tomtom turns on by itself?

I assume this is happening to every TomTom GPS and the most people don't notice it because they keep it plugged into the car's DC power. I went to use my TomTom One again today and like the other times it's completely drained! :( Please fix this!!! This is my first TomTom GPS and if they don't address and fix this major bug it will be the last TomTom product I ever buy or recommend. Please think of the people who don't keep it plugged in 24/7. The people who use it for biking, walking, etc... It's not fair to us customers to ignore and pretend it's not a major problem. If it's unfixable I would like a refund. Since getting this for Xmas, I have only been able to use it once without it dying on me.

Mine does this once in awhile also, but I also notice even if this doesn't occur that if it sits for any length of time the battery will just run down, I just make a habit of plugging it in at least once a week to check out TT Home then leave it plugged into the computer after I'm done to charge the battery, it doesn't bother me at all as I only use it in my car or on the motorcycle and then it is plugged in anyhow..........
Mine does this once in awhile also, but I also notice even if this doesn't occur that if it sits for any length of time the battery will just run down, I just make a habit of plugging it in at least once a week to check out TT Home then leave it plugged into the computer after I'm done to charge the battery, it doesn't bother me at all as I only use it in my car or on the motorcycle and then it is plugged in anyhow..........

Yeah, plugging it into your computer's USB will charge the battery, but I have a laptop and I'm not going to leave this dangling from the side of my laptop just to "fix" their bug. That will also kill the life of your tomtom by the way. I think it has about 500 recharges and each time you plug it in that takes away part of the battery's life.

I wish they would just fix this already. Their customer service doesn't even reply to me.
I have a 920, and this just started doing so yesterday. It had app 8.300 and it had never done so before.

I also updated the app to 8.302 (operate my computer works ok now), and did the map subscription (nothing to do with it of course). After doing the map upgrade, it started tunting on constantly. Pin reset made no difference, but for now - clear_flash did.

Note - I had done a reset and clear_flash just before doing the map upgrade.

Since it had never done so before and app 8.30 had been up for months with no changes, I am wondering if this is in fact a hardware issue.
I was told a story awhile back about the "phantom" turn-ons. As the story was told, TomTom support did not believe it was a real issue. . . until an employee came in one morning and found an entire box full of 930's up and running. He initially thought someone was playing a practical joke.

But I can confirm my 930 has done this since new, back last July. IMHO, it's a hardware issue, but obviously no way to know for sure.
I think this problem cropped up with a firmware update about 6 or 8 months ago. Don't remember what version it was, but I remember someone pointing out that with that update, it changed how long you had to hold down the on/off switch to get it to turn on. The TomTom units turned on more quickly... not the usual 2 - 3 seconds.

This is just my opinion of course and seemed to coincide with the complaints of 'auto turn on'.
I think this problem cropped up with a firmware update

Your correct, the last perfect running Navcore was 8.002.

My 930 came with this version from the factory.

NEVER any problems when using 8.002, I would still be using it if it would work with the maps newer than 810.

I bought the 930 when they first hit the local stores ( May of 2008 ). Navcore 8.010 was released around June of 2008.

This means TT has had around 9 months to fix this problem.
A possible reason and fix.

I noticed on my 920 that the SDHC had gotten what looked like the old 8.300 application on it. I had only put the European map on it when I first set it up.

I had upgraded to 8.302 on the internal memory yesterday, but 8.300 was still on the card. I then deleted everything on the card and once again copied over only the European Map. It shows up and opens OK when "Managing Maps", so will try to keep the card clean.

Since I did that (clear_flashed to get ride of any junk in memory), I have not had it start-up by itself. It had really gotten out of hand before I did this. I will post an update in a day or two and let you all know if it is still OK or if it is back to square one.
If anyone can figure it out, GAW, it would be you!

The hopes and prayers of two nations of TT users are pulling for you ......:D

(have I put a bit of pressure on you??)
If anyone can figure it out, GAW, it would be you!

The hopes and prayers of two nations of TT users are pulling for you ......:D

(have I put a bit of pressure on you??)

I was not shooting so high - i would have been glad to have only helped one (Canada of course).

Well, it was OK for a while, then it occurred again (once so far). Since then, I have tried holding down the off button until the screen goes black (a few seconds) - never had to do that before. So far again - it has not turned itself back on. Will update again.

Update - 3 days latter - it has not turned itself on again. maybe I scared it when I threatened to put it on the floor and let the Roomba eat it.
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my tomtom one also turn it on by itself and can never be turned off after I update the newest version of TomTom. The worst is that now, my TomTom won't workany more. it only showed the screen of the device information. It goes nowhere. cannot turn it off until the battery is done.

I reset it and it comes back to the same device info screen. My TomTom is done ? :mad:
Do you have a backup (hopefully in Explorer?).

If so, you can reformat the internal storage of the unit and copy back the backup. Try that.
Unacceptable problem

I never leave a route active. I never leave my one 3rd on when not in use. It is always plugged in and suctioned to the windshield except when being updated.

The first time, I thought someone had gotten in the car and was scared off when trying to remove the device... I had inadvertently left the car unlocked.

After the umpteenth time the device displayed the "self power on malfunction", I realized it's an issue with the device. Sad to see a company that can't deliver US traffic camera locations to it's customer base due to so called "legal issues" while the competition has done so without "issue" is also unable to resolve a device "issue".

My next GPS will likely not be a TomTom, for sure. :mad:
I'm pretty sure this has been suggested before...

You could do a 'pin reset' (with paper clip) after you turn off your TomTom. Doing this really turns the unit off. Then your unit shouldn't turn on by itself. Although I don't have this problem because I'm still running ver. 7 firmware, I do this as a habit so the battery doesn't run down when putting my TomTom away for a week or so. It does take a bit longer to boot up when you do turn it on... and you have to reset the clock. That's no big deal though. After finding satellites, go and tap 'sync' and the clock is set.

Just a suggestion.

-- edit to add --

Noticed that I don't have to set the clock after cold boot. It resets itself after it finds enough satellites. Turning the unit off completely by doing a pin reset really saves my battery.
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That doesn't sound like much of a solution.

I appreciate the help, it's only an annoyance for me, as I leave it plugged in anyways.

I'm just a bit surprised TT hasn't really identified this as an issue, and released a solution.

I may have also found a solution to keep it from turning on:

1. Find a hammer and a hard, flat surface.
2. Place TT on flat, hard surface.
3. Wearing safety glasses, grab hammer in hand.
4. Strike TT repeatedly.

This will undoubtedly keep the errant hardware from malfunctioning.... it's a permanent, definite FIX.

Jonny accepts absolutely NO responsibility for anyone attempting this fix. :D
Poweroff stopped auto turn-on

I tried every solution, clear flash, software update, clear destination, etc. Nothing worked. Then I tried the one suggestion I knew had no hope: Placing an empty notepad text file in the root, naming it "poweroff", and deleting the txt extension. This was after clearing flash, and updating software, which by themselves, had no effect.

I've waited a week, and my every day, every trip curse is gone, and has not returned! So, it's worth a try.
Happens to me too, but no biggie...

I'm like Jonny, (Well maybe not exactly, but he seems like a hOOt!) :D

I leave my One XLS plugged into one of the PC USB ports all of the time, or the same in the car. I have yet to see it kick on in the car, after a day of fishing (since it guides me to many fishing ramps), but it kicks on a LOT at home.

I just figured it was a voltage spike, or someone was hacking into my PC and searching all hard drives, since the TomTom is like an external HD, when plugged in...If they want my identity or to know where I have been driving, let them have isn't that glamorous. :D

If it happens in the car, after I get back from a day on the lake, or try it at work, and it kicks on...I might try that notepad trick.

I haven't messed with the root and system files for ages, since it's been fairly stable with GPS quickfixes and mapshare updates. Whew! If it ain't broke, don't update it, because TomTom or Home will break it. :D
I'm like Jonny, (Well maybe not exactly, but he seems like a hOOt!) :D

I leave my One XLS plugged into one of the PC USB ports all of the time, or the same in the car. I have yet to see it kick on in the car, after a day of fishing (since it guides me to many fishing ramps), but it kicks on a LOT at home.

I just figured it was a voltage spike, or someone was hacking into my PC and searching all hard drives, since the TomTom is like an external HD, when plugged in...If they want my identity or to know where I have been driving, let them have isn't that glamorous. :D

Maybe the hackers are trying to find your secret fishing spots!!
My One XLS turned on by itself only twice but both times were in the same general area - very close to a private airport. I started wondering if there was some radio signal that was setting it to turn on. It is very unnerving to be driving and start to hear someone talking when no one is in the car but you.
Same problem...

I just read the whole thread and I just want to add that I am having the same problem as others here: The TomTom turns itself on every now and then. (about once per week)

TomTom officials, please get a fix out or I will return it for a money refund or a new unit...

Have a TomTom One XL v3. Bought in Sweden.

I am not going to reset or create custom "pleasework" files in the TomTom unless instructed so by a TomTom official... Thank you very much...
I just read the whole thread and I just want to add that I am having the same problem as others here: The TomTom turns itself on every now and then. (about once per week)

TomTom officials, please get a fix out or I will return it for a money refund or a new unit...

Have a TomTom One XL v3. Bought in Sweden.

I am not going to reset or create custom "pleasework" files in the TomTom unless instructed so by a TomTom official... Thank you very much...

You may as well return it.

I say this because they haven't fixed this problem in over a year.

My 930 originally came with navcore 8.002 and with 8.002 I never had the problem.

But 8.002 was many versions ago as we are now up to navcore 8.351 and still no fix.

Yes 8.351 still powers up by itself !

And if we want to use the newer maps we can't use the older navcore versions, so rollback isn't an option.

As for the " poweroff " file....this does NOT work !

It may have worked long ago on some of the old units and old navcore versions but not any more !
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