TomTom Home gives 220 errors

tomtom home 2.1 im getting error when i try to update.

I am wondering if anyone else is getting error today.last night all updates of either tomtom home or my device was working fine. Is this issue with tomtom servers as of right now 2.45 pm pacific standard time.any feedback would be appreciated i dont know if it is my version of home or tomtom issue.
I had the problem off and on for the past few days. Currently, I keep getting Error 220 when I check for updates, or attempt to login via TomTom Home. I'm getting on the phone first thing tomorrow and see what's up.
I just bought a TomTom One XL and I couldn't update my device, it's never been updated and this was the first time. I updated Home to version 2 but that didn't help.

The error is about drive F: missing or unable to be found. Now when I try I get a different error and all it is is error 220, it just show 220 and a button to send the error to TomTom anonymously.

Is this a new unusual problem? I searched a bit and found this post, it's a bit disappointing to have problems so soon, otherwise it's a nice GPS and I like using it I just want to be able to update the darn thing!
I suspect it is not their server, but the system software; either the device software or the TomTom Home software. Not a good sign, but I'm sure TomTom will respond and resolve.
Now when I try I get a different error and all it is is error 220, it just show 220 and a button to send the error to TomTom anonymously.

Is this a new unusual problem? I searched a bit and found this post, it's a bit disappointing to have problems so soon, otherwise it's a nice GPS and I like using it I just want to be able to update the darn thing!

I just got a GO 920T and TT home gets the same error of 220 when I try to login or update. This sucks.
I wonder if the 220 error is temporary and when it gets fixed will I still get the missing drive F: error?
Same here at 6:40 EST. Glad to see it's not just me, since this is my first time trying to update after getting home after the holidays and installing HOME on my new PC.

Disheartened though, because I really want to get the latest maps for voice input on my 720, but it's been one headache after another with the TomTom servers since Christmas.
I wonder if the 220 error is temporary and when it gets fixed will I still get the missing drive F: error?

If i was to take a guess at your problem dont hold me to this, But if you are getting missing drive F error then at some point your tomtom device is being disconnected then when you try to access it, i would take look at top of your tomtom home when you get this missing drive f error and see if the device is still connected..
tomtom home 2.1 im getting error when i try to update

Same problem. I notice that none of the Help Pull -Down menu options on the TOMTOM Home Help menu work in addition to the Logon option. I managed to use the "Use latest map guarantee" option from the file menu earlier today successfully, maybe that uses a different server.

I got 220 yesterday for about an hour but eventually had success. Tonight I've been getting it for about an hour so far. I'm about to give up for the evening though. One of the moderators suggested it was a server problem. I tend to agree.
Error 220

Garmins software is alot better than this TOMTOM junk, why would someone want this webb based software when working from the pc. With the garmin gps I can plan my route and stops from their pc program that has the actual maps on it and then download to the gps. Got my TOMTOM one yesterday, it has features that I like, but it does not come close to the Garmin products. Also tried to get on their website for a couple of days before receiving the unit to download everything I would need and it took a couple of days to be able to get on to their site. I tried at 2 in morning and was finally able to get on and download what I thought I would need. Seems TOMTOM is all about selling and not anything with service to it's coustomer's. I probably will be selling my TOMJUNK on Ebay.
Apologies, for my suggestion earlier, because I also experienced this a few minutes ago. I did get the 220 error when I clicked the Update my One button.

I reset my modem (what the hell). So then it took a bit to load the update window, the animated loading indicator took a bit longer than usual, then it did find that I needed to upload a mapshare item from my TT One LE. I then proceeded in uploading it, and it was successful. After that, I tried it again, and there are now updates available. So it must be working okay, or it must be just getting congested with traffic. I am on a T1 connection here.

I've been getting these 220 errors all day today. Strange, b/c it only started happening after I enabled the mapshare on the tomtom (ONE 3rd Edition). Any online request that TomTom HOME 2 tries to make outbound spits back out this 220. Part of me feels like it might not even be a server congestion error, and more of the application crapping out or some dirty registry setting. I've uninstalled and reinstalled, yadda yadda yadda..... Man this really sucks. Anyone else experiencing the 220 problem today?
Error 220?

I am getting the same error. Made no changes to firewall other than changing wireless security from 'WPA2 Personal' to 'WEP' so my son can use his Nintendo DS Lite wirelessly. Hopefully its the TomTom server being overwhealmed?:confused:
I've been getting these 220 errors all day today. Strange, b/c it only started happening after I enabled the mapshare on the tomtom (ONE 3rd Edition). Any online request that TomTom HOME 2 tries to make outbound spits back out this 220. Part of me feels like it might not even be a server congestion error, and more of the application crapping out or some dirty registry setting. I've uninstalled and reinstalled, yadda yadda yadda..... Man this really sucks. Anyone else experiencing the 220 problem today?

I've been getting the 220 error today as well, can't update anything. I googled the error and this thread came up, glad to see it's not just me.
This really sucks!

Garmin is by far the best, no more tomjunk

Tomtom spent more money in advertizing and production than their customer service. Can't get the file I need for tomtom home, stupid error 220. Never had a problem with garmin gps's. Watch ebay for my tomtom. THE END!
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