Startup Images for 4.3" and 5" Wide-Screen Models

quicky one i just did for my subaru impreza wrx STi:

now i just need a hi-res logo of the tomtom handprints...


  • splashw.jpg
    25.2 KB · Views: 1,157
can anyone make this image for a 4 inch screen

Oly8ball posted this one for the 3.5 screens. I'd love to see it made into a 4 inch format.

hey all, I have a startup screen problem maybe someone can advise....

I found a picture on this thread I liked, copied it, went to that website that converts it to a "splash.bmp" and loaded it onto my 720, changed the name of the original pic and kept it in the folder. When I restarted my TT, no picture at all comes up and eventually goes to the "I agree" screen to begin operation. When this didnt work, I got back in the folder and took out the original pic in case there was a conflict and restarted and got the TT hands in middle of screen, but still not the new pic. Finally went and took the new pic.bmp out, reloaded the original pic and everything worked normally. Did I do anything out of the ordinary or anyone know why maybe it didnt work???? Any help would be appreciated. Joe
stylemaster1 720

You have a 720, I think the file should be splashw.bmp. I'm guessing the w is for the 4/4.3" inch screen folks. Give that a try.
Here's a generic Volkswagen logo with "TomTom" along the bottom. Enjoy!

BTW - Is there any issue with having a lot of white on the screen??


    46.7 KB · Views: 382
I've re-worked the site, using Gallery - it's still a major work in progress... it would be great if this could become a big thing that we all use as a central storage location...

Still to come - automatic user submissions and addition of 4" section... other suggestions welcome via e-mail.
Wirelessly posted (GO 720T: NokiaN73-1/3.0638.0.0.1 Series60/3.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1)

Great pics, thanks :)

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