Vote for your most wanted new features here

I thought of a few more of my own votes, which I'll add to next week's tabulation:

- mapshare barrier/roadblock, that doesn't erase the whole road - 2
- change address numbers via mapshare - 3
- speech control for all menus/functions - 3
The most unique new feature I'll seen in a recent release is offered by the newly announced Magellan Roadmate models (ie, 1470). They offer the ability to view up to 4 route choices, individually color-coded, all shown on the same map screen for you to choose from. They already offer choices like Most/Least use of Highways, standard Fastest/Shortest, and a couple of others. Now combine that with TomTom offering the Highway routing option and you really have something.
All, I did my first tabulation - hopefully it's readable.
MVL, You Da Man! ;) This will be extremely helpful in getting us all to consolidate our thoughts and needs, and present a less-than-random smattering of "requirements" in to TomTom. They will hopefully appreciate the prioritization too.

Just wondering: Would it be feasible to keep an updatable list (e.g. a table) of each established request, and, possibly use the Vote function (values 1-5) to help simplify your consolidation process? Don't know enough about forum tools yet to answer my own question.
Just wondering: Would it be feasible to keep an updatable list (e.g. a table) of each established request, and, possibly use the Vote function (values 1-5) to help simplify your consolidation process? Don't know enough about forum tools yet to answer my own question.

I hope tomtom looks and considers the opinions of this forum as it represents one of the largest communities of their most enthusiastic users.

I am keeping a table like you mention in the background, in preparation to scale to dozens of votes, so consolidation isn't that bad. I haven't figured out how to set up prioritized voting on the forum, just straight counts.
My votes on list to date. Assume any line-item I didn't vote on gets a "1."
I think the first one below may not have made it to your master list(?):
  • Optimize route/itinerary ? Device picks fastest, shortest, etc. like navigation ? 5
  • Vocalize on which side of the road a destination is located - 2
  • Truly segmented Streets in Map Share for renaming & speed limits - 4
  • Drag individual legs of a trip onto different roads to have a completely customized trip plan (like Google Maps lets you do) - 3
  • Preference to prefer highways / avoid local roads - 2
  • Ability to add more custom menu icons on main navigation screen - 5
  • Allow any menu item on quickmenu - 4
  • Alphanumeric street input - 4
  • Stop having to agree to "legal" disclaimer each time turning on - 3
  • Ability to locate a streets without knowing the city or state, like Garmin ? 5
  • A preference to avoid non-highways, non-tollways - 3
  • Vocalize when directions are "Recalculating" ? 2
  • Alphanumeric Address street number entry ? 2
  • Selectable POI's in driving view--maybe just a pop-up with Name, Address, & Phone - 4
I haven't seen these yet:

* The ability to chose a specific level of map detail that would be maintained regardless of zoom level. Garmins have this, and this is one thing I really would like...when I zoom out on my 720, I only end up with a couple of roads displayed - I'd like to see more to form an overall picture of my position as related to the major roads around me.
Rating: 5

* Here in NC, when approaching a cross street, many of the secondary roads show up as the state road number, rather than as the actual name of the road.

If you turn onto the road, the correct name is displayed. This can be maddening if you are looking for a street name prior to a turn, and all your GPS displays is "Hwy 1720", rather than "Maple Ave"...and its telling you to turn on Maple.

I haven't been out of state with my 720 yet, so I don't know how it would act elsewhere.
Rating 4

When searching for a POI, its relative distance is given in "as the birdie fly's distance", but when you select it as a destination, you are obviously given the resulting distance as you would drive it...the difference can often be great - especially in hilly terrain.
Rating 4

Thanks MVL!
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My wish list has to do with the bluetooth remote control. I would like the ability to easily mute the sound on my 720 via remote. I can turn the volume up or down with it, but a nice, quick, push of 1 button would be sooo much nicer.
All, since Tomtom appears to be reading this forum, and in hopes of helping Tomtom prioritize new feature introduction, I am setting up this thread as a way for people to vote for their most wanted new features.
- I'll default to a rank of 3 if not specified.
I'm wondering about this default rank of 3. That implies that if somebody doesn't even bother to vote on a particular item at all, that it's getting classified as "moderately desireable."

Seems to me if we really want to reflect the range of priorities, then a No-Vote ought to get a 1 or even 0. Some people are putting in 2's, but most are 3-5. That reduces the value of your ranking.

In the end, we really do want TT to pick up a representative rank for all proposed features and forcing us poll-takers to assign a value to all items would give wider differentiation in our preferrences. A no-vote would assume they just don't care about that one.

Jus' a thought.
Holy Cow! Can't believe I didn't think of this "feature" for the wishlist: How about making the Operate my TomTom screen in HOME as big as can fit the computer screen? Precision for some things is difficult enough. Let's be able to take advantage of the larger surface and more accurate pointing devices!
Holy Cow! Can't believe I didn't think of this "feature" for the wishlist: How about making the Operate my TomTom screen in HOME as big as can fit the computer screen? Precision for some things is difficult enough. Let's be able to take advantage of the larger surface and more accurate pointing devices!

PLUS 100, that would be a great feature to have, just hate that little screen they put up.........:eek:
I have an entire laundry list, but it's hard to call some of them "new features". Most of them are "old features" that TomTom has nuked.

For starters, I would REALLY like to have the volume control back for "Line Out". I don't know why they pulled this to begin with, but the output from my 720 is too hot for my "Aux In" and causes some distortion. I'm pretty sure there's no UK or EU law that required them to do that :mad:.

Don't even get me started on FM output.

The selection of "supported" phones and carriers in the U.S. is pretty lame. I think they just grab someone who comes over from Mass. to a meeting at HQ and plays with whatever phone they've got. They should really bring an engineer or three over HERE to play with our assortment and see if they can't expand things a bit. I think we all know that there are many phones that actually work in whole or part with their BT connection.

Anyway, that leads me to my 3rd item, allowing the old and more complete set of characters for dialing selections for BT DUN service. Many of us needed to include "S=2" for a dial string, and by pulling out the special characters from the options, we lost the "=", making it a real PITA to deal with Nextel phones.
vocalize that directions are recalculating

This should be an OPTION. I like the fact that it doesn't annoy me every time with a voice saying "recalculating" like Garmin units do.
5 - For Map Share corrections, to be able to drop endpoints onto the map, to select all the segments between the points.
5 - For Map Share corrections, to be able to drop endpoints onto the map, to select all the segments between the points.
SIGN ME UP for that one. Making changes at the TeleAtlas site works that way, and it's a LOT easier to manage than having TomTom guess what an "appropriate" segment is. The other day, I selected a road for a speed change, and my 720 selected discontinuous chunks of it that were separated by as much as a mile of empty space. You have to wonder what strange algorithm they use for this feature.

Making changes to speeds is SO tedious that unless it's on a route I use daily, I won't even be bothered... and then, I'll only do it on the PC where I have use of a mouse pointer.
All, I did another tabulation to the initial vote total post.

I made the following changes:
- removed the vote for - plan routes by dropping markers on a map in HOME. It is available via itinerary planning in Operate my GO, adding waypoints by choosing a point on map
- norfowl voted 4 & 2 for alphanumeric street entry, I loaded as a 4
- norfowl voted 3 & 2 for prefer highways, I loaded as a 3
- route numbers instead of names prior to turn - suspect they are signposts, so I changed this to a vote for a "turn off signpost" preference
- matmilw - your first post was 5/1, please repost your vote on 5/16
- moved the line out volue control moved to a "bug" since it used to work. FYI, app 8.350's built in volume is reportedly lower and doesn't distort

Also, Norfowl asked to set the default vote to a 1. I think defaulting to a 3 (average) is more reasonable "average" for those who didn't read the full instructions, but I'll change it if many agree with Norfowl. What do others think?

Because it is so time consuming - I'll get to fixing the formatting later.
(rank) (feature)
(5) Ability to avoid roads based on vehicle restrictions (i.e. trucks, commercial vehicles, etc)

In the absence of this feature, I would request one or more of the following as an alternative:

(5) Ability to select an entire roadway when (un)blocking in Map Share (this ability already exists when editing speed limits in Map Share)
(5) Ability to select roads in Map Share based on partial road name (i.e. "Pkwy", "Parkway", "Blvd)

Additional votes:
(3) auto-sorting of fastest order of stops on an itinerary
(4) navigate to street before city (or choose "anywhere" as city)
(4) alphanumeric house number input (i.e. 8-01, 101-19)
(3) larger/full screen emulator in Operate my tomtom


I thought of a few more of my own votes, which I'll add to next week's tabulation:

- mapshare barrier/roadblock, that doesn't erase the whole road ...

This can be simulated with multiple turn restriction edits. For a handful of locations it's probably not a problem, but with more than that, this workaround can get tiring.
I knew I would forget something...

Rank: (3) For LIVE devices (and possibly those using PLUS services), the ability to enter destinations/itineraries somewhere online and transmit them to the device, which would then be received by the device the next time it is powered on/connected.

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