TOMTOM one 3rd edition - white screen problems

I am suspecting I will have the same problem when I get mine sent to me that I bought through the best buy website this week. I knew of the problem and knew I would likely get nowhere with TomTom so my fight is going to be with Best Buy Canada and anybody that is going to be willing to give me a higher end TomTom or Garmin for the $139 I paid. I don't expect to have luck with this but well worth the fight perhaps!

Don't be to pesimistic, if you are getting one now, hopefully all the bad ones are out in the public already and you will get a good one. Some folks have got ones with S/N 49 and above before Christmas.
Nothing to add, just another disappointed consumer with the TomTom White Screen, I recieved this unit today, (late for Christmas) from TheScource in Canada, and will be returning it for a refund and will go Garmin like I should of in the first place............... (Price was right but, If it sounds too good.......chances are) :mad: Besides, I can't bear to tackle another of their bullet proof packages :D
Don't be to pesimistic, if you are getting one now, hopefully all the bad ones are out in the public already and you will get a good one. Some folks have got ones with S/N 49 and above before Christmas.

true, but if you look at all the circumstances my guess for me and the other 1800 suckers that bought online from best buy will have the same results, lol. You can be rest asured that best buy did not just receive these units fresh from tomtom recently, it is pretty apparent that these have been sitting around for a while and what better avenue to close them out than online during Boxing Day? Honestly we should all raise he double hockey sticks with the clowns at tomtom and their business partners for this travesty!
TT1 v3

Santa brought 3 of 'em to our house, no problems yet, guess I'll know what to look for. Thanks. Chuck

took forever to download the updated software though on a dsl line
Just to chime in, my dad, son and I each got one for Christmas and are getting the WSD. Argh! Serial number on mine is Y1548...

Another gripe, no Linux support for TomTomHOME.
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Well, my SN was Y1248* as I noted earlier. I e-mailed tech support on the 26th and as of 27th got no reply. Got lucky and found some TomToms 3rd ed at OfficeDepot, went to check the SN's, got the one with Y2350*-it works! I did not connect it to my PC yet, I suspect I'll have to call TomTom as some noted erlier.
Returned the Y1248* to Circuit City!
The guy at OfficeDepot wrote down that 46,47 & 48 SN's might be faulty, and went to take these out of the shelves and return back to TomTom! Today they had 2 customers returning the units saying they were not working but they OfficeDepot was not aware of the problem. My advice: if you can find it (not 46,47 or 48) in stock anyware and are able to return the bad one-go ahead!

Just got a reply from them:
Thank you for taking the time to contact TomTom Customer Support regarding your white screen problem. It is our goal to provide you with an exceptional customer experience. We are always happy to help.
We understand your concern with the white screen issue. If you would be so kind as to forward the following information, we will issue the RMA along with the return shipping label.

- First and last name

- Shipping address

- Telephone number

- E-mail

- Unit Type

- Serial number (found on the bottom of unit, for a visual, go to

- Part Number in ( ) below serial number

- When Purchased

- Where Purchased

- Price

- New or Refurbished

If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to either e-mail or call us at 866-486-6866, Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM, EST. Thank you again for writing. At TomTom we believe in showing you the way the easy way.

With Best Regards,

TomTom Customer Support
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You guys are all whiners (j/k), I've modded my TomTom with an exploit of the Reset-to-shutdown workaround. The handle of a medium binder clip makes an awesome Reset key and as a bonus, I now have a handsome carrying strap! heh heh

You guys are all whiners (j/k), I've modded my TomTom with an exploit of the Reset-to-shutdown workaround. The handle of a medium binder clip makes an awesome Reset key and as a bonus, I now have a handsome carrying strap! heh heh


LOL LOL! Thats a great idea. Did that come as an accessory?? Best Buy has them for $75.
Yeah but some of those Best Buy reset keys are defective too (see pic below). On the Binder Clip boards there's a huge thread about it. Best Buy is being cool about returns/exchanges though. =oD

I just received one as a gift and have the same problem. The serial starts with Y1248. It was bought at Radio Shack in a nearby town, so I guess I'll check there to see if they have more with a different serial. If not, I guess they'll be getting a call from me also. It's a shame that they let this slip through QC.
same white screen

I just got my tomtom and the same thing right out of the box it would start up normally but then when you turn it off and on again it would go white i took it back to future shop and they opened up 9 more boxes and the same thing with all of them. They called tomtom and they said that they were going to recall all tomtom one 3rd edition. they said to me that i had to wait two week for the new one to come out and try them. If any one has had better luck let me know. Thanks
are you saying they called tomtom from the store? Sorry if I find that hard to believe as stores have no contact with suppliers at all...please clarify and also about them telling you there will be a recall on all one's.

A recall would show the company cares. It would be a smart move. I guess TomTom employees get no bonus this year...
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TT One 3rd Ed vs TT One XL vs TT One XL-S

OK, I like my 3rd Ed except for the WSD, there is an One XL for $50 more, seems to have relatively the same features as the One 3rd ed, but larger screen. The One XL S I believe has text to speech and expandable SD card slot, this is $150 more.

Does anyone know if these units are pretty much the same except for the above noted features? Then it is just comparing the relative worth of $50 for a larger display, and then an extra $100 for the text to speech on top of that.

This is my first GPS, and it is pretty much just a toy, but would like it to help me when travelling to Disneyworld and for camping trips in the Upper NW US and Canadian western provinces.
Moose37 - I believe you are correct on the differences. I don't know if the text to speech is worth the extra $150 but the SD slot might be. It would give you more room for extra POIs and favorites. For my application I would go for the extra $50 and the larger screen, but that's just me and what I plan on doing with it.
USA white screen

Hello! It looks like everyone with the WSD is located in Canada or over the pond. Well, I guess I'm one of the unlucky ones because I am located in the US and got a TomTom with the WSD from Office Depot. Just seeing if there are others out there- my serial is Y1448.

Thanks Skeleton,

For the SD slot for more POI's, can you add these yourself and make them customizable, or do you get updated downloads?

The extra $150 is basically the cost of two 3rd editions. I realize that once the WSD issues has been taken care of, the unit will pretty much serve my purpose, but my wife may life the Text to speech. I had mine on the highway for the first time yesterday and the actual Exit Road sign icon appears on the top on the screen much like it would on the highway, I was very impressed with that.
Moose37 - I think you can add the POIs yourself. I haven't done it yet because I got my One 3, got the WSD and promplty sent it back to TT.

I have a Garmin Zumo 550C for my motorcycle and really like it for that application; however, with what little playing I did get in with the One 3, I am really impressed with it. I got this one for my wife's car, and I certainly think that if I were to get one for my truck I would get a TT, either a One 3 or a XL. To be honest, I wish I had known about the TT for motorcycles before I got the Garmin; I would have at least looked a little harder. But...:rolleyes:
>>Hello! It looks like everyone with the WSD is located in Canada or over the pond.<<

Where did you get that idea? I think if you read this thread from the begining you'll see the WSD is worldwide.

And I'd bet there is more TT WSD here in the U.S. than anywhere . . . :eek:

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