I've followed the rest of the instructions and the only change is after disconnecting from home in the correct manner (icon bottom right of HOME) and switching off device and then back on there is no longer the reboot bar in the bottom of touch screen, it just gives TomTom logo and drum roll and then onto the screen with light blue background,device picture,disc picture and a red circle with a white cross?

When I updated the device Explorer opens and 1 file has returned there tthome.bif although Home tells me there is no updates available? I deleted this file in the beginning along with ttn file but that has not returned?
Is there anyway I can wipe everything from the device and download the firware\software as if it was a brand new device? Just like when it is being manufactured? I read about a flash drive tool on a separate thread? I'm thinking that TomTom Support were correct saying the device needed to go to them for repair :( Its looking like hammer time gents lol
Yesterday's post... so what happened after you connected to Home?
Did it say you needed new software in any pop-up windows?
Did you go to "update my device" and see what was offered?
Are you saying NOTHING was added to the root directory of the device except ttgo.bif.
If so, then no software has been added.

Today's post.... Yes, you can wipe the device and restore most things, but you'll need to get your MAPS from one of your own backups.
You cannot just re-download the original maps without buying them.
We can supply a link to download a copy of the operating system files manually, but we need to decide what software version you need.

Do you have any idea what version you were running?

The latest for the XL LIVE IQ Routes edition is v9.465 does that ring any bells?
No it did not say I needed new software it did automatically say update required (always does when I connect to HOME) so clicked OK and the only update it offered was Quick Fix? However I have already updated this and been offered it a couple of times before. It actually show quickfix2 on my backup?

My question from today.....

I was reading through one of the links today:-

(Old-style TomTom Acting Up? - Part 1 - First Steps In System R3.

Replacing the "MapSettings.cfg" file with a fresh copy:

• Connect your TomTom to the computer and switch it on.
• Run Windows Explorer aka "My Computer" (NOT Internet Explorer!) and find the TomTom as a new disk drive.
• Find your current map folder (called "North America, "Europe" "Western Europe", "US and Canada" or whatever) and look in it for the "MapSettings.cfg file.
• DELETE that file. Then use the icon in the system tray next to the clock to safely disconnect the TomTom from the PC, before physically unplugging it.
• The device will now create a new "fresh" copy of the file. You will lose your Home location and Favourites.ecovery)

and I was unable to locate the "MapSettings.cfg file? I have made 3 backups since I requested help with this issue and not 1 of them show this file? If I'm honest I have probably done something and deleted it although I can not remember ever deleting anything to do with maps and certainly not files(as instructed)

Unfortunaetly I do not know what version I am/was running and v9.465 does not ring any bells. Can I find this out by pressing on/off button on the device until screen with info appears?
I've just answered my own question You do not get the version number from pressing the on/off button :(

Here's another question (I know there have been many :)..). If I have messed up my maps can I copy from my trusty old TomTom ONE SD card and paste it to XL device? Sorry getting ahead of myself. I will stay on the current issue.
Thanks Arno

I would of probably messed that up 2 :) Or I get the feeling I might get in trouble with copywrite or something? taking from your big Noooooo lol
I have to say... if Home only offered you a Quickfix file it certainly doesn't sound like you have correctly deleted all the required files from the root of the device yet.

Can you confirm that you have deleted all the "loose files" on the TomTom itself? (i.e. the ones that were not inside a folder (and not any of the folders))
Here's what I get when I open Explorer and click on TOMTOM G:

ephem File Folder
Europe_1GB_West File Folder
maps File Folder
statdata File Folder
voices File Folder
zip File Folder
tthome.bif BIF File 1KB

Do I have to open all these Folders and delete anything that is not in a Folder also?
No, don't delete any folders or any files within them.

I'm still surprised Home is not offering you the replacement files. I guess we should check what version of Home you have...
It should be Home 2 version 2.9.5

I have an XL IQ routes myself and I have just deleted all the loose files from it and connected to Home and this is what happens:

1. As soon as I connect the device and run Home:


(click to see full size)

2. As soon as I click on "Update my device":


3. Once it has retrieved the info:


The first item is what we're interested in.
The tick-box for it is ticked and greyed out as it MUST be installed, we cannot deselect it.

Have one more go, then I'll PM you a link to the direct download for the system files.

Incidentally, you are missing a few folders, but I don't think there is anything vital you're missing.
Yes..... that's what I do, but I only get the quickfix update and not the one I really need.

Is there a link showing me how to check the version I've got or should have?

I will have a look on the tech support pages :)

I know this is dragging on for everyone helping me but I am very grateful guys and cant thank you enough :)
If you mean the version of Home 2 you have, then just go to the "Help" menu atthe top of the screen and select "About"

If you mean the version of Navcore you had, then if you've deleted all those files you shouldn't have ANY version any more, but as I said I think the latest version should be v9.465

I'm now just about to send you a PM (forum personal message system) with a link to download the main Navcore software directly
Andy_P you LEGEND:D

I have just downloaded the Navcore Software version for my device (v9.4650) via the link given to me by Andy_P

I then installed WinRAR (This program helps make extraction/copying of files very easy) even for me (computer novice).

Just to let anyone in the future know when I 1st installed WinRAR I just let it do its own thing and left all the boxes in the left column ticked, by doing this it made it confusing for me when I was trying to extract the Navcore Software. I will explain,

When I Installed WinRAR and tried to extract the Navcore software I had all my other downloads mixed in. There was music,videos you name it it was there. So I started again. This time when the WinRAR install page came on I only ticked the "cab" box (I was told it would appear as this type) and this made it more simple to extract the software files (51 in all and not hundreds like my 1st attempt) I then copied the one large file/archive I had been given by WinRAR and pasted it into my device via Explorer\Local Disc (G;)TOMTOM

Then I disconnected my device via the eject icon at the bottom right of Home page.

Then switched of my device via button on the top right (reboot bar visible for the 1st time on shut down since issue began)
Then switched it back on. Again reboot bar visible and normal start up carried out. Waited for GPS Signal and HEY PRESTO its alive and kicking again :D

I would like to say a massive thank you to all that who helped me with this issue dhn,Arno and especially Andy_P for whom without, I would never of been able to navigate through this. So again thank you all

Gotta say guys, bit nervous for next update with Tom Tom HOME as this is were it all started, but why should I worry there's a wealth of Tom Tom Device knowledge right here. THANK YOU :D:D:D
Andy_P you LEGEND:D

I would like to say a massive thank you to all that who helped me with this issue dhn,Arno and especially Andy_P for whom without, I would never of been able to navigate through this. So again thank you all.
I just poked my nose in here. The credit goes solely to our heavy duty moderators.

Now, pat yourself on the back for hanging in there and persevering.
You did extremely well.

I've been out for the evening and when got home and saw the next post from you, I was dreading opening it ! :lol:

Right.... All together now..... "MAKE A NEW BACKUP STRAIGHT AWAY USING WINDOWS EXPLORER (not Home)"

~~ Instructions here if required ~~

See I've learnt a hell of a lot from you guys........

I done a backup straight away:)

I'm also very proud to say I didn't even need instructions to do it but that is because its been done a few times over the last couple of days :lol::lol:

I've also connected to HOME today and updated an all is good in the hood

I'm getting in to this none oily Tech stuff, I've even set up my phone to my emails, :lol:

The worlds my oyster guys. Its got me thinking why oh why have I been lying under cars with stinking oil and dirt everywhere for the last 25yrs. :(

Nah I love my job, and there's not many who do it, who get to travel all over the world (mainly Euorpe) like I do.

Gents again thank you
Well Guys,

It looks like I was premature in thinking all was OK.

I never tried to put a route in to see if it would do its thing. Well now I have and unfortunately it wont work? I will explain as best I can :-

I can connect to Home and put a route into the device but I cant do it through the device alone.

If there is no route in the device (entered through HOME) it will allow me to enter my PIN (regretting putting this in) and finds GPS signal and shows correct current location. However when I touch the screen to enter a route the screen goes a little dimmer and then it freezes until it switches off and reboots. Again asking for PIN and so forth?

Now if I enter a route from HOME it all goes well, shows route and everything it should I think? Now when I disconnect device from Home and computer the device reboots puts new route in and requests PIN again. When I enter the PIN it then freezes on last digit pressed until again it semi shuts down and reboots and requests PIN yet again.

I was playing around with HOME through activate my device and everything seems to work correctly although not really had the XL long enough to be sure.

Do you think I may have the wrong Navcore installed? (v9.465)

Your thoughts and suggestions would be appreciated thanks
Here are my first thoughts...
Firstly, if the unit accepts the PIN you put in first of all, I'd see if you can find the way to REMOVE the need to enter one... I think it will just be it just complicating matters at this stage.
I can't give specific instructions on how to remove it as I've never set one on any of my units, but I'd guess it's in your start-up preferences or something like that.

Anyone else know how to do that?

Second, it might be worth removing JUST the "ttsystem" file from the XL and trying the previous trick of connecting to Home and seeing if it offers to reinstall the software.
The device will not make all the options (settings) available to me when or after I touch the screen.

When I touch the screen after I have entered the PIN it just freezes for 30 secs or so and then just restarts. I get the TomTom Logo (no drum roll) then the reboot bar,at the bottom of the screen with the device and disc visible also and then it shows the screen with my name and post/zip code and also requests PIN on the same page/screen if you know what I mean? This differs from when connected to HOME as I get screen with my name and post/zip code and continue option and when clicked I get the enter PIN screen.

I have just removed "ttsystem" and tried to update through HOME. No updates available, and when I disconnect from HOME/computer I get screen with flashing red circle and white cross?

I was looking through the thread and things I'd written down and I've noticed that when this all began I had a file/program called ephemeris were as now I dont but there is one called ephem (closest to it), could this be anything to do with this. I've also read somewhere on a different thread that I may have to install an earlier software so that the latest will install? Just racking my brain cell and I'm probably wrong but if you dont ask you never learn :)

Also I have looked through HOME on how to reset/delete need for PIN and I can only do it with the device disconnected from HOME/computer :(

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