plastic 10 days ago It did cost 500nzd and I have never used it It started out of the box and totally failed during the very first update download
If you say you took it out of its box 10 days ago, so it's a new GPS
So if you bought it in a store, you bring it back to the store


Your GPS is under warranty, contact Tomtom so that they can repair it, provide the purchase invoice to your email.

In my opinion, the battery was discharged too long and it died.
Battery is fine. Shows 97% tests ok
Was totally fine till the update. None of this on and off issue

If you say you took it out of its box 10 days ago, so it's a new GPS
So if you bought it in a store, you bring it back to the store


Your GPS is under warranty, contact Tomtom so that they can repair it, provide the purchase invoice to your email.

In my opinion, the battery was discharged too long and it died.
I never used it for a period before opening the plastic
If its on 97% and still turns off and on ? Totally ok before trying to update Got to 43% and never worked again
Do you have access to GPS settings?

If yes, try Tomtom service and disable Mydrive sync on the device.
Do you have access to GPS settings?

If yes, try Tomtom service and disable Mydrive sync on the device.
On the 6200 unit ? cant use it It just turns off before you can do anything Can I turn it off another way not using the unit.
If you do not have access to the GPS setting?

If you can not reinstall the GPS software by following the link of canderson.

It is that your GPS has a big problem so in my opinion either you consider sending it for repair or you buy another GPS.
Battery is fine. Shows 97% tests ok
Was totally fine till the update. None of this on and off issue

View attachment 6489
So you CAN get to this screen! Let's discuss recovery mode again.

The tricky part from here is the fast 3 taps on the button. It may take more than one attempt to get it right. What is the result from this point?
I cant use the screen it just turns off
I can get the script as above and the 3 presses to put it in Is that hard reset mode ?
Shows in black and red with two sceens and a cross
If I plug into tomtom connect it looks like it's talking and says don't disconnect but always fails the operation
I cant use the screen it just turns off
I can get the script as above and the 3 presses to put it in Is that hard reset mode ?
Shows in black and red with two sceens and a cross
If I plug into tomtom connect it looks like it's talking and says don't disconnect but always fails the operation
What do you mean "I cant use the screen"? You have 1) arrived at the white text screen, and 2) been able to see something that sounds like the recovery mode screen. That's enough. You don't need to touch the screen at ALL to do this recovery process.

It sounds as though the recovery process is beginning properly but is failing. I'm wondering if your connection is 'timing out' or being lost during the recovery process, similar to what happened originally.

It is MyDrive Connect that reports on progress. Can you be specific about what MyDrive connect is reporting? We may ask for MyDrive Connect logs at some point.
On the screen of the unit there are all the options to press to operate If you restart and these come up they are frozen Cannot be used

The connect reports on progress Yes as a percentage but always then fails They do appear to be talking ;)
On the screen of the unit there are all the options to press to operate If you restart and these come up they are frozen Cannot be used

The connect reports on progress Yes as a percentage but always then fails They do appear to be talking ;)
The fact that you are able to START the recovery process is good. It MAY be a question of some kind of 'time out'.

If you open up MyDrive Connect's systray icon in the lower right corner with a right click, select "Settings".
Click on the "Go To Logs" button.
Please find the two most recent files (logs.txt and the one with the most recent date).
If they're not huge, and they shouldn't be, please post them here.

Now, back up one folder to HOME3.
Go to the "cache" folder.
Find the cachestatus.xml file.
If it's not huge, post the most recent part of it here that covers the days you've been working on this.
Sorry not sure what Im posting


  • Log-2024-08-11_19-30-53.txt
    39 KB · Views: 6
Not sure this is what was asked for Ill have a better look later thank you
Those came through just fine.

Interesting. Your most recent logs say that the driver for your AMD Radeon graphics card crashed several times. Right after that, MyDrive Connect threw an 0xC0000005 access violation exception. It's going to take a while to look through these. Meanwhile, check to see if there's a newer driver for your graphics card.

When you get a chance to provide the cachestatus.xml file, please do.
Those came through just fine.

Interesting. Your most recent logs say that the driver for your AMD Radeon graphics card crashed several times. Right after that, MyDrive Connect threw an 0xC0000005 access violation exception. It's going to take a while to look through these. Meanwhile, check to see if there's a newer driver for your graphics card.

When you get a chance to provide the cachestatus.xml file, please do.
thank you

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