TOMTOM one 3rd edition - white screen problems

Called TomTom

I have the same problem. I returned the first unit and the replacement does the same thing. I've got 2 others under the tree for my son's, so I want to find out how to fix them.

I called TomTom support today. They said that there is a service bulletin on the subject and she could help me fix it. However, I had to have the unit with me and be at a computer. I'm at work and don't have the unit with me. She gave me a reference # and told me to call back when I had the unit in hand.

I tried to get her to tell me the general steps to see what I need to do, but she didn't want to tell me until I was ready to work on it. I've already formated the unit and reinstalled everything, including updated programing, but the problem still persists.
What Customer Support advised

I spoke to a Customer Support rep and he said that TomTom has realized they have this problem, but they have no know solution for it. He suggested to either return it to the store or send it in for repair. I asked whether it affects only a certain batch of units or was random, and he was of the opinion that it is random and affects only 3rd edition.
TitanFAN and TomTom Tester

Be sure to call tech support when you get home from work and let us know what you find out on how to fix it..

Tom Tom tester didn't like my remarks about Tom Tom, but sinister is the remark I am going to get when those 4 Tom Tom GPS Christmas Presents are no good that I bought for friends.

If TOmTOm has a fix they should post it on the website or at lest these forums.
Same thing for me.....

Bought a TomTom one 3rd edition on Saturday, had the same problem. Initially turns on ok, turns off ok, but if I try to turn it on again I get a white screen. Resetting it with the reset button brings it back. Noticed that the green power light next to the power button does not come on. I returned the unit to the store I got it from, and got another from a different store. This time I tried it out in the parking lot, and the same thing happend. Never connected it to the computer, or updated it. White screen, no green power on indicator light.

Before I got the second unit, I called and spoke with tech support, and he had me try downloading and installing a 'flash clearing' utility. Didn't work. He put me on hold to speak with someone, came back on the line and said "yes, there is a problem that requires you to send it in for repair". Seemed to acknowledge that there was a known problem with this unit. He gave me the option of an RMA number to send it back, but I decided to take a chance at returning the unit and getting another one from a different store.

This is extremely frustrating, as I like the GPS unit, and was really enjoying it, but what good is it if they are all defective. Does TomTom have a quality control check on these before they leave the factory ? (in China!) What do I have to do, go around and buy many different samples until I get a good one? The packaging on this makes that option out of the question. Sure hope they get this fixed before the $100 coupon runs out in January. Anyone else have any other ideas about this?

Yes it is defective

I purchased a TT1-LE and a TT1-3 few days ago. The TT1-3 had the same blank screen problem. Technical support advised returning it to the store or to TT for repair. I really like the TT!-3 but I worry the reset button will not last if I just keep using it. I will probably return it. The TT1-LE, I have not taken out of the box yet. I suspect it is not as good as the TT1-3 and may have the same problem.
Wait till December 26th.....

.....When everyone that got these as a gift opens them and finds that they don't work correctly. There are going to be a lot of P.O.'d people!

Not to mention the lines that will form at the stores to return/exchange them!:mad:
Just spoke to tech support. I need to send it to them and they will send me a new one in a week.:mad:

So much for using it this weekend.

They said they are having "a ton" of these calls.

I feel bad for them after the holidays.
I feel bad for them after the holidays.

I don't feel bad for them at all. Either TomTom has very poor quality control, or they knowlingly sold defective units. Neither of these causes me to feel sorry for them. This is my first TomTom (I've had Megellan and Garmin), and so far it's not been a good experience.

I'm wondering if the stores aren't pulling these units. Best Buy, Circuit City, Office Depot, and Staples are all reporting "sold out", both online and at the stores. They may have actually sold out all of the units this weekend, or they may be pulling them because of all of the returns.
White Screens

I was given a TomTom One 3rd edition by my son as a early Christmas gift yesterday and returned it this morning and picked up a new one....both have the same problem out of the box. I called TomTom and they are doing a replacement. They said that they have a bad batch out of Amsterdam (?) and are trying to find out what happened. Regardless it looks like the problem is widespread with bunches of these things on the shelves and the only solution at this time is to get an RMA and return it for a new one. Good Luck!
Just found this forum today, and was surprised to read this about the screen issue on the 3rd edition.

I have a TomTom ONE 3rd edition that I bought online from '' about 2 weeks ago (not a store front). It's been working fine so far... but I just started using it 2 days ago (convinced my wife I needed to open it early for a trip we're planning soon). I've turned it off/on several times and have updated the software that first day - then another update today (something about GPSx I think). So far no problem in what must be about 20 times turning it on and off.

Maybe it is a batch problem and mine is from an earlier batch? :confused: Then again... maybe mine will start messing up soon. :eek:

Hopefully TomTom will find a software fix they can share as an update. This will probably take some time though after analyzing some defective units.
It probably is a batch problem (a very large batch). I've done a lot of Googling, and the only mention that I've heard is really recently, even though the unit has been out for 2-3 months.

If your's was going to have the problem, you would have seen it by now. Seems that it has happened right out of the box with the 2nd time that it's turned on.
Bought mine online from Circuit City, arrived today, same white screen problem. Has anyone yet heard from support on where to send them for repair or replacement, and has anyone had one repaired or replaced, and if so, does the repaired or replaced one actually work?

Very disappointed . . .:mad:
White Screen Of Death in Los Angeles

I did't wanna wait 14 days to have mine fixed so I decided to deal with it, until a new batch comes into my store. My receipt says I can return it in 90 days, by then it might be cheaper for the other models, and I can upgrade.

I've purchased mine at target in Los Angeles. after the white screen of death kept appearing. I called tech support, and they were not aware of the issue when I talked, just wanted me to send it in, but I just bought it yesterday. So I went back to the store and apparently it was the last one. As a matter of fact, you can't find them anywhere, maybe because this is the lowest I've ever seen a GPS unit on the market, except for the Garmin at $119, or its just because it's Christmas.

Or it's the tom-tom's answer to Gramis $119 unit. As long as they fix it, I think it's a great unit and you can't beat the price, I just hope it doesn't continue to be a lemon. ..Otherwise I would rather pay a hundred more dollars to get a better unit that's more reliable.
I just received an automated reply from TT support, but it was a bit more than the normal type. It shows they realize they have a big problem.

>>Your question has been received. Recently, we have been experiencing an unusually high number of incidents which has been affecting response times. You will receive a response from our support team as soon as possible .<<

And yes, you're right, I went looking and there's no TT One 3rd Editions anywhere on the shelf in Southern California and that's why I purchased online.

And agreed, it's a nifty little unit - I just hope they make good on it . . . :)
Just bought my TomTom ONE 3rd edition from circuitcity the other day. Same problems as everyone else is having. Just got off the phone with TomTom Tech support, he stated it is an "issue with a handful of them." The options are to return the system to where you bought it or to mail it back to them and recieve the system back in 10-14 business days. The problem was confirmed as a hardware issue not a software issue so an update will not fix the restart problems
I am going to return mine to tomtom. I really don't feel like playing the buy and try game with office depot.
Tried another again...

....last night. Was out Christmas shopping, and saw that Radio Shack had some in stock. Bought one with my fingers crossed; same problem. That is three out of three from three different stores.

Called TomTom this morning, and they are going to send me a Fed Ex mailing label so I can send it back, and they will send me a new one. I asked, "how do I know I am not going to get another bad one?", and the rep said that they know by the serial numbers which are the bad ones.

I told him that these should be recalled from the stores to keep them from being sold, and I got the impression that they are trying to do that. (maybe by people buying them and then complaining they have a bad one?)

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