Not sure yet? I have disconnected device from Home via the bottom right hand of home screen. Swithched off device with button at top of device and then switched it back on. Home is requesting update which I have clicked ok but the only update showing is QuickGPSfix????? Shall I update?
Well unfortunately its still not working properly? Now when I swithch the device on I get the drum roll and then a blue screen with a disc in the bottom left hand corner and a flashing red circle with a white cross?
I have had a quick attempt at this procedure? It says to delete the program folder from the download cache in drive (C:) home 3 its home 2 in my drive and I'm not really sure if I delete this or open it and delete parts of it? Please advise
I couldn't find the program folder via explorer so I looked on help option on Home?
There I found location in drive (c:) in program files,TomTom Home 2 and not 3 is this what I need to delete? There was also My TomTom 3 but is this not for more recent models(think I may have downloaded it by mistake) and so I can delete this also?
I have had a quick attempt at this procedure? It says to delete the program folder from the download cache in drive (C:) home 3 its home 2 in my drive and I'm not really sure if I delete this or open it and delete parts of it? Please advise

Sorry, there WAS a typo, thank you for spotting it. Quite a large one in fact, as I had pasted the Vista path for a DIFFERENT folder with a different use.

I've now corrected the text in those instructions for the paths for the downloads/program folder to:

Normally it is in "C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Downloads\complete\program" (for Windows XP) or C:\Users\username\Documents\TomTom\HOME\Downloads\complete\program (Windows 7 or Vista), but the path may be different on your machine).
Could someone with Windows 7/Vista (or Win8!) confirm for me that is now correct, please?

You may well have a folder on your PC called "Home2" but that is for the program itself and is NOT the one you want to deal with here.

If you have a folder called "Home3" then that will be from an installation of "MyTomTom". As you say, unless you have a newer TomTom model that uses MyTomTom, you do NOT need it and the entire "MyTomTom program can be un-installed.
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The only way I can get to Home2 is by this route:- Explorer/drive c:/Program Files/TomTom Home2 this is all done by opening/double clicking on the folders. When I double click on TomTom Home2 I get a number of folders?? ext2fs,Help Content,Resources,Translations,xul,xulrunner Then there are 3 files (TomTom Logo before file name) TomTom HOME.exe, TomTom HOMERunner.exe and TomTomHOMEService.exe. Is this where I should be and is it the three files mentioned I need to delete?
Please see my previous post. You do NOT want the Home2 folder.

You are looking for a set of nested folders that includes Home/downloads/complete/program
They are usually in you normal Documents path under "TomTom" and I believe for your operating system the full path should be:

IGNORE the Home program for now, just use Windows Explorer.
OK my apologies. I open explorer/Drive c:/Users then I do not get username folder I get:- Default/Public/UpdatusUser and Windows with a padlock on the folder icon? Its probably me but I double click on the folder Users is this correct?
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I think I've found it....... Explorer/Users/Windows/Documents/TomTom/Home/Download.Although when I double click on Download there are two folders;- Complete which contains the following subfolders :- ephemeris/map/voice and zipcode and a temp folder which contains nothing are these what I delete? Just want to make sure as this is all very confusing for me :-(
Can anyone tell me if or were I may be going wrong as I am unable to find "program" file in Download file? This is very frustrating :(
As Andy_P showed, 4 posts above:
C:\Users\username[the name under which you operate W7]\Documents\TomTom\HOME\Downloads\complete\program

If you do not have the 'program' folder there, click on the [+] to the left of the 'complete' folder and show us what you see there (exactly the way you see it, one below the next).
IT IS POSSIBLE that if you have NEVER downloaded any software via TomTom Home, then in ".......TomTom\HOME\Downloads\complete\" the FOLDER called "program" may not exist yet. It MAY only get created when the first download of software occurs.

But the whole point of the exercise is simply to delete any OLD downloads of software that MAY be in that folder, in order to force Home to download a fresh one.

If there are none, then just move onto the next step in the original instructions.
Sorry for late reply, I had to get away from this issue as I was on the verge of an MC Hammer moment with both my TomTom and computer? Namely a large 2lb lump hammer lol

I have followed all the advice I have been kindly given (big thanks to all) to the best of my ability's, but as mentioned in earlier posts they are VERY limited when it comes to computers and TOMTOM devices? I,m an old school grease monkey:)

Anyway here goes. I will try and explain as best I can......
I open Explorer then Users and this is were It becomes different from link and advice given kindly by Andy_P? I do not get the option/folder called username to open? I'm probably wrong here but this may be because I don't have to log on to my computer?Please correct me if I'm wrong. I have never set up a user account on it. Don't see the point as its just me and the wife and I'm a good boy lol. So with this I looked for the next folder in the chain, this being Documents this also is not there but My Documents is. So I then open My Documents folder which gives me the HOME folder. I open the HOME folder and get Download. Then I open the Download folder and get Complete folder..... Now when I open this I get these folders from top to bottom ephemeris\map\voice\zipcode so four folders in total but no program folder??????

So this is the path I take Explorer\LocalDiscC;\Users\Windows\My Documents\TomTom\HOME\Download\Complete

Also I don't have a[+] to the left of Complete Folder?

I hope I have explained well enough for you all (my heads spinning lol)
Sorry missed your post Andy_P as I was typing?

So If you look at my last post namely the 4 folders in complete folder I can delete these and this will force HOME to download fresh one?
That's all making sense now - I guess we hadn't thought of computers where user accounts had never been set up. Well done for finding the correct set of folders.

There is NO NEED to delete those four folders, they are for other things you have downloaded (or may download in the future) using TomTom Home.

But the whole point of the exercise is simply to delete any OLD downloads of software that MAY be in that folder, in order to force Home to download a fresh one.

So, as there is no program folder, go ahead and follow the rest of the instructions

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