tomtom turns on by itself?

xl 330 s automatically turns on

I have a xl 330 s and it automatically turns on as well. This sucks! Is there any way to have it automatically turn off after not being used for a set amount of time?:mad: :eek:
using wordpad create a blank text file and save it as poweroff.txt (save as .txt document). Then using a file manager rename it to poweroff (remove the .txt suffix)

save this and place in the root of your tomtom. it will stop the repeating poweron/poweroff issues.

don't ask me how or why, it just works.
My 720 does the same thing. I just applied this "fix" but haven't had time to test it yet.

One thing I did notice immediately is that before the poweroff file, when starting up, after I answered "no" to "connect to computer", I would get the "I Agree" prompt (to operate safely when driving, etc.). Now, with the poweroff file, I don't get that anymore.

Another thing I've found is that whenever my 720 turns on by itself (after turning off via loss of power, as configured) is that when I find it mysteriously turned back on, it is always sitting at this "I Agree" screen. So... I really hope this fixed it.

Edit: Well, it's 5 days later (now 1/22/09) and, so far, after making this "poweroff" file, my 720 has not powred on by itself. Luck? I dunno... Seems like it worked, but... needs a longer test I guess.

Edit again! 1/23/09 - got the "I agree" screen again today after unexpected turn-on. Back to the drawing board. I guess TT is going to have to fix this for us.

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Looks like this is becoming a common problem.
Does it only happen on Firmware 8.x?
I have v 7.162

I have found my TT 1 LE on at the I AGREE screen a few times, but I am not sure it is because of this problem. I attributed it to a bug in EventLogger. I thought it was doing a REBOOT instad of a SUSPEND when I hit the button and I hadn't noticed if it finished shut down.

I wonder if hany one has tracked the version that people are having this issue on so TomTom SW people can get to work on a fix.
using wordpad create a blank text file and save it as poweroff.txt (save as .txt document). Then using a file manager rename it to poweroff (remove the .txt suffix)

save this and place in the root of your tomtom. it will stop the repeating poweron/poweroff issues.

don't ask me how or why, it just works.

Shame on you for spreading rumors. Where did you hear about this? I bet you either made this up or heard it as a rumor from someone else. Nothing official on this, and the Tomtom One (any edition) does not read or check for this file.

Preferences-->Battery Savings. Turn off when external power lost.

This is a valid solution to try. I know that my Tomtom is not set to turn off when its external power is lost (ie: from car charger or USB cable). The default setting must be to stay powered on regardless of external power status. I bet the hardware and/or firmware that uses this setting is buggy for its detection of external voltage.

I'll have to try this and report back whether it helped with my Tomtom or not.

Thanks, dhn!
Shame on you for spreading rumors. Where did you hear about this? I bet you either made this up or heard it as a rumor from someone else. Nothing official on this, and the Tomtom One (any edition) does not read or check for this file.

This is a valid solution to try. I know that my Tomtom is not set to turn off when its external power is lost (ie: from car charger or USB cable). The default setting must be to stay powered on regardless of external power status. I bet the hardware and/or firmware that uses this setting is buggy for its detection of external voltage.

I'll have to try this and report back whether it helped with my Tomtom or not.

Thanks, dhn!
Mine has been set like this 100 percent of the time when I've experienced this problem.

Also... just because a fix is not listed as official, means nothing.

Shame on you for spreading rumors. Where did you hear about this? I bet you either made this up or heard it as a rumor from someone else. Nothing official on this, and the Tomtom One (any edition) does not read or check for this file.

shame on you for not believing it. there are many many things about the tomtom not on their web site. The cumulative knowledge of users on this site beats the heck out of anything you can get from tomtom support. You'll soon see that the first time you have a problem and call for help.
I have a 130 and it did it yesterday. I also had the same model that I got for Christmas but took back because it didn't work correctly, and it did this once also, and I only had it a couple of weeks. This is pretty unacceptable. How hard is it to make an electronics device that stays off?
Yep my TT OneXL just did it again this past week, this is probably the 3rd time in 3 months, I had done the turn off when pwr is lost but it still did it.
no biggie for me, I sometimes use this as a nite lite in the house......:D
Are you running the latest application version 8.010 ?

If so, that may be your problem.

My 930 acted up AFTER updating from 8.002 to 8.010 !

I reinstalled my original application and my 930 runs perfect !

PSJ aka Marc


I've got a TomTom One 3rd Edition, and updated it to 8.010 - then after that, twice, found it had turned itself on (and I did NOT have any routes active). I contacted TomTom support who told me to run the Clear Flash Tool. Not sure whether that will fix the problem, nor whether it may return (since I don't know exactly what was causing it).
I've got a TomTom One 3rd Edition, and updated it to 8.010 - then after that, twice, found it had turned itself on (and I did NOT have any routes active). I contacted TomTom support who told me to run the Clear Flash Tool. Not sure whether that will fix the problem, nor whether it may return (since I don't know exactly what was causing it).

clear_flash may help for a short time. but expect the problem to return.

many of us hoping tomtom will release a fix before to much longer.
My Tom Tom ONE keeps turning on also.. I assume this happens with ALL Tom Toms!

It looks to be a big problem TomTom has on it's hands as they keep denying it even exists and provides no fix for it.
I have updated to Navigator 8.014 on my ONE and still have the random power ups.

There is no way this is accidentally being turned on either as I keep it suctioned on my mirror in my bedroom. It doesn't make any sounds when it turns on. Maybe because it isn't within satellite range. It's done this about 8 times since Christmas (it was a gift). A few times it's done it in the middle of the night and lights up the bedroom. It wouldn't be that big a deal if it were to turn itself off right away, but it stays on until the battery dies!

This is a big pain in the &%#$ since I thought it was fully charged an brought it with me for a trip only to have it die on me right away. I really hope TomTom can swallow their pride and admit they had a serious bug going on here.


I'm betting a lot of people have this problem and not even realize it. I'm sure a large percentage of people keep their GPS mounted in the car, connected to the car power adapter. Or perhaps they just assume it doesn't hold much of a charge. Either way... the rest of us have to deal with it. :(
We have both a 920 and 930. Both of them spontaneously cut themselves on since we first got them. It had become extremely annoying. However since the 8.3 software update neither unit has done this even once. So for us that was the cure. The clear flash tool would work for a few days but the issue would always return until the new software.
Has anyone fixed this yet?

Has Tom Tom admitted to knowing about this yet or do they continue to blame it on everything else?
Mine too

As I am reading throught this forum and the replies from moderators and supposed experts. It sounds like many don't want to admit that there is a problem. :mad: I just recieved my Tomtom ONE for Christmas, and it has turned on in the middle of the night at least 3 times. It just happened again a few moments ago thus my internet search for others who may have been experiencing this problem. I just hope my posting something here may help understand that this is a real problem that needs attention. But I am glad I am not alone. :eek:It is spooky to wake up and find that your name and address is all of a sudden lit up like you are trying to be told something...
I'm unclear as to why you might imply moderators here deny that there is a problem. I also don't know what 'experts' you are referring to that deny the problem.

It is clear there IS a problem that many have experienced. Some say that performing 'Clear Route' fixes the problem for them, others say they haven't experienced the problem with firmware 8.3. But nobody who knows anything denies the auto turn on exists for some.
TT tuns on by itself

I too received a TT 1 3 R for xmas and it has turned itself on 3 times. I always notice it shortly after starting out in the car and wondered if it was somehow receiving a signal from my garage door remote????

Any word on a fix?

Please fix this or refund my money. I can't use this the way it is...

I assume this is happening to every TomTom GPS and the most people don't notice it because they keep it plugged into the car's DC power. I went to use my TomTom One again today and like the other times it's completely drained! :( Please fix this!!! This is my first TomTom GPS and if they don't address and fix this major bug it will be the last TomTom product I ever buy or recommend. Please think of the people who don't keep it plugged in 24/7. The people who use it for biking, walking, etc... It's not fair to us customers to ignore and pretend it's not a major problem. If it's unfixable I would like a refund. Since getting this for Xmas, I have only been able to use it once without it dying on me.

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