Vote for your most wanted new features here

That's a good idea, and something that should be workable without too much effort. The feature is already available to devices using MSNDirect.
I would like TomTom to "Americanize" the models that are sold in the USA. Ways they could do this:

1. Mandy is the only voice that speaks in feet and miles on my One. The others speak in yards (since it was easier for the Europeans to not convert meters). Couldn't we have one more American voice (male, for variety's sake) that speaks in feet? And, use American expressions, such as expressway or freeway (instead of the British "motorway"). Stay "in" the right lane instead of stay "on" the right lane. And "straight ahead" instead of "straight on". There must be some American over in Europe they could consult with to get this right.

2. When reporting a speed camera, the button that says "This side of the road" is actually on the left side of the screen and vice versa. There are 300 million Americans... couldn't the device be customized for people that drive on the right side of the road?
5 - Larger/full screen emulator in Operate my GO

I'd like that! Especially when editing Map Share changes. Today I tried to change the speed limit on a section. It selected a long chunk of road. The editor can remove segments, but, it was tedious. I did it on my computer, but, every time the segment crossed a highway, if I clicked on a portion there, now the cross street is selected!

3 - be able to input what size vehicle I drive (passenger car). Yes, my car can turn around in the middle of the block. No, it's not a bus or semi that needs to go around the block.

4 - be able to upload a route from a website (Google Maps, Mapquest, whatever) into the GO
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I'm going to add another vote:
4 - Allow subscriptions to be moved to a new device within its LMG period
Existing List:

5 - navigate to street before city (or choose "anywhere" as city)

However, "anywhere" will be most problematic. Just think about
how many "100 Main St." possibilities exist in a state. How
would you tell the TT which one? Picking the closest to you
would NOT be a good option unless you were already close. While
figuring out the city is a PITA much of the time when even the
cities aren't sure who owns what street, it's tough to expect
TeleAtlas to do any better.

My recommendation: when this feature is used, require the user
to select A city/town, but having done so, also offer up the
names of all contiguous towns with the same address and then
allow for town re-selection if desired.

2 - mapshare edits on segments of streets, not just between intersections

The UI for this is a total bugger to use as it is, and is only made
somewhat easier when done on a PC with a mouse. the algorithm for
selection is nonsensical at times -- discontiguous sections of the
road (same name, but with 1 mile gaps of farmland) can be chosen
at times by the TT. Like many others, I would prefer to be able to
select start and end points for speed modifications, etc. If *I*
think the entire street needs to be changed, it's still only a very
simple matter of selecting two points at a distance. The existing
UI puts me off even bothering.

Note that this particular request may be a tough one to implement
by my "point to point" method. As it stands, TT has some means for
defining a segment with great specificity. Allowing any and all
users to point to a spot on a road, given something on the order of
between 6 and 8 foot resolution, could give them a whole boatload
of different attempts to make the same correction. I like the
idea of splitting a road between *known* points, but I'm not going
to hold my breath on this one. See bigger gripe, below.

3 - preference to decrease or shut off the 5 minute uturn delay

My geocaching hours are often a collection of U-Turns. I'd love
it if I could not only 86 the 5 minute delay, but also would like
a new option (see below) that would allow me to shut off the
INCREDIBLY silly routing that occurs at times as a result of
legal U-Turn avoidance.

4 - display POI pop-up while in drive mode

Sorry. I'm not clear what this is. If it refers to allowing
a description to appear durin drive mode, rather than having to
go to map mode and touch the icon -- yes, there are times when I
could find that VERY useful. If I've misunderstood, nuke my vote.
This would, of course, need to be optional in the configuration.
there are places where this would drive me nuts.

3 - vocalize which side of street destination is on

Decent idea. I'm often being told that in 'x distance' I will
have reached my destination, but my current zoom level does not
permit a distant enough view to know which side of the street
I'll need to be on. Getting into the correct lane sometimes
takes some pre-planning. The advanced notice would be appreciated.

5 - auto-sorting of fastest order of stops on an itinerary

Not that I think we'll get that for free -- least cost routing is
worth a lot of $ to certain segments of the market. But it would
certainly allow me to avoid a great deal of prep work when planning
an urban caching itinerary.

? - ability to add more custom menu icons on main navigation screen

Not 100% clear on this one. By this, do you mean you'd like to
increase the total count of icons on the first screen that appears
when touching the screen in drive mode? I could sign up for that.
The icons as they are could be substantially smaller and still very
easy to hit. If that's the plan, I'd give it a 3.

5 - add/move a road via mapshare

Wouldn't be such a big deal, but TeleAtlas is SO slow to update
even major highway section and interchange changes. I have
interstate highway interchange modifications that I logged
directly with TeleAtlas a year ago that still haven't appeared in
the current map set.

5 - improved selection of long vs short road segments in mapshare

See my comment above. By fixing that, you fix this, and this one
is a much more annoying "feature" than being able to split roads
between intersections. Same solution applies to both.

1 - alphanumeric house number input

For entirely parochial reasons (it doesn't happen anywhere that
I tend to travel), only gets a "1". I do understand what a PITA
this is for others, though.

1 - preference to prefer highways / avoid local roads

If a local road would get me there faster, why would I want to
stick with highways? Can't see how I'd want to use this one.

5 - allow any menu item on quickmenu

ESPECIALLY want to see the ability to browse the current route
menu as a single jump from the quickmenu. I don't understand
why all of the primary submenus can't be accessed from this.

? - preference for "browse mode" while navigating

Not completely clear about the intent. Sounds like someone
wants to get the same view that's available from "Browse Map"
mode when driving.

? - don't have legal disclaimer each time device is turned on

Mine doesn't unless it has been "reset". Perhaps models other
than the GO series do this?

drag legs of a trip on a map to create waypoints

1 - perference to vocalize that directions are recalculating

So long as it is a PREFERENCE, else I'd give this one a negative
number if it were possible!

4 - Bluetooth support for more American phones

Have commented on this at length before. They need to get the
folks up in Boston more involved with this project.

? - disable stolen units

Most models could not be accomodated in this way except to close
a loophole that allows the password to be bypassed (no further
comment needed on that). The older units that are using the
BT DUN connection could be managed this way, as could the newer
Live units, though.

3 - larger/full screen emulator in Operate my tomtom

Nice, but already much easier to use for many things than the
usual touch screen, so not a priority for me.

1 - dial by voice - contacts or digits

Not a big deal for me.

1 - a preference for fingerprint identification instead of password input

Don't want to pay for the extra hardware expense.

3 - choose a level of map detail that would remain at any zoom level

Not sure how practical this would be (things could get very cluttered
in a hurry as the zoom-out occurs), but interesting all the same.

4 - tapless speech recognition (voice keyword)

If they could improve sufficiently upon the recognition, I'd surely
vote for that one.

5 - aftermarket in-dash radio/GPS with a larger screen

Heaven knows that much of the DIN mount stuff out there is great
EXCEPT for the lame GPS units. Would be delighted if TomTom could
find someone to partner with (e.g., Kenwood) -- preferably NOT one
of the no-name Chinese outfits.

3 - time of day and # of people info for HOV lanes

I guess that would be helpful when in unknown territory.

3 - change address numbers via mapshare

I don't run across inaccuracies that bother me very often.

4 - speech control for all menus/functions

Isn't this the "tapless speech recognition"? If not, I'm confused.
If so, I still give it a 4.

2 - see multiple route options (fastest, avoid highways, etc) on a map before selecting one

Not a priority for me.

2 - setting to turn off signpost display

Not a priority for me.

3 - sort POI by driving distance, not birds-flight distance

Not a high priority, but would clearly be more useful information.

2 - Time-of-day map features (road restrictions/turn restrictions)

Isn't much of an issue anywhere I drive.

5 - auto-poweron when external power is connected

I'd have mine configured to do this if it could. I've designed
hardware to do this, and it isn't that tough.

? - mapshare barrier/roadblock, that doesn't erase the whole road

My experience with this is somewhat different, I guess.

2 - voice activated dialing via bluetooth handsfree

These days, I have the Santa Fe doing the dialing anyway and don't
use the TomTom for this now, so ...
auto power on all the wayyyyyyy

auto power on!!!!!!!!!
Why was this removed in the first place arrggghhhhhhh
When changing Day Night colors, why can't there just be a 3rd option "Auto" to set it back to auto mode once it has been changed to Day or Night mode manually? Sometimes, auto day night mode sucks at twilight and you want the day screen or vice versa but if you do change it you are stuck there unless you dive deep into the menu structure - which is a distraction from driving. I really like how the Acura built-in NAV actually has a separate button for this in a prime spot. But when changing, just a 3rd option to go back to Auto would be great. I keep Day Night in the quick menu but I am always very reluctant to use it.

On the display option I would like an option to show elevation. It could be small and coexist with a smaller satellite strength icon in the same space as it uses now. I would also like to see elevation displayed as a standard part of the satellite geek screen.

I would also like to know the current scale when you are zooming in and out. Again the Acura uses a dedicated control for this. You twist the main knob. It makes it much easier, plus it shows you how much it has scaled. What might work would be to dedicate the top sensor band to this. Touch the top middle and it is 2 mile scale... touch the far right and it is 1/8th mile scale, touch the far left and it scales out fully plus you have a gradual progression of scales all the way across... and once touched it can either briefly show the scale in that band, not show the scale at all or leave the scale permanent depending on setup prefs.

And why oh why do some streets not have address numbers in the map? These are primarily major core streets with many businesses and no residences. Garmins don't seem to have this issue.
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Want "Side of Street" Notification

The feature which I currently miss most is lack of "side of the street" notification for a destination.
All, I did another update of the vote totals here.

I added canderson's votes from the bug thread:
- increase fm modulator strength - 5
- adjustable volume on line out - 5

I also updated some of my own votes:
-navigate to street before city (or choose "anywhere" as city) - 3
-mapshare edits on segments of streets, not just between intersections - 4
-vocalize which side of street destination is on - 4
-Bluetooth support for more American phones - 4
-navigate to street before city (or choose "anywhere" as city) - 3
-sort POI by driving distance, not birds-flight distance - 3
-preference to prefer highways / avoid local roads - 2

Per the ground rules, I am only counting votes placed 15 to 120 days after another non-intro post. grong, fredthetomtom, and hillard - please re-vote after 15 days
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Not sure whether this would be a feature or bug,. Technically a feature I think.

Whenever Home shows an error, make the error messages 'user friendly' rather than the chrome silliness observed now -- 4.
Here's a couple of new ones that probably won't get any additional votes, but ...

I'd like to be able to see the latitude/longitude of POI entries, especially the ones I have created myself and stuffed into OV2 files. Once in a while I'll have a larger load of them in my TomTom than will fit into my Garmin handheld, and once in a while I need the coordinate info from the TomTom to transfer to the Garmin. Put a 3 on that one for me.

I'd VERY much like to see the TomTom capable of producing unSNAPped RAW coordinate data if desired. As you know, that's not possible now. You get road-snapped coordinate data even if you are off-road if the TomTom thinks it can get away with it (i.e., it's too close to a road). Give me a secondary screen below the usual satellite screen, revise the normal satellite display screen to produce real data (what sense does it make to put the snapped data THERE anyway?), give me an option to configure which one is appearing on the satellite screen, whatever, but make that info available to me! Put a 5 on that one for me. I'd use the heck out of it.
If you want to see the coordinates (although road-locked) of a POI, prepare a route from the POI to anywhere else, then run a route demo at 10% speed. Once the demo starts, check the GPS or Help me screen and the coordinates appear.

I'm hoping there's an easier way, but this one works...
Oh, and if you want to see raw coordinates, temporarily switch to the Guam map.

I assume you still want to vote for both of these. If not, let me know.
Oh, and if you want to see raw coordinates, temporarily switch to the Guam map.

I assume you still want to vote for both of these. If not, let me know.
Alas, yes. I got rid of my Guam map ages ago before I bought an SD card ;)

I don't see the utility in displaying coordinates if they aren't for-really real ones, and it's bound to confuse someone trying to use them for anything a little off-road.

I'll never forget when first got my TomTom. I had it running in the house (get great reception in here for some reason) and couldn't make any sense out my movements vs. coordinates. I thought it was "broken" in the E/W direction or something. Took me quite some time to realize that it wasn't showing me my real coordinates, and then to realize what I was actually getting on the display. Having already owned a Garmin handheld, I knew something wasn't right.

It's not like I am hoping to trade in my Summit HC for my TomTom for close-in geocaching work -- at least not until/unless TomTom starts to support WAAS/EGNOS and the accuracy picks up a bit. I'd be really tickled to see some of those higher satellite numbers show up on that screen, but in fairness, it's overkill for a road device.
I don't see the utility in displaying coordinates if they aren't for-really real ones, and it's bound to confuse someone trying to use them for anything a little off-road.

I suspect tomtom developers decided that without WAAS, the map was more trustworthy than the sirfstar. My Accord's GPS road/wheel locks for the same reason, and since it doesn't have quickGPSfix that's a really good thing.

I would guess that Tomtom's "close enough" distance in its road locking algorithm would be pretty close to what the published real-world non-WAAS error rates are.
It really has more to do with the inherent inaccuracy in the maps. Various curves, intersections, etc are not displayed accurately compared to true coordinates in many, many cases, perhaps even 100 ft or more off in some small percentage of cases. For that reason alone, WAAS would serve absolutely no purpose in a strictly road use device. The whole idea is to show you on a road. And TomTom has no intention of supporting any off-highway use whatsoever, even if end-users have found some workarounds.
For that reason alone, WAAS would serve absolutely no purpose in a strictly road use device. The whole idea is to show you on a road. And TomTom has no intention of supporting any off-highway use whatsoever, even if end-users have found some workarounds.
Like I said, " ...but in fairness, it's overkill for a road device." I also agree with your other point: Anyone who has ever looked at Google's satellite + road view (Hybrid?) can see that the digital road location doesn't always follow the actual road all that closely at times. Without the benefit of road-snap, it would be pretty ugly. Then again, it can work the other way, too! I've had my TomTom telling me I'm on a frontage road when I'm really on an interstate. The coordinate data evidently was putting me closer to the frontage road's digital location. Got a little tiresome being told to keep hitting entrance ramps!

Still, what's the point of showing a user the coordinate data on the satellite page unless it's the real information? If there's any use for it at all, it's useful to know where you are, not where you might have been. For the few of us that could find value in the feature, and since they choose to provide it there, it needs to be the unfiltered data.

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