Voice Breaking Up Again on GO 740


All Tomtom's slow down if there are too many POI in the area. Perhaps in the portion of the trip where you're having issues, there are lots of POI overtaxing the CPU. Try disabling a few categories in preferences->show POI on map

All Tomtom's slow down if there are too many POI in the area. Perhaps in the portion of the trip where you're having issues, there are lots of POI overtaxing the CPU. Try disabling a few categories in preferences->show POI on map

I don't think that the problem. The only POI I had enabled is Airport. I will try disable it and see if there is any changes.
What else do you have 'running' on that unit? Bluetooth? Anything else turned on in particular?
Ok let me make a list lol
First, I have live service, so traffic, fuel price, and safety camera are all on
Automatically day/night color on
Quick menu - report speed camera and mark location of map error
US computer voice(susan) - Read aloud street name, foreign street name, road number, traffic warnings, weather information, POI warnings
Volume at 25% and link volume to noise level enabled
Speaker - internal, no line out or music out
Planning preferences - IQ routes enabled and always ask
Custom car symbol
3D view and automatic zooming
Horizontal status bar with all option on except compass
Using one of the four default map color
Automatically brightness(both reduce and switch to night when dark)
Bluetooth off
Start up - where I left off
Safety preference - only warn not to leave the device in car
Advanced preference - all on except show tips
Nothing in that list that should be causing any extra load. I'll be using my newly updated 740 a bunch in the next week or so (I killed my GO1535 earlier this last week), so I'll be able to assess if 9.400 has had any of the effect that it seems to have had on yours.
What is your free ram level when no route is planned? For mine, it is 6-7 MB, and I remember before I updating it is around 11-12 MB.
Do you think it has something to do with that?
No worry about free RAM. The device loads all that it can from flash to RAM whenever possible so as to keep things moving.
Ok I have been using the 740 daily and the voice (words) breaking up just got worse. Now it take like 5 seconds before the next section of the word is spoken. Sometimes it takes as long as 20 seconds, and its only like a 30 minutes trip.
Have you changed anything at all in your configuration that could account for the degradation? It sounds like something is eating up more and more CPU time.

I know you'll probably miss the HD traffic, but let's go ahead and eliminate the last item that tends to use up some CPU power - Live services. You can undo what we're about to do easily enough.

Main driving menu - tap
select "Change preferences"
R arrow
R arrow
R arrow
R arrow
(pant, pant)
select "My info"
"...change your address or other contact..." = select "NO"
"PLEASE NOTE: To protect..." = select "Continue"
"My Info Information sharing..." = select "No" <= Disables Live
"My info Information sharing..." = select "Continue"

OK - that shuts down ALL Live firmware and even the wireless modem in your unit. Take a drive in that configuration and see how it works out for you and let us know.

When you are done, just reverse the process above:

Main driving menu - tap
select "Change preferences"
R arrow
R arrow
R arrow
R arrow
(pant, pant)
select "My info"
"...change your address or other contact..." = select "NO"
"PLEASE NOTE: To protect..." = select "Continue"
"My Info Information sharing..." = select "Yes" <= Re-enables Live
select "Done"
Actually I think it does have something to do with traffic. All the break up happens when there is traffic on route. When there is none, it seems normal, maybe at most 1-2 seconds delay.
I will go ahead and try disable the live services
Should I disconnect the FM-RMS traffic too? (but if I do so I will disconnect the power)
For now, let the RDS cable do what it does, and we'll eliminate things one at a time.
Ok I did a drive from and to school and it seems better. When I am on the way to school there is a 9 minutes delay on route and there is only a small "break up" which is like half of a second, much better. And on the way back, no traffic, no "break up"
OK - so for a few trips, take one with HD traffic enabled and one with HD traffic disabled, and let's see if there is a consistent pattern to this. I know this is a bit tedious, but it ain't easy troubleshooting this stuff by remote control <g>.
There are some weird problem with my tomtom. If I turn it on(with live service on) without plugging into the FM-TMC, it will connect to live services successfully. If I have it plug in to the FM-TMC with the car charger and turn it on, 99% of the time, it wouldn't connect to the live services. (Problem connecting to live services, please try again later) It is connected to the cell signal (say connected on the more information) just can't connect to live services.

So today my second trip to school, with live services enabled, it has a 2 minutes delay on route and have a 1 second "break up". On my way back, with the live services still on, it wouldn't connect to the live services, and use the FM-TMC instead, with 11 minutes delay, 10-20 seconds "break up"
We need to simplify this a bit. Rather than using the RDS-TMC cable, why not just hook up to the dock with the regular adapter? You should have originally received a power cable without the RDS-TMC egg on it.
Hmm... we seem to have a disconnect here. I'm talking about the car dock.

The dock for the car takes a USB mini-B cable connection. As shipped, you should have received two cables. Both are hardwired to the cigarette lighter adapter, and both terminate in the mini-B USB connector. ONE of these cables contains the RDS-TMC egg, and the other does not.

I'm suggesting you bail on the RDS-TMC version and switch to the one without the 'egg'.
Oh that dock I thought you mean the home dock for PC
I don't recall there are 2 cables with it. As far as I remember, I only have one, which is with the FM-TMC built in
Worth double checking on your end. Mine came with both cables, and others have seen conflicts between RDS and HD traffic.

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