Urgent:TomTom ONE 140 IQ Routes- Map Does Not Work on this Device

Wow, so you don't know which map (full or 2GB) or version you're getting when you download from TT Home? That's not good.

So how do people choose which map they want?
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Latest map guarantee and the map subscription will always give you the exact same map you already have on your device. Since the 140 comes with USA/Can/Mex, you'll get USA/Can/Mex.

There were some reported complaints that Latest Map Guarantee doesn't give 840 yet (only 835) for certain models. If this happens to you, call up Tomtom and they can activate map 840 over the phone.
Lmg 8.40

The LMG is allowing the map v8.40 to be downloaded and installed, but like you said if for somereason 8.40 does not come through we can activate it for you, but we may need a reciept showing that the device is less than 30 days old.
Latest map guarantee and the map subscription will always give you the exact same map you already have on your device. Since the 140 comes with USA/Can/Mex, you'll get USA/Can/Mex.

There were some reported complaints that Latest Map Guarantee doesn't give 840 yet (only 835) for certain models. If this happens to you, call up Tomtom and they can activate map 840 over the phone.

OK...now I'm confused. I'll receive the TomTom today, so maybe once I have it things will be clearer. But, I thought, due to memory/storage problems that 140 and 340 owners have a choice of either the North America 2GM map or the full US/Mex/Can map. How was one able to get the 2GB version (which excludes either Mexico or Canada) if, as you say, they get the exact same map the unit came with? Did you have to call TomTom or something and download it direct and not via HOME?

I'm also asking because I want to be prepared and get it right once my 140s is delivered and ensure that I'm going to download the latest full map (US/Mexico/Canada and 7 mil POI). I want to make sure that I don't download the light 2GB with less POI.
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The 140 and 340 come preinstalled with the February maps (v825).

When the May (830) maps and the August (835) maps were released, Tomtom goofed and made them too big to fit on the devices because of all the really large computer/text-to-speech voices. We found pretty early that the maps would work if you removed every computer voice except for one (to save space) but Tomtom support wasn't telling that to owners initially.

Initially Tomtom support appeared overwhelmed and inconsistent, telling some owners to hold off on updating, and manually giving others North_America_2GB. But they eventually released more compressed maps of both 830 and 835 and have been telling owners to download them, so I doubt they're giving anyone North_America_2GB any more. Latest Map Guarantee never gave North_America_2GB.

The latest November models (340S LIVE, 530S, and 540S) now only ship with one computer voice, I'm not certain if the November map (840) fits on a 140S with multiple voices.

Bottom line: on your 140S, first go to "Manage my ONE" and remove all the computer voices except for one, then try your Latest Map Guarantee.

You can always remove/add computer voices for free (for models that support text-to-speech) via Tomtom HOME at any time.
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TomTom got it right this time as far as updating to the US/CAN/MEX 840 map for the 140S. No map deletion or other activity was required (unlike the 830 and 835 updates) and the favorites were retained.

However, the 840 update for US for our 125 did lose the favorites which was fixed by copying in the backup of the mapsettings.cfg file.
mvl, your explanation clear everything up. Now it all makes sense.

I guess I'll now have to decide which American English computer voice I like better and sounds clearer - the male or female. At least now I feel better prepared for what needs to be done when I get the 140s later on today. Thanks for all your tremendous help!
Follow up, I called TomTom this mornng and they added the 840.2568 map to my account for download. Thanks for the help. :)
Can you tell which version of map you gonna get before you decide to do the LMG?

LMG will give you the same map (in terms of geographic coverage) as what's preloaded on the device. You'll just get the latest version of it. Tomtom releases new maps every February, May, August, and November, and you can see here the specific latest map number that is currently available.
I just want to thank you guys and gals for all your help. You made it less painful and I pretty much knew what to expect, thanks to you.

I'll help clear things up regarding the map upgrade and LMG. Like mvl said, with the upgrade, you are in fact given the same full map (US/Mexico/Canada with the 7 million as what came with the unit. By the way, HOME does make it clear that it's the US/Mexico/Canada map, and when you click on "get more info" you are given the version number and description as well (i.e. 7 million POIs).

Luckily, mine was the new 8.40 version and I downloaded it. The upgrade went well - remember to delete TTS voices to play it safe. What didn't go as well was the 9.022 firmware upgrade that hung, leaving my Mac frozen and useless. There were 2 firmware upgrades available - the first went well. Not v9.022. I couldn't even force quit out of TT home nor eject the TT "internal" drive. I had no choice but to pull the USB out of my 140s.

My Mac was never in that state, where I couldn't do anything, which doesn't say much about Tom Tom and their buggy software (HOME), firmware and downloads. To make a long story short, I rebooted and deleted the half-installed firmware, tried again (like an idiot) and the computer froze and hung again.

Again I rebooted and just stuck with the 8.415 firmware upgrade. I'm just hoping I didn't corrupt any files in my new TomTom with those half-installs and pulling the USB out "unsafely." It seems to be working OK, but I sense that it had to damage or corrupt some file or files, something that might turn up later.

Anyway, thanks for the help. I hope I helped answer some questions. And beware of that 9.022 firmware upgrade. I'l probably call TomTom tech support and tell them my story tomorrow.
My TomTom 140S came with v825.2197 maps. Last night using TomTom Home with the latest map guarantee option I updated the maps and now have v835.2460 Why did it not upgrade to 8.40? :confused:

At least your's updated. I have the same version and it won't update due to insufficient memory. :mad:

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