TOMTOM one 3rd edition - white screen problems

Returning it...

I just spoke with customer service...I am returning my unit via fedex (no charge) and they say a replacement will be sent back via fedex, after "a week or so" to process. Ship it back now before the post-holiday crush, I say.

I have found that pushing the Reset button to power down (rather than the power button itself) avoids the WSD when restarting. A small work around, but it seems to help reduce the frustration factor a little.

What's "WSD"?

I just spoke with customer service...I am returning my unit via fedex (no charge) and they say a replacement will be sent back via fedex, after "a week or so" to process. Ship it back now before the post-holiday crush, I say.

I have found that pushing the Reset button to power down (rather than the power button itself) avoids the WSD when restarting. A small work around, but it seems to help reduce the frustration factor a little.
Just returned my 4 TomToms to Radio Shack. The manager said he knew nothing of the problem... He'll be surprised on Wednesday lol. I decided to spend the extra $40 and get a nuvi, I like the interface much better too.
Let the games begin...

Looks like I'm one of the first to post on Christmas Day... and I have the same white screen problem... go figure.

Geez, I never thought of this, but in the future I might start googl'ing the products I buy BEFORE I open them.

I'll see if Target will take mine back tomorrow when they open and exchange it for a different one (and then I'll open it RIGHT in front of them... I hope they'll let me do this... better for me to do it in front of a manager then to sell a bunch of defective ones to other people, right?)

Thanks for the information everyone!
Got mine approximately two weeks ago at a Radio Scrap in Waltham MA, fortunately my S/N is of "Y1245" vintage, and is working fine.

I do however have a problem not with the TomTom 3rd it self, but with TomTom HOME V 2.1 not running on my XP Pro machine.

TomTom has got alot of splainin to do!

I just bought on from best buy canada over the web and knew of the problem ahead of time but it seems like a good deal if I can get a non defective one. I paid $139 Canuck loonie, and expect delivery by weeks end maybe? I'll post back regarding serial # etc when I get it.

I will however bet anyone a buck that I get a defective one. It would be a shame if so because Tom Tom has obviously made the issue apparent to key accounts like Best Buy and probably offered a great deal on them for a Boxing Day Sale knowing full well they will come back to the store, in lieu of customers upgrading the model they originally bought! They will have a fight on their hands if this is the case....
tomtom white screen

It probably is a batch problem (a very large batch). I've done a lot of Googling, and the only mention that I've heard is really recently, even though the unit has been out for 2-3 months.

If your's was going to have the problem, you would have seen it by now. Seems that it has happened right out of the box with the 2nd time that it's turned on.

I'm a firm believer that tomtom new they had the problem but had the batch to move out before Christmas. I've been in sales for 30 years and everyone that I worked for said ship it, we'll fix the problem later. Tomtom has their money, we don't. If they were eager to solve the problem they should ship all of us a new unit and in the package include a return shipper. That way we don't need to trust them that a new unit will be shipped.
One 3rd Ed White Screen

If you get a white screen on a GO One 3rd ed. call TT tech support M-F 8:30AM to 7:00 PM, Sat 9:00AM to 6:00 PM at 866-486-6866. They will take care of the problem.
Well, I bought 3 of these as gifts, 2 from with serial numbers Y1148. One I opened and it has the white screen after initial setup and powering off and on. The second hasn't been open yet and the third was a gift for my Dad. I purchased at and I am not sure of the serial number, but it was turned on and off several times and didn't have the problem. I'll call him tomorrow to get the serial number... I bought them at a really good price, but it seems like it wasn't worth the hassle. TomTom is going to lose at ton of money on shipping and dead units...
Whit screen problems TOO!

I have sent a message via the Tomtom website, see what they say to do. I might just return the unit anyway it seems that there are several not working.

my serial number is Y12487

I will update as I get more info from Tomtom
This is going to sound tactless and perhaps insulting but it's not meant to be.

Have you all read the entire theard or at least purused it? It doesn't seem so because if you had you will know what TT will say; "Send it back".
Tomtom knew it

It seems obvious that Tomtom knew they had a problem. Why would any company lower the price of a GPS which is already half the price of your competitor? They knew because every retailer had the offer. Whoever thought that ToysRus would be selling the Tomtom for $149.00? Tomtom probably thought that a little software patch would solve the problem.

Why didn't the retailers know? They probably did because they had to demo them. What did Tomtom tell the retailers, sell them anyway!

I think the FTC needs to take a good look at these marketing practices.

I wonder, how many of these defected units were distributed, probably millions.

Why hasn't Tomtom posted something?:p

And now they are on vacation until Jan 6th, probably to figure out what they are going to do.
This is going to sound tactless and perhaps insulting but it's not meant to be.

Have you all read the entire theard or at least purused it? It doesn't seem so because if you had you will know what TT will say; "Send it back".

People go to this sight to find out if anyone else is having the problem. I don't think they need to read the entire thread. "Send it back", why? They should send everyone a new one with a return shipper in the package. This way we can still use the defected one until the new one arrives. Why should we be punished for their blunder?
Whoever thought that ToysRus would be selling the Tomtom for $149.00?

Whoever would have thought that ToysRus would be selling GPS units in the first place? Is it a toy (uh, a kids toy)?:eek: Certainly not me, I'd have never thought to look there!!:confused:

Just for the heck of it, on TT's website, they had 3 or 4 of there units at 'regular' price with a $100 rebate; i.e the One 3 at $248 plus the rebate. The way I look at it, some of the retailers where just cutting out the rebate process. I could be wrong though.
Target took mine back

I took my opened, defective unit (S/N with a 48 in it) back to Target today. They gave me a gift card for the full amount I paid ($159 after taxes).

I'll probably wait a week or two and go back and get another one (Target, like every other retailer, seems to be having a sale on the TomTome One 3rd edition until 1/7/08).

Good luck everyone!
My TomTom

The TomTom One 3rd Ed. I got for Christmas has the serial number Y11477XXXXXXX. So far I have not had any problems turning it on/off as others have stated. I also haven't hooked it up to my PC yet to do updates. Will I have this problem when I hook it up to my PC?

From what I've read it seems like the problem is occurring right out of the box on the second time it is turned on. Is this the case or is it the PC updates that are causing the problem?
birchasr - No, you should be good to go; if you turned it on and then off and then on again and didn't get the White Screen of Death, you should be OK. This problem isn't caused by connecting it to the PC. And it seems you are one of a very few lucky ones with a S/N with 47 in it.

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