Battery for TomTom GO5000

Jan 5, 2015
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/es.png" alt="Spain" /> Spain
TomTom Model(s)
go 5000
Hello everyone,

I have been looking in google search in general, as well as in this site, for the battery type used by TomTom GO5000 with no positive results.

I know that the type used by TomTom GO500 is a Li-Ion 3.7v CS-TM 300XL (2300 or 2600 mAh) and have some clues that point out to a bigger battery on the GO5000.

Does someone know if GO500 and GO5000 share the same battery?
and, if the answer is not
What type of battery is used by GO5000?

Thank you very much.
Hi dhn,
Thank you for you prompt response.
e-Bay, Amazon and several sites more mention only GO500. Nothing about GO5000, which I have read in this forum, may has a different battery type.

Hi dhn,
Thank you for you prompt response.
e-Bay, Amazon and several sites more mention only GO500. Nothing about GO5000, which I have read in this forum, may has a different battery type.
Sorry to say, but TomTom re-used that model number. The GO500 for which you are seeing batteries available was produced in 2005 and is completely unrelated to current production GO500 units.
Thank you Canderson,

but I'm actually looking batteries for the GO5000.
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a) I understand, though I can't imagine why. 5000's haven't had battery issues, and should be under warranty
b) I thought you needed to know that those 500's weren't what you thought they were, which is why
c) Due to a), you won't likely find any 3rd party batteries available for these units yet
Thank you Canderson.

The reason behind the battery enquire is that my TomTom's GO5000 battery does not charge. I have already reset, try different cables incl. originals, and chargers. Saddly, none of this methods worked. So I guess it could be a battery problem.

My GO5000 is not in warranty anymore.

Thank you.
Well rats. That's a first, and sorry to hear about it. Under the circumstances, and in your shoes, I'd open the thing up and have a look at what's there. Truth to tell, we don't even have any instructions posted on disassembly here since no one has needed to open one up for purposes of a battery swap yet. You'll need to start with the two teeny tiny torx head screws on the bottom that bracket the connector and work from there. If you are willing to tackle it, we'll help with trying to source a battery, and if you take a few photos of the disassembly process, we'll get them posted here for future owners who need to open up a 500/600/5000/6000.

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