Tomtom Web Site

Tom's Site Saga

OK, I've rebooted my Linksys router, hub, computer (Mac), still no go. I'm at home using Verizon's FIOS internet connection. If most of you can see the TomTom site I'm guessing it has something to do with the router. I'll look for new firmware for it and see if that helps. Let me know if anyone finds a solution.
Site Problem Fixed

The folks at my ISP (Verizon FIOS) helped me. They said their are occasional changes in the Verizon network that require updated firmware in some routers. They had me install a new driver/firmware into my router. Problem fixed. Thanks for the all the help here. Whew!, jmc
Well I just purchased the TomTom One LE from BB today and haven't been able to access for the past 3-4 days (was researching GPS' the past few days). I do know that I had been able to access a few days earlier.

I am also on FIOS and am perplexed as to why I can't get to this one site. Per the poster above, I updated the firmware on my Actiontec FIOS router, but still no go. I've switched to DNS servers from and still can't get to the site.

C:\>ipconfig /flushdns

Windows IP Configuration

Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.


Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms
2 6 ms 7 ms 7 ms [72.83.118.
3 7 ms 7 ms 6 ms [
4 8 ms 7 ms 7 ms
5 11 ms 9 ms 11 ms []
6 12 ms 9 ms 12 ms []
7 13 ms 11 ms 11 ms []
8 * 12 ms 12 ms []
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 * * * Request timed out.
11 * * * Request timed out.
12 * * * Request timed out.
13 *
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I also just purchased the ONE LE today from Best Buy and have had no luck accessing the tomtom website or getting TomTom Home to install.

I am using Charter Cable Internet and do not have problems with any other websites. I have ruled out my router as being the issue since I disconnected it from my computer and ran the cable internet directly from the modem to my main computer. I just keep getting a "The server at is taking too long to respond." message everytime I try.

I am having this problem with 3 computers on my home network, 2 computers at my parents house, and was also not able to access from work on Wednesday when I was researching GPS systems. What is it about this site that could cause this issue? It can't be happening to just a handful of people when I get the same issue on 6 computers running on 3 different networks.

On the other hand, so far I absolutely love this unit and am amazed at what a bargain this appears to be. I am now eager to update via the web and TomTom Home so I can really explore the features.

I attempted to call TomTom support at the number provided a few posts ago, but unfortunately their support line closes at 7:00 pm EST. Any help fixing this issue would be greatly appreciated.

B A Doe
I have just spent the last few hours attempting to fix this issue. Unfortunately I am still not able to access

The first call to TT support resulted in being told that it must be an issue with my internet provider.

I called Charter and worked the issue with them for over an hour. They could get to the TT site on their computer, but were not able to ping the site. I still cannot access the site. I also called my relatives who have Charter Internet. They cannot access either. However, my friend who has Comcast, can get to it fine. After the hour of tweaking, removing the router, attempting to ping, etc., a supervisor stated that TomTom must be blocking Charter users. I was told to contact TT once again and ask them to stop blocking Charter customers. As ridiculous as this sounded, I called TT back.

After speaking to another friendly support person and being placed on hold for several minutes while she attempted to find a fix, I was ultimately told that it is not a TT issue on their end. I mentioned that I have read that others are having the same issue, but she stated that they are not aware of anyone else having problems. I am to call Charter back up and have them fix it.

I guess I will attempt that again in a little while. If you are having these same problems, please call TomTom and make them aware of it and report back what you are told. It may not be a TT issue, but I just find it odd that it only happens with their site. Any suggestions and helpful tips are very welcome. I am looking forward to putting this issue behind me. If I find a fix, I will report back.
I have just spent the last few hours attempting to fix this issue. Unfortunately I am still not able to access

The first call to TT support resulted in being told that it must be an issue with my internet provider.

I called Charter and worked the issue with them for over an hour. They could get to the TT site on their computer, but were not able to ping the site. I still cannot access the site. I also called my relatives who have Charter Internet. They cannot access either. However, my friend who has Comcast, can get to it fine. After the hour of tweaking, removing the router, attempting to ping, etc., a supervisor stated that TomTom must be blocking Charter users. I was told to contact TT once again and ask them to stop blocking Charter customers. As ridiculous as this sounded, I called TT back.

After speaking to another friendly support person and being placed on hold for several minutes while she attempted to find a fix, I was ultimately told that it is not a TT issue on their end. I mentioned that I have read that others are having the same issue, but she stated that they are not aware of anyone else having problems. I am to call Charter back up and have them fix it.

I guess I will attempt that again in a little while. If you are having these same problems, please call TomTom and make them aware of it and report back what you are told. It may not be a TT issue, but I just find it odd that it only happens with their site. Any suggestions and helpful tips are very welcome. I am looking forward to putting this issue behind me. If I find a fix, I will report back.

Yeah I called Tomtom support this morning as well and mentioned that I could not access their site along with others and the support person was not aware of this being an issue. I know a fair bit about computers but not enough to translate why my tracert stops at a certain server. Could it be that Tomtom is blocking those certain servers?

Unfortunately I had to call Tomtom for a second reason, in that my new GPS unit cannot even see the satellites. THe support person said that I would need to "uninstall the application" and "reinstall it" I guess from their website. Then she goes on and says the website is down and should be up on MOnday? What website is she talking about? Why would such a site be down for everybody for an extended period of time? I was just hoping their website was down to fix the problems of certain users not being able to access it, but she had no idea why.
I have a le on the way and found this site. i have charter and i cannot get on there page. hmmm
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one, sad to say. Hopefully those of us who can't get to make enough noise for them to do something about it.
I did a 'whois' on and sent an email to their admin and to (e-mail address removed):

to	[email protected],
[email protected],
date	Nov 24, 2007 3:21 PM
subject not accessible from many locations
hide details 3:21 PM (6 minutes ago)
To whom it may concern,

I have not been able to access from my FIOS (ISP) connection for 3-4 days.  I have also discovered that several other people on FIOS and Charter Cable have not been able to access your site.  This is pretty frustrating as we need to access your site to get updates.  Please help resolve.

For further information, please refer to:


I received the following back from TomTom support within a few minutes:

from	TomTom Support <[email protected]>
reply-to	TomTom Support <[email protected]>,
to     [email protected],
date	Nov 24, 2007 3:26 PM
subject	Assistance Request Denied
hide details 3:26 PM (2 minutes ago)
Your request for assistance cannot be accepted because your email address is not registered with an existing account.

LOL. Of course my email is not registered, coz I can't get to their damn site!
I just spent another half hour working on this issue with Charter. I explained to him the issues we were seeing and stated that it was repeatable with all the Charter customers I talked to today (4 different families) and some FIOS users as reported here. I also mentioned that the other people I called today who have different ISP's can access the TT site with no problem.

He had me once again attempt to ping with no success. He also tried and received the "Request timed out." message. I then ran a tracert and began receiving the "Request timed out." message after around 11 hops. Once again, he attempted the tracert and also received the error message. Because of this, he had me paste the results of both tests into an email and send it to a level 2 support person with a cc to him. He stated that it may take up to 24 hours, but that the level 2 person should be able to identify and hopefully fix the issue. I at least felt like we were making progress after that call.

Once I hung up, I tried calling TomTom support. Unfortunately they are now closed until Monday morning.

I will report back once I have more information. I may also try to email (e-mail address removed), but it looks like I will probably receive the same rejection that ASHAN did since I have never been able to get on the site to register.
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Id love to know.... i have talked to 3 charter techs today if you call them that...all they can say is its tt.
Well I got sick of waiting so I am now using Tor ( to block my IP from so I can access it. I was able to download TomTom HOME and configure it to use Tor so that the HOME software could also access their servers. It wasn't all that complicated to set up. I'm currently downloading the updated Application via HOME though its taking forever to download. Not sure if its Tor that's slowing it down or just general slowness from Tomtom, who's servers are in The Netherlands.
I got tor just now still not working for me. Did you have to do anything?

Did you get the firefox plugin installed? If you're using IE, you have to manually update your proxy to localhost:8118. When you download Tomtom HOME, you will also have to go into HOME's preferences menu and set the proxy to localhost:8118 also.
Tom's Site Saga

Guys, I'm not a computer guru so I can't help very much. I called Verizon's FIOS support line and got a fix, basically resetting my router and renewing my DHCP address, after they made a network change.

I would call your ISP and ask them if they can see the TT site from their desk. If they can see it then it is their problem and they should be able to fix it.

Otherwise buy a Garmin! Their software must work better than TT's "Home" application!

Good luck to all!

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