[OFFICIAL] New Maps!!

Nextourer, I just received mine today it was shipped on the 25th. You must be next!!
Nextourer, I just received mine today it was shipped on the 25th. You must be next!!
well, mine was supposedly shipped on the 25th and they said to wait 1 week and thus tomorrow would be that one week. We'll see if I get something in the mail tomorrow.

That would be funny if I ended up with 1GB's worth of maps only to have it come in DVD.
LOL - that will probably be exactly what happens. Oh well, I'm glad they finally sent it to you! It's ABOUT TIME!

Have you had a chance to play around with the new maps? How does your area look?
Well, they said they sent it so we'll see tomorrow.

I'm currently downloading so I can't tell you about the map update yet, unless that question was directed to sdobay
I just updated my new maps onto a new 2GB SD card and copied all my POIs without any difficulty.
It works fine but I noticed the splash screen does not come up anymore, it goes from gray right into the navigation screen.
How can I get the splash screen back?
check youar SD Card for a file called splash.bmp I forget where it's supposed to be, but you can check your backup to find that... in fact just copy that file from your backup to the same directory on your TT.

(Sorry at work and no TT with me - can't give better details of the top of my head) I think my insomnea is cathing up with me finally. TGIF!~
My very first experience unfortunately was not so good.. As soon as I turned it on I found that part of my street was gone. It was there on the last version. Continued driving and I noticed new additions on the map and corrections so at this point I'd like to believe that the step forward was a bigger step.
sdobay, this happened to me with the splash screen, too. you just have to manually copy it over. it goes from gray right to the maps because there's no splash.bmp it can find.

Sorry to hear about your street being partially missing!
sdobay, this happened to me with the splash screen, too. you just have to manually copy it over. it goes from gray right to the maps because there's no splash.bmp it can find.

Sorry to hear about your street being partially missing!
The missing street is really strange. NavTeq based maps had it for some years now, then my last map from TomTom also. The strange part is that while I was using the TT map last year I visited TeleAtlas's web-site and the street was not here. Maybe they had it correct for a short while, released the data to TT and others and changed it back later on. Who knows?? I already sent the feedback to TeleAtlas.
On the bright side, I think they did a lot of improvements - it will take some time to discover all the changes.
Question Regarding New Maps for TTG 700


Greetings. I just received my new updated maps from TomTom. I live in Aurora, Ontario, Canada. From the Map DVD I saw there are some regional maps like ON,QC,NS maps along with North American Maps. Which maps should I load? TT suggestes to load the North American map if you have a TTGo 700. Can any one tell me what is the advantage of loading the regional maps? or is the North American map is more detailed? I have a TT Go 700.

Thanks in advance for your time.

Best Regards
hi kvvs,

The maps are identical in terms of detail. The North America map is seamless so you don't have to change maps when traveling in different states. The smaller regional maps just save space, but it's the same level of detail. Hope this helps.
Can any one tell me what is the advantage of loading the regional maps? or is the North American map is more detailed?
This question gets asked so many times in so many different places. Time to make a sticky maybe?

... people you need to read/search before you post.

I know it's easier to just ask and wait for a reply, but there is sooooo much duplicate info all over this site. It's eventually going to slow us down and make lots of extra clutter to weed through.

No offense kvvs, it's not just you. I would say about 70% of the users here don't do a thorough search before they post.
Not a problem kvvs... it happens. We are just trying to remind people to use the tools on this site for what they are intended.

no worries! I hope you get a lot out of this site.
According to TT Tech Support the new NA maps are not compatible with Nav. 5 due to the differences in the maps used by these two programs. However, according to this rep., a Nav 5 to Nav 6 upgrade path will be announced in Jan.

(My fingers are crossed that this scenario will work out for the best.)

Addendum: The above information concerning compatibility is now being contradicted by information on TT's web site.
Your free update on maps is only good untill March 31,2007.
I ordered the map DVDs (free upgrade) on 2/9, they arrived today 2/14. I thought it would take 3-4 weeks.

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