Place misrecognition

My first unit was a 720, so I can't say for certain, but as far back as 2007, they were offering the "Latest Map Guarantee" with each unit purchased. In essence, they understood that stale stock might have an outdated map, and to this day, they still provide the user with the most recent map for a new unit within 30 days of original use. Of course, they don't update themselves, so it was and is necessary to get connected to a PC within that timeframe to take advantage of this offer to bring newly purchased units up to the current map level. All of this was managed by way of TomTom Home.
Thanks canderson,
Interesting to know that they offered this service then. I probablY was not advised and so knew nothing about it.
If an LMG was available for your model (but I still don't think it was - I didn't get it with my GO300), then it would have been mentioned on the outside of the box/packaging.

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