The download went fine, but the update crashed during the install. There is no way of knowing if the file was corrupted, however.
Last night I removed the bad map from the device, and from Home, then tried to update the map; however, Home didn?t offer up the map. I called support this morning and they had me delete the contents of the "download" directory that Home uses. After doing that Home again offered the latest map. It appears that Home determines what updates you have by looking at the "download" directory. I'm about 60% into the install now, and it will take about three hours to install the last 40%.
The support person seemed confident that the map will install now that I removed the map from the device. Because I have the same problem every time I update the map from Home, I asked what the "proper" procedure was to upgrade the map. The agent said that I should remove the old map before installing the new map. It would be nice if they had instructions on how to do a "proper" map update. It would also be nice if Home would remove the old map before installing the new one.
I imagine that with the size of the map, and the limited amount of memory in the 140/340 series, that there is simply not enough memory to load a new map on top of an existing map. Most likely there are temp files created on the device during a map update, and once the memory if full the install crashes.
The support person also told me that they have had a lot of issues with the 140/340 series (and all of the One and XL devices). I hope TomTom get the bugs worked out before the Christmas selling season when everyone will use the LMG to get the latest map!
Thanks for the link on manually installing the maps. Maybe I'll go that route rather then using Home the when the next map is available.