[OFFICIAL] New Maps!!

I posted in the 6.56 firmware update thread about my 2006 map experience, but it is probably better to continue in this thread.
See: https://www.tomtomforums.com/showthread.php?t=717&page=6

After driving with the 2006 maps this weekend I've had it and I am now going back to my original maps.

My original ONE maps tells me 2 miles before the exit.

With the 2006 maps my ONE tells me to take an exit when I am right on the exit.
The ONE will tell me the next waypoint is the same freeway I am already on, and the distance will coincide with the exit I am supposed to take, and right when I am on the exit the ONE will change and tell me to take the exit.
E.g. I am on the 405 North and I need to take the 10 East: 2 miles to 405 North, the 2 miles mark coincides with the 10 East exit, 50 yards to 405 North, 10 Yards to 10 East.

I have experienced this errant behavior taking:
405 North taking 10 East.
10 East taking 405 South.
5 North taking 10 West.

I have two ONE's, I tried the 2006 maps on both, both have the same incorrect behavior, going back to the original maps solves the problem.

The TomTom support line is still "all circuits are busy" and I try calling almost every day.

Is anybody using the 2006 maps in Los Angeles with a ONE and having problems?

New Map order

To add to your tales of joy/woe:

Last week I was told that my 3-week "young" TT 910 was not in need of a map upgrade but today things changed. After wading through a maze of questions (wonder why we have to bare our souls every time we want something when we're already on their roster...), I was blessed with the news that mine is out-dated.

The new version is 665 and the "old" one is 650.1108.
Makes me wonder how really old the "old" map is since it doesn't even show a multi-lane Arizona highway from Kingman (I-40) to Lake Havasu City - 3 years old.

And "YES"! The PayPal print-out does NOT give that very important new version number.
I'm haven't recieved my new maps yet but I'm just a little scared from all the posts of the maps being a step back and seeing unamed roads when the previous map didnt have that problem.

I guess I just have to wait and try.
Did you request for the new map update? I thought all new ONEs came with the Map update.

Yes I did. When I put my product code on the website it says I have the latest maps but the latest version is 665, mine is 660.

I orignally thought that I had the latest version but when I discovered this site, thats not the case.
Unless things have changed recently, the ONE ships with 660. When I first got mine, I went to the TT site and put in my serial and it also told me that I had the most current verstion. However, I knew for a fact that I didn't, because I also (at that time) had a 910 that I HAD received new maps for and I knew they were 665.

Moral to the story, even if it tells you on tt that you have the latest version, check your version number to see if you have 665. If not, you don't have the latest. And I use the term 'latest' loosely here. Read for yourselves what people think of the "new" maps. :)
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This is great. Im glad you guys are pointing this out for other users to read and take the opportunity for the free map upgrade.
I just purchased my ONE yesterday and web site said mine had the latest up dates, but I also checked and I also have 660 version. Looks like as large of company as TomTom is that they would get their act together. On the up side I purchased it at Radio Shack and got 10 percent discount for opening a account with them. That paid for half of the 3 year warranty I purchased with the unit.
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Well I got sick of waiting and waiting for them to send me my dvd. It's been over a month and a half now.

SO I decide to go and download the iso, I get it put it on a dvd try to install it and it asks for a code so I think why not put in my code from the credit card that came in the box. I do and bam, works perfectly.

Im sure I'll get the dvd in the mail tomorrow probably but I just couldnt wait LOL
Well I got sick of waiting and waiting for them to send me my dvd. It's been over a month and a half now.

SO I decide to go and download the iso, I get it put it on a dvd try to install it and it asks for a code so I think why not put in my code from the credit card that came in the box. I do and bam, works perfectly.

Im sure I'll get the dvd in the mail tomorrow probably but I just couldnt wait LOL

Where did you get the ISO?
Thanks for all the info here. I originally had put in my product code for my ONE and it said I had the latest maps. But after reading the messages here, I went back tonight and went to the "Purchase New Maps" area. I put in my serial number and it came up with the maps for free iwth the $6.00 shipping.

Hopefully they'll come soon.

Thanks again,
Glad to hear that Jim

Everyone that purchases a new ONE needs a map upgrade.

My ONE is less than a week old and I still needed a map upgrade.
Anyone who buys a TomTom device of any kind should check for latest upgrades of any kind period. Right away. Especially the Map upgrade seeing how that one costs, even if it is just for S/H. it's still worth it. And time is running out!
We should have the admins post a annoucment or something alerting every member about getting their map upgrade.
well if anyone reads any posts here, they SHOULD see it. not to mention my signature shows it in BOLD BIG RED letters... :D But yeah, maybe an announcement might help? Although it won't help new users that aren't registered yet.... hhhmmmmm
New Maps Improved?

Some users, including myself, are finding that the rest stops in the U.S. as well as Exit info has disappeared from the new maps.

Ouch.... two of the biggests POI's I use for our tour bus.

This "fix" by TomTom is beyond me.
Im sure if we ALL contact TT Support and give them our feedback about this, they might create a seperate POI category for the rest stops they missed out on.
They did offer the POIs for BestBuy and Dunkin Donuts
fwiw.. I have been communicating with TT, and they tell me that the deadline for the free maps is April 13, not March 31 as stated on their website.

Please remember that we're offering our latest map upgrade at a special price until April 13th, once the promotion has finished the US and Canada maps will go back to it's normal price. For further details on the promotion, please check the link below:


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