Tomtom 740TM no maps found on device

I knew we could depend on the early bird. Still no sign of OP at this point, either.

I find the situation he's in interesting. Typically, when you've got a Mac / Trash issue going on, the trash can is loaded with more than a GB of map files. I don't think that in this particular case, the amount there would have bothered anything at all (1.25MB?) - although it's good to be rid of it all the same. That's assuming the reported MB wasn't actually GB. It would be nice to know exactly how this started, but rather than trying to extract additional details, better to just get this sorted for the OP. Need to find out if the OP has actually loaded Home on the XP machine as well or whether we finish up with the Mac.
I am using my pc and i dont know where to find a folder called 740 or maps, where on my pc is that located?

This all started trying to do an update through my mac, but I have been using my pc to solve the solution.

If there is a certain time specific we can solve this issue I can make sure I am online at the sametime and go over the process.
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On a PC, use Windows Explorer to look at the contents of the unit. You should see a folder called either North_America with files in it or USA_Canada_Mexico (probably the former).
the north America folder says under properties 1.66gb contains 178 files
take a look at my post a few steps back.
it gives the 740 a fresh start. since you already associated your email with the activation code you dont need to again. if you need real time help call phone support, they are trained to fix this kind of problem.
Sounds as if the map is indeed on the unit, then.

If you look in the NA map folder, you'll see a file called North_America..pna. Click on it and it should open with Notepad. At the end of the first row will be a number (such as 860). What does yours say?
Sounds as if the map is indeed on the unit, then.
Ummm.. maybe yes, maybe no. Some part of it must be there or the space would be free. BUT ... Note that the OP said "is it in a folder called home". You asked him to look at the contents of his unit. Instead, he looked in the TomTom folder on his PC.

I think we may have a major disconnect again.

I'll cross my fingers that he follows the steps you laid out.
i dont know how to find these folders. I dont want to waste your time anymore on this. The unit is trash do to me at this point. Close this thread lock it
First make sure you've entered your lifetime maps activation code at some point since you've purchased your maps.

Then go to Manage my Device in Tomtom HOME, and remove all maps on both your computer and on the device tabs.

Then quickformat the Tomtom drive.

Then go back to Tomtom HOME, and do "Update my Device" repeatedly, accepting only applications and nothing else, until there is no new application offered.

Then repeat "Update my Device" accepting the map and nothing else.

Then download your computer voice (eg: Susan), and quickgpsfix and fuel (if you are paying the subscription), and you're good to go.

how do i do this and quick format tomtom.
Items on device it says:

applications 1 38.2mb
voices 9 49.9mb
phone connection settings 1 0.4mb

device memory 1956.2mb
free space 290.0mb
installed items 1666.2mb
id highly recommend tomtom phone support at this point. it really seems like youd benefit from a live conversation which is really difficult via a web forum. they are open now and can get you fixed up in under an hour.
6 month old device, phone support is paid or under a warranty?
I cant do it now at this time.
i dont know how to find these folders. I dont want to waste your time anymore on this. The unit is trash do to me at this point. Close this thread lock it
That'd be a shame, actually. The 740 is a nice unit.

I'm guessing that there may be one thing that we all assume around here because we have come to accept it as a fact -- your TomTom looks like an external drive, much like a thumb drive, when connected to your PC. On XP, if you open up your 740 as though as though it were just another hard drive or thumb drive, you can see all of the contents there. Usually, that's what we're asking about.

Sometimes, we'll ask about what the TomTom Home program sees, too, but not very often, and we'll be specific if that's the case.
when i plug in my device to xp it just starts tomtom home.
Yes, I'm sure that it does.

Once it has done that, click on MY COMPUTER. You will discover a new "disk drive" out there that is your TomTom. Again... it looks the same on the screen as if you had plugged in a thumb drive to your PC.

You can either minimize Home or shut it down altogether for most of what we do here. Your computer will see see your 740 as an external drive.

A note of caution. Always use XP (or you can use Home if it's running and a TomTom is connected) to properly shut down ANY USB device correclty - be it a TomTom or a thumb drive - before disconnecting it. On XP, you'll see a little tiny icon in the lower right with a green arrow on top. That's where it gets done via XP.
now that I have maps again thanks to the # to Tom tom
how do I get the quick fix gps, and live services back. I paid rnewal 2 months ago for live. And it starts at new york on the map im in Ca.

How do I not have this problem again in the future to not have missing maps?

Thanks all
now that I have maps again thanks to the # to Tom tom
how do I get the quick fix gps, and live services back. I paid rnewal 2 months ago for live. And it starts at new york on the map im in Ca.

How do I not have this problem again in the future to not have missing maps?

Thanks all
Because we're a bit vague about how you got into this ditch to begin with, it's hard to say how to help you to avoid it in the future. Something clearly went amiss with the map update using your Mac. Most often, this happens if the process is interrupted for some reason. It could be a lost connection, and it could be a time-out of some sort, or it could be that your computer was set to "go to sleep" after some period of no human activity. At least you can fix that last one on a PC. I don't know diddly about how Mac does their power management or how to configure it to avoid having the Mac shut down in the middle of things. The same thing can happen on a Windows based machine if it goes to sleep due to inactivity, so Windows power management has to be configured to avoid this, too. At least with Windows, you don't have the risk of a leftover trash can full of map files waiting to bite you.

So what did TomTom suggest -- just deleting your entire map file, hooking up, and letting Home discover the map was missing, and start the process over again? That's where we were probably headed here.
delete North America, delete some other folders,
restart tomtom home 2 do this, do that.

I did not write the process down, that I should have. I used my pc, Before I called them, I did not have tomtom installed .

now i need to get gps quickfix on to my device and live services.

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