Place misrecognition

Some times it doesn't matter how old the device. It is more important to to know the age of the map.

What is the version of your map?
Thanks Arno and Andy-P.
Sorry for the delay in replying. My map version is 7.903
Thanks dhn,
I have obviously forgotten to tap this item to get the map version, talk about careless!
I will endeavour to get the correct version tomorrow.
Ouch, that's VERY old.
So old, I can't work out exactly how old....

Normally the map versions go up in "fives"... v900, v905, v910 etc. with four releases a year, and we are on v910 now.

My first ever TomTom had v660 maps and that was in early 2007
The map version is Western Europe v 606.0
Are you sure it is not v660 ?

So old, I can't work out exactly how old....
Normally the map versions go up in "fives"... v900, v905, v910 etc. with four releases a year, and we are on v910 now.

My first ever TomTom had v660 maps and that was in early 2007
My 930 came with v800 and immediately was LMG'd to v805 in June 2008.
Thanks Andy P and Arno.
The version is definitely v606.0. I've had it a few years, not sure how many. I did update it using my computer in the year after I purchased it, so am wondering why it did not update like yours Arno?
I've had another look at he machine and see that it has some copyright information that is dated up to 2007, so this machine must be 2007 at the latest. I cannot remember when I purchased it but will have a look for the receipt, which I still might have.
Seems odd that this was not automatically updated like yours Arno.
Seems odd that this was not automatically updated like yours Arno.
Peter, I never had any automatic updates.
Updates were offered through HOME and accepted but some times rejected by me.

Last time I rejected an OS update offered, I found out that I could not open my prepaid map update installment and was forced to accept the current OS.
Thanks Arno,
I meant the updates offered through HOME, which I accepted when I connected to it on my computer. This I did several times after purchasing it. I cannot find my receipt, but since there is information on my machine stating that some items were copyright protected in 2007, then it is odd that my early maps were not updated when I connected to HOME. This was quite an expensive machine when I purchased it.
The Latest Map Guarantee is a SINGLE update of the map to ensure that you get the current map at the time of purchase.
But it was only introduced after people discovered they were buying devices that had sat on the shelf for some time and had outdated maps.

I don't think the Latest Map Guarantee existed back in 2007
Thanks Arno and Andy,
I have not yet set up my new computer with Tomtom HOME, but will do so and let you know what I am offered. I suppose that I should download anything that is offered since I have not updated it for years.
Hi Arno and Andy,
I have now downloaded Tomtom HOME onto my computer and tried to update my Go 700. It only offers me foreign language voices, no software updates, which I find incredible since I have not updated it for years.
It did give me the option of downloading My Tomtom instead of - or possibly in addition to - HOME. Would this perhaps have offered me some software updates?
Noting your point about out of date maps, mine was probably out of date when I purchased it.
The real problem is no doubt one of a very outdated map, and while you MAY be offered Mapshare updates to it, at that age, even that is questionable. Since we're all seeing your village on our maps, it has been added somewhere in the interim. However, that unit is so old that it would behoove you to consider a newer unit that offers a lifetime map update.
Thanks canderson,

I take your point but it seems odd that I am not offered software updates for this machine.
Thanks Peter.
7.903, which is what is presently installed, is the latest (released in May of 2008) firmware that was ever offered for your model.
Thanks canderson,
Obviously no further software updatres for this model. I am still a bit perturbed to find that I must have purchased an item which had out of date maps fitted, assuming it was purchased in 2007, as this year is recorded on the machine in the copywrite information, the maps installed should have been higher than 606.0. I would have thought.

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