18.623 is the Finetti level software, and already requires NDS maps.
Your existing map, as reported, is v Europe 45142 (2022.09), which is an NDS map.
So no, you're not involved with TomTom Classic (TTC) maps in any way.

2023.12.46313 is the most recent available at this time, but it's 5 quarters ahead of what you have now.
Ok we will try the download you recommended tomorrow.
This may sound stupid but if my map on this bridge is an NDS map how come it looks so different to my map on my other bridge. Not as much detail (3D, buildings and traffic colours are different etc) I've tried attempting a photo but can't as says file too large
Ok we will try the download you recommended tomorrow.
This may sound stupid but if my map on this bridge is an NDS map how come it looks so different to my map on my other bridge. Not as much detail (3D, buildings and traffic colours are different etc) I've tried attempting a photo but can't as says file too large
Let's be sure I've got them straight. Your device with maps 45142 (2022.09) is an NDS map based device. That's the one that you're having trouble updating, correct, per post #7? If so, the NDS file I pointed you to on the developer's site is correct.

I have no idea what firmware or maps you may have on your other, Webfleet, devices. Over time, map packages were offered with and without 3D buildings, for example. Also, you may will have somewhat different rendering engines on different devices if they have Classis vs. NDS firmware, which provide a different look to the display. I don't know what else you've got, so I'm just staying focused on the original problem for now.

That said, not sure why traffic colors would be different. Yellow/Orange/Red, and red/white for blocked roads, have been the standard for years on TT devices.
Yes that's correct. Will let you know how it goes 🤞thanks for all your help. It gets confusing at times 😕
występuje problem z mapami NDS i nowym oprogramowaniem

Wyznaczając trasę do Włoch, nie oblicza tras alternatywnych i nie ma możliwości umieszczenia na mapie tzw. „choinki”.
występuje problem z mapami NDS i nowym oprogramowaniem

Wyznaczając trasę do Włoch, nie oblicza tras alternatywnych i nie ma możliwości umieszczenia na mapie tzw. „choinki”.
Please communicate here in English as this is the format of this forum
, problem with Bridge NDS maps in the new firmware

Calculating a route to Italy does not calculate alternative routes and it is not possible to use the so-called "Christmas trees".
występuje problem z mapami NDS i nowym oprogramowaniem

Wyznaczając trasę do Włoch, nie oblicza tras alternatywnych i nie ma możliwości umieszczenia na mapie tzw. „choinki”.
I am unable to duplicate your problem because my three Bridge devices have only access to North America maps.

Perhaps we can work with any other European Bridge users here in the tomtomforums. I know that they come here occasionally.
Hello, I have updated maps with 46633 (2023.12)
But there is just Malkolm voice.
I downloaded other voices separately but how to update this?
Thank You
Last edited:
Hello, I have updated maps with 46633 (2023.12)
But there is just Malkolm voice.
I downloaded other voices separately but how to update this?
Thank You
All of the voices should have been part of the package. I am sorry that I am 'on the road' and cannot look at the file structure of a Bridge update to exactly recall the file name, but there is a file (human readable) in the update package that describes, file by file, the contents of the ttpkg map package that you received. It starts with the voices, and then goes on to itemize all of the map areas. It should be in the root of the update zip file if you downloaded it, or perhaps still in the root of your Bridge. It won't be huge, and it's easy to open/read.

If you can find that file and read it with your favorite text editor, you should see all of the supplied voices, and these would normally include several of them in different languages, but that's what we need to check.

How exactly did you download "other voices separately"?

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