Need info about GO720

Read my lips...........

The person who told you that is an IDIOT!

A 720 with the latest application (8.351) can use a 32-gig sdhc card.

OK I got you , but there is NO need for the "Read My lips" comment at all.
I was only asking if it was right or not!
Actually, it was 4 gigs the units could originally read/write to. Anything over that the 720 could only read from.

The point remains that in mid 2010, CS should know better and TT should spend a few bucks and time in updating sadly outdated Support screens .........

OK thanks for that clarification. It does state 2 gig in my documentation probably a misprint however that's irrelevant now.
OK I got you , but there is NO need for the "Read My lips" comment at all.
I was only asking if it was right or not!
You can bet that DHN's annoyance wasn't being directed at you, Juan. We get SO frustrated with the bad information that is sometimes dispensed by TT tech support sometimes. The information they gave you was horribly outdated and pertains to firmware versions from a long time ago.
Is there a way to restrict left turn on one avenue, apx 30 blocks, so that this restriction will be on this ave. only and not "global" (so to speak) application to all ave.-streets?

Will this restriction be implemented immediately on my GO720? (not have to wait for map correction).
Use map share to block the junction so the device won't turn down that road, please don't share any changes you make such as this unless it is illegal to turn left at that junction, if you do share personal changes you make to the map they will end up on everyones device - Mike

For at least 30-years 19-th Ave in San Francisco's Sunset district has had official (large) sighnes stating "NO LEFT TURN" with exeption of one - Sloat Blvd.

I defenatly would not try to correct any thing on map for usage by other people, just on my own unit so that it will stop telling me to "turn left on Taraval". Besides I dont know how to do it. That is the reason I asked how to do it. The map share that you mention, is that accessible from unit itself or do I have to connect to TT Home? Is it possible to get detailed instruction from you how to do it right?

I will print out instruction and follow it to the letter.

On the unit.............

1. Map corrections (page 2 of main menu)
2. Correct a map error
3. Change turn restrictions
4. (Title at top will say 'Select crossing to change turn restrictions) . On map
5. Move slider at side of next (map screen) till you see 19th Avenue. Tap intersection where 19th intersects with Taraval. You''ll see the roads turn colour. Click 'done'
6. Next screen at top will say 'Select an arrow to choose the approach road. Select 19th Avenue. Once you tap the correct arrow, that road section will turn blue and the street name will show. Click 'done'
7. Next screen will show blue arrows and a choice of restriction arrows for Taraval. Select the left turn arrow. The left turn arrow turns red with the 'no left turn symbol'. Click 'done'

If your steps didn't quite work out correctly (now that you see the procedure) just click the 'back' button to return to the screen where you wish to alter your first inout for that screen.

Thank you for instructions.

Will do, will take some time to cover all "no left turns" but at least will know how to do it.
For at least 30-years 19-th Ave in San Francisco's Sunset district has had official (large) sighnes stating "NO LEFT TURN" with exeption of one - Sloat Blvd.

I spot checked a few streets in the latest map (version 845) and all the roads were no-left-turn. Sloat was no-left-turn northbound, and left-turn-permitted southbound.

Tomtom said Mapshare would only work for one year after you purchased a map. Your map version 710 is from 2007. While mapshare appears to continue working on older maps, it appears that you're not receiving the turn restriction fixes that Tomtom has added to their maps.

You may want to consider an upgrade/purchase of map 850 when it comes out in a couple days/weeks.

The thing is - My MAP is NA v.845.2645, my APPL:8.351

I did get latest map and appl. within a week or so when I got GO720 and map does not restrict left turn on 19-th ave. at Taraval.

Also, have any one, who have and uses Linux Ubuntu 9.04, tried to instal and use ITNConverter for TT720 or any other TT gps? Or for that matter "TYRE" program?

I am using Harley Davidson ride planner on Linux and it works fine to create route in GPX format but then I would use memory stick and transfer GPX files to Win.XP to convert to .itn, so I downloaded ITNConverter to Linux computer and installed it but I am afraid to launch it because small window comes-up saying: if you dont know or trust source- launching it may be unsafe, and gives choices - open anyway, mark trusted or cancel.

I would love to be able to use Linux but dont want to screw-it up.

Thanks ahead for any and all info/help.
The thing is - My MAP is NA v.845.2645, my APPL:8.351

I did get latest map and appl. within a week or so when I got GO720 and map does not restrict left turn on 19-th ave. at Taraval.

I just checked and the turn restrictions are not set on Taraval street.

If they are valid turn restrictions and permanent, report them in mapshare. It will be an immediate fix on your own device, and if you select "share" it will be sent to other users, depending on their "trust" settings.

Also, these reports get reviewed by Tomtom, for permanent correction in a future map.

PS: I know nothing about gpx, I'm sure others will chime in to respond to that question.
I am using Harley Davidson ride planner on Linux and it works fine to create route in GPX format but then I would use memory stick and transfer GPX files to Win.XP to convert to .itn,
The ultimate converter for geolocation has been and remains GPSBabel. It's engine is even used in other products that need to do conversions. The author has successfully reverse engineered just about every format out there. It will be happy to convert GPX to ITN. Versions for both your XP and Linux boxes.

See GPSBabel: convert, upload, download data from GPS and Map programs

I downloaded GPS Babel but linux tells me me that "archive not supported" whenever I try to activate, all 4 types that that guy has for Linux download.

Thanks for trying to help.

I downloaded GPS Babel but linux tells me me that "archive not supported" whenever I try to activate, all 4 types that that guy has for Linux download.

Thanks for trying to help.
Sounds like the version of RPM on your Linux box may be a little outdated. Unfortunately, there's no such animal as a ready-to-run binary for RPM since it's designed for so many different builds, so unless you're prepared to compile a version for your box, you're kinda stuck. You can get a current version here: rpm - Trac I have no idea why he bundled a binary as an RPM.

Then again, it's possible you already have a copy and don't know it. GPSBabel is included already in all the major linux distributions, but if it is not available you can download the source package (the *.tar) from his site, uncompress it, and type 'make.'
  • On Debian/Ubuntu, apt-get install gpsbabel.
  • On Fedora, yum install gpsbabel.
  • On Mandriva, urpmi gpsbabel.

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