Voice Breaking Up Again on GO 740

Are you sure you didn't mix up with other devices you have?
I look at the box and everything even the item package item listing and all it said is one power cord(with FM-RDS)
I tried using one of the old cord from my TT920 but it doesn't fit because of the L shape connector
No. Mine arrived with two different cables - one RDS, one not RDS. I have always had the HD service, so have never even plugged the RDS cable into the unit.

My 720 has only had one cable since I bought it, and I can account for that one.

My other cables wouldn't even fit (they are micro-USB style, not mini-B) as they are for Nav3 devices.
Not sure what a cheap 5V cig lighter adapter goes for (saw some at Walgreens the other day for $5 near the register), but you'd need to borrow a USB-A to mini-B cable to complete the deal.
The mini-B USB connector on that unit is correct. Sorry to put you through all of this, but I was hoping you had the non-RDS cable available to begin with. Anyway, for $2.99, it will be good to have a spare charger at a cheap price.
I am more than willing to have a spare charger.
I bought mine 740 from Amazon, maybe they change the package content.
I will let you know as soon as it arrives
I received the charger today and will begin my "experiments" today.
Only thing that got me worry is that the usb car charger does not have any label on it saying what is the input/output. I know its going to be 12V in but I am hoping it is 5V out cause tomtom required 5V to operate/charge
Ok first test, trip to school, with Live services traffic only, Still "break up"
trip back to home, with network status is connected, but traffic said connecting to tomtom server the entire trip, so basically no traffic. No "break up".
I am starting to think that the voice "break up" is related to traffic
So am I, which is why I wanted to be sure it wasn't something about RDS vs. Live in some sort of grand WWF battle.

OK - onward.

Are you presently running version 9.401 firmware? Seems like you are, but that's pages back, and I can't readily get there while typing this one.

If you have 9.401 firmware, I'm going to ask you to kill your Live services entirely for a couple of trips. What I am going to suggest is completely reversible, and will serve to shut off your entire Live system, GPRS modem and all. Alternate one trip with it disabled, and one with it enabled for a week or so and see if we have 100% match between Live traffic use and your voice problem.

To disable all:
Main menu
Change preferences
R arrow
R arrow
R arrow
R arrow
My info - NO - Continue
Information sharing - No
Information sharing - Continue

That will shut down your entire wireless connection. Later, you can perform the same procedure, but answer

My info - NO - Continue
Information sharing - Yes
Ah, I should mention, go ahead and use your RDS cable during that test when you have the Live traffic disabled. We need to eliminate things one at a time.
Ok I did 2 trips to delaware today, 4 uses of GPS total, 2 with Live traffic ONLY, and other with FM-RDS traffic ONLY.
The result is, they all have "break up" when it is connected to the traffic server and recived traffic data.
I said that because on the way there, using live traffic, when it is trying to connect to the server for like 20 minutes with no success, there is no voice "break up". Then suddenly the tomtom restart itself and after that, it connects successfully. But after the traffic data is received, the voice start to "break up" again. Same applies to FM-RDS.
One side note, the way the voice "break up" is that it pause after a phase is pronounced. Something like "In a quarter of a mile, keep right, ...... I76 EB, ...... then stay on the right lane". It doesn't "break up" in the phases like "in a quarter of a mile", which is different than the problem with the old firmware
Can you humour an old man? :)

Does your unit have a setting somewhere for brightness level of the screen for day and night?

If so, can you reduce the day brightness down to say, 50%, from what it is and do a trip and see if the voice breaks up as badly?
Thinking we have a low power situation off the charger? He's got two different ones now that he's using a separate one for non-RDS use. That was half of the reason I needed to have him shed the RDS/charger combo. I'd be surprised if neither could power his unit adequately. Still, no harm in trying the lower power setting to see what happens.

Interesting. No matter the source of traffic, it's the same story. Need to do some serious thinking about this.
Well, I'm grasping at straws. We know that when the battery is low, one of the first things affected will be the computer voice. In some cases, the voice just stops working. In others, it does break up or stutter.
I will try out the different brightness setting.
Also, I will try to use the tomtom without traffic services to see if it is traffic related problem
I am attaching a file for you to unzip and then place the unzipped file into the ROOT directory of your unit. Then I would like you to run your unit for a day using HD traffic and we'll talk again.
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Now that's odd ... unless you are not using traffic at all now. Need you to run a little HD traffic time and see if you can get a break-up or two, then I'll PM you with the files that I'd like to see.

If you've been running traffic and adding that one file actually caused the problem to stop, I may not have any hair left by the end of the evening.

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