[OFFICIAL] New Maps!!

OK, TomTom says they fixed their problem. I think I download a new map, but when I tried to get it to the TT1, the chip got hosed. In working with customer service, they finally said to just bring it back to Circuit City and get another one.
OK, TomTom says they fixed their problem. I think I download a new map, but when I tried to get it to the TT1, the chip got hosed. In working with customer service, they finally said to just bring it back to Circuit City and get another one.

WOW, you're having nothing but problems. Well at least now you get a new one.
So, I brought the new TT1 home. It works great, just with backlevel software.

I call Customer Service before I tried anything myself. Well, he worked with me for two hours. Lots of strange things happening. I can't backup or do much else. After the two hours, he pretty much gave up.

I moved to another computer and tried some things again. I tried backing up. After two attempts, that yealded two 1KB backups, the third was 8.9KB. Hopefully that one is a good one.

Then I installed v6.56 app. It looks like that worked. I guess it deletes all the voices, so I downloaded a single voice, (that's all I need anyway), and everything still works.

Oh, I tried to downlaod a new NA&Canada map while he was on the phone. He says the order took, but will take from one to 24 hours to be delivered.

I'll wait until tomorrow and check HOME for it. That's another thing, in HOME, there are no maps listed on the right, under MY ONE.

I just bought a 910 and the maps are 6.50 for North America. I can not get a response to emails from customer support and I'm not shelling out $XXX for a new map. Is there a U.S customer help phone number?


Could you direct me to the proper thread.



I just bought a 910 and the maps are 6.50 for North America. I can not get a response to emails from customer support and I'm not shelling out $XXX for a new map. Is there a U.S customer help phone number?


Could you direct me to the proper thread.



From the TT home page under support....

1-866-486-6866 USA

Hope that helps!
do you guys think just because i got my TT ONE XL today it has updated maps already? or i still have to buy them?

Spoke with TomTom Customer service today about a ONE XL I just bought. They told me the maps in it were updated and not to connect it to TomTom Home because there is a problem with it right now and if I try to update it online it will damage it and make it so only a red X will display on the screen.
Tomtom homepage IS strange.
I know that there is a new map of Eastern Europe 6.80 (selling with TT1 XL), but on TT homepage You can?t byu it or read any information of it.
Another map - Singapore map i stamp as 6.75 on their page, but it is 6.50 (i think).
I had no problems

Spoke with TomTom Customer service today about a ONE XL I just bought. They told me the maps in it were updated and not to connect it to TomTom Home because there is a problem with it right now and if I try to update it online it will damage it and make it so only a red X will display on the screen.

I updated my many time for past week and have no problems so far. lets hope will not have after i said so.
I just purchased my TT 910GO two days ago and discover my maps are not only outdated BUT I have to PURCHASE the new ones. Unless TT change their minds this unit is going back to Best Buy
I just purchased my TT 910GO two days ago and discover my maps are not only outdated BUT I have to PURCHASE the new ones. Unless TT change their minds this unit is going back to Best Buy

I think all you'll have to pay is shipping, right? If not, that's the way it should be. I think at this late of date, it would be difficult to offer their free update to you, but at worst you should only have to pay for shipping.
I argued with them over the phone for new maps. If you buy a unit brand new they should give you the most updated maps possible up to when you bought the unit. I can understand if 6 months down the road they have a new version and you have to pay for it but not when you buy it off the shelf, for who know how long it has been sitting there. I called and talked to a supervisor and spent a good hour on the phone talking to about 4 people, I called back 4 times. They finally saw it my way and gave me the new map. I had version 660 and they wanted me to pay for new maps and I said no way. I told them either give me the new maps to me or I will take it back and never buy or reccommend TT to anyone. They told me on the phone that if I bought a refurbished unit it would have the new map version on it, which sucked because if I am going to spend that much I want a new one. So I told them so when I spend more money on a new one compared to a refurbished unit I do not get the newest version and they told me that is correct and I argued heavily and I got what should have been given to me in the first place. The reason I had all that happen is because I bought one a week earlier and had to return it beacuse it would not shut off. Come to find out that the one I returned had the new version on it and they wanted to argue with me that I should not have the newest verion even though I had it to begin with! LOL

Check this out. TT's own website states that you are allowed 1 FREE map upgrade!

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so if we don't have the paper with the map check code -- how do we get it?

i just bought my 910 yesterday.


Map Update

I just purchased a GO 510 two weeks ago at Walmart, how can I tell if I have the most current map versions for the USA? I also do not have a map code card in my package either.


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