Worth it?

Rats. Hit a wall here. Board issues of some sort, but what?
I took another look at the board. As I hold this in my hand, with the screen side down and in the upper left hand corner above one of the screw receptacles at about 1 o'clock, there is an item that I would describe as a lump of solder, which might be a component or not. Anyhow, there is an irregularity which might be a melt or could be a deposit of varnish. That might be the only imperfection on the whole board. I am going to attempt to send it to you if I can negotiate the process with tinypic again.
Yes, something like that. I have to find it again. Forums usually don't have a provision fro downloading pictures and with Tinypic and websites like them, you can down load pictures there and from there, you can send them to the forum, but, and the but is that right now I can't get my camera to download pics to my computer.
Another item. The reset has no feeling. That is to say that usually, when pressing resent buttons with a paperclip or something like that, you can feel something, although ever so slight, springy or you a button that gives and comes back after you release. On my unit, it is solid and I don't feel anything like I described, the pin stops like it h it something solid.
It didn't work so do can you suggest another method to post pics hers?
Not sure what the minimum post count is set to on this board. If you click on "Upload a File" in the lower right after typing your message, does it allow for file uploads there?
Another item. The reset has no feeling. That is to say that usually, when pressing resent buttons with a paperclip or something like that, you can feel something, although ever so slight, springy or you a button that gives and comes back after you release. On my unit, it is solid and I don't feel anything like I described, the pin stops like it h it something solid.
There's no special button to reach with a 'pin' for resetting your particular unit. Holding the power button should be the reset method for a ONE 3rd. However .. perhaps a power button issue? Is that what you're describing?
I don't know. Of course, there is the power button and my unit has a receptacle in the bottom that says RESET. Usually with those the favorite instrument for reset is a paperclip and when you insert it, there is usually a springy resistance. When you push against that resistance and hold it for about 10 seconds and you have accomplished a reset of the unit. Missing in my reset is the springy resistance and you do not get the feeling that it is right.
OK, let me try the pic. Your attention is invited to the upper left had corner of the pic. I know it might be hard to see, but right next to the peg containing an insert, is a part (I think) that appears to have puddling around it. There is no discoloration or evidence of heat, but it is right under the on button.


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