TomTom GO 500 My Routes Simple Backup

Hi canderson, I tried the cloudparse.exe file on my PC, putting in the same directory a cloud.txt file, but it doesn't work.
When I double-click on it, I get this message:


I'm on Windows 10 and seems a sort of problem in software version...
Ah - old 32 bit stuff I wrote. Try running it in compatibility mode. Sorry. At home and without higher end PC to work with.
I don't know I to do that... If you can implement the file, maybe, I'll try.

Thanks the same
Give this a try:

Right-click the exe file and select "Properties".
After selecting “Properties”, click over the "Compatibility" tab.
You can click the “Use the compatibility troubleshooter” button for a wizard interface or just adjust the options yourself.

To do it yourself, click the “Run this program in compatibility mode” checkbox and select “Windows XP (Service Pack 3)”.
Hi canderson, hi Arno, I had already tried the compatibility way, but doesn't work (almost for me) and I don't know how to make te file run...
Hello Ciro,

Since canderson picked up the thread again I have done nothing further.
I am retired and there is no perceived need for me to use this feature.
Do you have something less than a Win10 machine to play with on your end?
Hi Canderson

Your CloudParse works a treat > Win10 32bit... Win !0 asked me to install something before it would allow the install of CloudParse (I didn't note what it was )

After the conversion of the file, I use cut and paste and copied the Coordinates of each address into the MyDrive ONP and manually entered the Name of the location

Many thanks YFM
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Glad to hear it. Sure would be curious to know what Win10 thought it needed to install to make it run, though!

It does seem to be picking up a few odd entries for items that were previously deleted in the list that still show up as if 'live'. Pretty obvious, though. Weird hex names and zero locations. Easy to ignore.
Here's the 'final' version of the program. It now creates both a *.csv and *.ov2 file.
I also checked for the 'odd' entries that have no information, but still show as active records. Those no longer appear in the output.
Same as before ... just run it in the same folder with a file called "CLOUD.TXT:
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Here's a fresh copy without the 'slip'. Oddly, your file contained slightly different termination for longitude than the one that I also had here from way back.
This version also notifies of the number of valid records found.

(((Download deleted -- v3 below)))
Unfortunatlely I still can't run CloudParse.exe.
Same issues of compatibility...
I need to get onto a different machine to do the compile, I guess. Not sure why this won't run for you in compatibility mode, even though it was created on a lower end box.
Holy cow. Downloaded text file seems to be a moving target. Could be what's why TT hasn't done anything with it for a 'translator' yet.

Here's one that reads past the several other new entry types down to the "favorites" that we want. Still 'old machine' compatible only for some, evidently, but working again.


    4 KB · Views: 323
@canderson, I'll wait the file to be implemented for W10; in the meantime i'm loving GEB's notepad++ converting macro!!!
Thanks the same!
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Slightly modified macro now renamed Fav2csv producing ready to use .csv


    921 bytes · Views: 385
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Great job: it works perfectly!!!

I wanna ask you and canderson if I could share a link to this thread on TT official forum: many users DO NEED your job, since the total indifference of TT customers support, on a basic feature like POIs managment...
Understanding that the format of what we are receiving as text files from TomTom has not been cast in stone -- there are no assurances that the tools provided will continue to work if TomTom changes the file format.

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