Tomtom Web Site

I see on your post in the other thread that Tomtom is now aware of this problem? Hopefully they can resolve this soon so I don't have to "spoof" my IP just to get to their site.

They're aware, but say that it is out of their hands. I used Tor to access the TomTom site, but I still can't get Home to work. I selected "Manual Proxy Configuration." Set the proxy to "localhost" on port "8118" but still get the "No Internet Connection" message. Tor is running... Any idea what could be going on? Thanks.

Website Down

I have not been able to get to for 2 days. Tried everything to get something. Got into their commercial routing site which had a link to that link did not work either although the commercial site worked for most tabs.

They are going to lose a lot of business this xmas season. Got my 510 as a gift and it worked fine except says I need to that is impossible. Makes you want to give it away and go buy a nuvi...but I'll check their website first to see if I can get support
I just got off the phone with Tom Tom, the reply I got from them is that it is a traffic issue, to many people on the site.

One thing very interesting

On Verison DSL with a wireless router

comupter 1, wired into router, will not contect to Tom Tom, however when I activate my VPN and go to my company server then to Tom Tom, I get in and get in fast (no video, that is blocked) and I can navigate around.

Computer 2, wireless to same router, no VPN, will not contect to the site, this is also the computer that has Tom Tom home on it and it will not work either, can not even get Quick fix.

On a side note, when I conect my 720 to my phone (verizon and a treo 700wx) and navigate to plus services and select quick fix, it downloads no problem.

why am i being blocked from the site, is there anything that i can re-set Internect Explorer? Tom Tom support did not nor were they willing to help.
Its not a traffic issue I have tried everything... I cant get on there site...And can from everyone i know that dont have charter...I want to update and cant.... iam so freekin annoyed...
Got a reply from tom tom support

Oh this is a good one. Oxymorons galore. I sent them an email to ask how to get to their site. See the reply below. They don't address the problem and says they can not reply to my message because they don't use the email address I sent the orginial inquiry. :confused:

From TomTom Support <[email protected]> Block Sender | Block Domain
Date 2007/11/28 Wed AM 11:12:56 EST
To berle
Subject [Incident:]

Dear Customer,

Thank you for your email. Due to extensive changes in our support systems, we are no longer monitoring this email box, and are therefore unable to respond to this message. :eek:

Please go to our website . We have redesigned this site to make it easier for you to find answers to your questions about our products. If you cannot find what you are looking for, you will also be able to contact us with a request for information or for support.

With best regards,

TomTom BV


Geachte klant,

Bedankt voor uw e-mail. Als gevolg van de omvangrijke veranderingen in ons ondersteuningssysteem gebruiken wij deze e-mail box niet meer. Wij zijn daardoor niet in staat uw e-mail te beantwoorden.

Gaat u daarom naar onze website op . Wij hebben deze site geheel vernieuwd zodat u de antwoorden op uw vragen omtrent onze producten makkelijker kunt vinden. Indien u niet kunt vinden wat u zoekt, kunt u dan ook contact met ons opnemen voor informatie of ondersteuning.

Met vriendelijke groet

TomTom BV


Cher Client,

Merci pour votre courrier ?lectronique. En raison d'importants changements de nos syst?mes de support, nous n'utilisons plus actuellement cette bo?te de r?ception d'email, nous sommes donc dans l'impossibilit? de r?pondre ? ce courrier.

Veuillez, s'il-vous-plait, visiter notre nouveau site de support sur internet ? l'adresse suivante: Nous avons con?u ce site afin de vous faciliter la recherche de r?ponses ? toutes vos questions sur nos produits. Si vous ne pouvez pas trouver ce que vous recherchez, vous aurez aussi la possibilit? de nous contacter pour toutes vos demandes d'informations.

Tr?s cordialement,

TomTom BV


Sehr geehrter Kunde,

Vielen Dank f?r Ihre Email. Auf Grund gr??erer ?nderungen unseres Support-Systems werden Emails, welche an diese Adresse gesendet werden nicht mehr von uns bearbeitet.

Bitte besuchen Sie in Zukunft unsere Webseite . Um Ihnen die Suche nach Antworten bez?glich unserer Produkte zu erleichtern, haben wir diese Seite weiter umgestaltet. Sollten Sie unter "Support" keine Antwort auf Ihre Frage finden, haben Sie die M?glichkeit uns ?ber eine Informations- bzw. Support-Anfrage kontaktieren.

Mit freundlichen Gr??en,

TomTom B.V.
I have been on the phone since 9:00 am EST with Tom Tom, they now say it is a problem with Verizon Blocking. it is now 12:00 EST and i am on hold with Versizon, who by the way says they do not block sites.
It is now 12:51 PM EST and I have been moved by Verizon support to premium support to which I have to pay. However someone has to get to the bottom of this. I will keep all posted
Well if you know someone with aol you could DL it and go on there screen name as a guest... tomtom works fine on aol
Well it is now 2:20PM EST. Many different things were tried, to no avail. the last thing tried was a power off and reset of the modem, and it re-aquaired new IPS address, and it work, can now access Tom Tom
TT Techs + Charter Techs = They all need new jobs So finally iam on tt via aol BUT when trying to download anything it says iam not connected to the internet.. I tried the first 2 settings nothing ,but setting the manual proxy... i think thats the prob i have no idea how to do it. tt has no idea lol Its only there program
Last edited:
TT Techs + Charter Techs = They all need new jobs So finally iam on tt via aol BUT when trying to download anything it says iam not connected to the internet.. I tried the first 2 settings nothing ,but setting the manual proxy... i think thats the prob i have no idea how to do it. tt has no idea lol Its only there program

Try powering down the modem and or router. Wait about 15 min, then power them up. First the Modem, then if you have it the router. at each stage wait for all your staus lights to appear, before you do the next step. This will force the unit to aquire a new IP address, that might just do it.
Done it already turned it of for a hour no go then all night..still same ip never changed... charter said only way to get a new ip would to cancel my account then start a new one...
Yep, I went through the same steps as ctxx24 with Charter support on the phone. They supposedly even went as far as canceling my account and reassigning it. Unfortunately, even that did not change my IP address. Not only did it still begin with, all of the numbers stayed the same.

Finally I was told that it was out of their hands and that I would have to wait for the DHCP to change my address which could take up to 24 hours. That was three days ago, and I still have the same IP and cannot access without a proxy.

I finally used to access the site but it does not let you login unless you get their suscription. My Son-inlaw told me to do the following:

"Make sure you add the Tom Tom site as a trusted site.
Also, that site may be attempting to execute either
Javascript or Active X code. So you may want to
enable Active X and Javascript to test this. IF it
works, add the required settings to your "Trusted
Sites" and then be sure that Tom Tom is trusted."

I'm still working on these instructions as I'm not a network or IT guy. Everything I read previously on this site I've experienced or tried. Verzion gave up after I allowed them access to my computer and reset my settings....says it's my computer??? I was on the phone with TT for twenty minutes they logged the issues I presented but said too many people are login and thats the problem..yea right. I'm going to try wireless connection at a starbucks or something to see if that network blocks this web that don't work I just blow up my computer and tomtom together.
I hear ya Berle i have almost gave up. I can now get to threw a aol connection but i still cant connect my tom tom for updates. cause it says im not connected to the one at tt can help me..get this they say they cant help me because its not there fault i cant connect to the internet..... LOL YELLING iam connected to the internet just cant get on your site...
Website Issue Fixed!

It appears that TomTom support has come through and resolved the issue of some people not being able to access their site. I received a very knowledgeable response from TT Support yesterday acknowledging the issue and reporting that they have identified the cause. Since the problem was not with TomTom, they were working with one of the handlers of the internet traffic coming into their site to resolve the problem. I did not expect it this quickly, but I have now successfully logged on to the website and finally have Home working correctly. If you were previously having issues because your IP was being blocked, you may want to try again today to see if you are also able to get through.

Thank you TomTom for addressing this issue and implementing the fix.

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