Is HD Traffic worth the outlay?

Oct 2, 2012
Manchester, England
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom Europe App

Newbie here.

I have the TomTom Europe app running on my iPhone 4s (and very happy with it).

Just wndered whether it is worth shelling out for the HD Live Traffic add-on.

I notice it is £26 for the UK version of Traffic. Will that even work with my TT Europe app or will I have to shell out a load more even though I only plan to use Traffic in the UK?

I don't do loads of miles, to be honest, but I'm out most weekends on roadtrips with the family.

Any help or advice would be most welcome...
The value of HD traffic is always in the eye of the beholder. So much depends upon the roads you frequent and the consequences of coming up upon an unanticipated jam. For some drivers' routes, the problem is solved simply by observing the traffic ahead and getting off and taking a well known alternate route. Where the problem occurs on a major road (M style) where there are no nearby exits, it can be a real pain. It can also be a pain when you're not familiar with the area and the alternates, even if you can get off.

I think those that benefit the most are those whose daily commute takes them on routes that are prone to problems.

So it's always a matter of balancing the value of the service (which continues to improve in resolution and accuracy) against the cost. If your weekend drives tend to take you into congested areas or on difficult to exit roads, it might be worth it.
Thanks for the advice. I don't use the car for the daily commute and, being a weekend driver mostly, I've decided to give the extra expense of HD Traffic a miss.
Cheers - you've saved me some cash.
Much appreciated.
i live on the wirral and travel all over the north west, the ammount of times it pops up saying you can save 5 or 15 mins is quite regular cbut i do drive most days on major roads for someone like me its priceless
I also conciser where the traffic is sourced from. Google uses their own, but aren't nearly as good as INRIX (undisputed king of traffic), Microsoft's phone app uses them, and they are used in Ford's Focus.

If you have a smart phone just go from one to the other and you will see what I'm talking about. One thing though, you must be in a major city where there is a lot of traffic to see.

I would like to know where Tom Tom HD Live Traffic gets theirs?
Aside from TomTom users, they all use probes, highway dept (MDOT in my case) historical data ~and user reports. If you have a smartphone install INRIX and test them side by side!

For example, when Microsoft went to using INRIX, Bing maps was improved considerably. Just yesterday Google showed a little red, INRIX was reporting a road closure, if I had depended on Google or my Nuvi I would still be stuck (J/K) in traffic!
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I'd recommend giving HD traffic a try, in the USA it has improved dramatically every couple months since launch a few years ago.

Especially last summer, when they signed the iOS and Blackberry contracts, while details weren't announced, it probably means that every iOS/BB is a probe too.

The experience now is phenomenal, it's almost never wrong in my experience. I'm pretty confident it has far surpassed Inrix at this point.
Unfortunately I can't use it yet because my Moto XOOM isn't supported yet. Using it on my phone is supported, but I heavily use the tablet, and it's RAM mount fixed to my car. I don't think, like most Android apps, TomTom will allow both.

I'm just window shopping at this time, but intend to get a Nexus 7 when my contract is up, and I see posts where it is supported.
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Keep in mind that there is only one version of the Nexus 7 that has cell capability, and I have the impression that there are some limitations on the form of that capability. I am using the TomTom Android app on my Nexus 7, and am pleased with its performance, but my version of the Nexus 7 has only WiFi connectivity, so I do not get HD Traffic on it.

With best wishes,
- Tom -
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Just as a point of reference, I had the exit ramp from a major highway onto a minor road flagged for slow traffic by TomTom's HD system late this afternoon. The RAMP fercryinoutloud! Now that's getting down to a pretty sweet level of detail.
Zoom should be supported with the 1.1.1 release yesterday. The same purchase will let you use the app on phone and tablet as long as they share a google play ID.

edit: lools like zooom doesn't work yet. Part ot the apps ongoing problems with motorola models.
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Good catch, my XOOM is listed, but there is a ratings difference between the US, and the US&Canada for some reason?

Can I not zoom, or will it not zoom on my XOOM?

Got any idea about how much Traffic, speed traps, etc cost?

And it looks like I'm either going to shift things around or install (2.2GB) on SD, so is it slower that way?

Thanks, it might be time to retire my slow as molasses Garmins.
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Got any idea about how much Traffic, speed traps, etc cost?

And it looks like I'm either going to shift things around or install (2.2GB) on SD, so is it slower that way?
I believe that Red-light and Speed Cameras are included in the base price, but HD Traffic in the US is $19.99 per year.

With a slow SD card I suspect that there may be some effect, but I don't know that for a fact. I have a Class 10 card in my HTC Droid Incredible 2 and haven't noticed any speed problems.

With best wishes,
- Tom -
Tomtom supports the Xoom's resolution, so it "should have" worked, and you can download the app from Play store.

However, there is a widespread bug where the Tomtom app won't work on most American Motorola models, including the Xoom. This bug prevents the Tomtom app from starting properly. Other brands don't seem to be affected.

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