Need info about GO720


Tested today 720 with new map, Results:

Unit did started-up on external SD,
On way to Sacramento shown 8 reality views + road guiding arrows.
Learned that have to use .itn from indicated starting point, not 5-blocks away or it will try to get you to start.
It shows your speed next to speed limit and sounds alert + glows red if you go over speed limit 4mph.
Some TTS words very hard to understand.
Initial start took apx. 30sec, following start-ups apx. 10 sec.
Final destination: in Sacramento new section off by 8 houses, in SF my home rigth on the money.
It does not tell you which side of the street, but I am not a small child to get lost in close vicinity.
It does give you a choice which map to use.

All in all I am so far happy with units performance. Final units data:
Appl: - v.8.300
OS: - 244890
Gps: - v.1.20
Boot: - 5.5015
Map: - NA v. 845.2645

Again thanks a lot to all who helped me.
Glad things are working out for you.

A tip from supermod, mvl, may help the TTS pronunciation somewhat.

In the root of your unit is a file called cphonememe.dat. Use Explorer to rename that file to cphoneme.old

That way, the TTS will NOT use the contents of that file for some of its speech patterns.

Finally all is updated and working so far, the appl.8.351, map-845.2645, boot-5.5120. Have renamed file from .DAT to .OLD. The instruction about fixing "Expwy" is a bit confusing to me, it says to "add the following entry "expwy=expressway" directly under the "expy=expressway" entry.
Directly under - is the word that gets me, is it literally UNDER ? another words I have to ADD 1-line? No need to delete "expy=expressway"?

Forgot where I have seen how to fix "branch" so it be pronounced as "bridge".

I do say that you guys are GREAT, following your help one can certainly improve TT gps to be more versatile with more visual info on main map screen than Garmin/Magelan.


Not only in Windows Explorer but also on second 4gb C6 SDHC.
Hate to waste, not only "teachers" time but mine as well. I love the way TTHome treats SD card in SDHC card reader, always says: TT GO720. Probably because SD has all the system on it. I never turn off my Zone Alarm Security Suite when downloading updates and so far ZA have prevented 8 malicious "Trojans" reaching my system but never interrupted downloads.

dhn, if there is a chance, could you please give more detailed instructions how to correct Susie to pronounce "Bridge" ? I found mention that was placed by MVI but no details. It probably would of been enough for people like you guys but not for me (unfortunately). Beginners like me need: A>B>C etc. to do it right.

Thanks .
!. Make sure you have an Explorer backup of your unit's contents.

2. You are looking for this file: roadnr.EnglishUs6.8.lex. On my unit it is located here: \LoquendoTTS\EnglishUs

3. Right click on that file and Open With, select Wordpad from the choices, NOT Notepad. (You may have to Select program from list and scroll till you find wordpad.)

4. when you DO open the file with Wordpad, scroll down and you'll see this entry:
"Br" = "branch". Well, change the word "branch to "bridge" (keep the double quotes). Save the file.

That's it! :D

Thanks, done per your instruction. Interesting thing is that that file had BR=BRANCH and right below it has BRG=BRIDGE.

Wonder what if one changes: BR=BRANCH to BRA=BRANCH and BRG=BRIDGE to BR=BRIDGE ?

Just wondering, also if all O=WEST are removed will that screw-up 720?


The TT720, how fast is OS on it?

I am thinking of purchasing SanDisc ExtremeIII-200x, it states C6 with 30mb transfer rate (C10 Transcend states 20mb transfer rate).

But somewhere I have read that SD transfer rate speed can be affected by OS speed (266 vs 392 or something like that). If that is the case than what is OS on 720 and what is max. SD speed can be used effectively?

Thaks for help.
A 720 has a 400 mhz processor. You'll probably find a class 6 sdhc card will cause map data retrieval faster than if the map were on internal.

Thanks, done per your instruction. Interesting thing is that that file had BR=BRANCH and right below it has BRG=BRIDGE.

Wonder what if one changes: BR=BRANCH to BRA=BRANCH and BRG=BRIDGE to BR=BRIDGE ?
Remember that what the text to speech is working from is the text that has been entered for the maps per what is found (usually) on the associated road signs. Unless there are signs where "BRA" is actually used, changing anything to "BRA" would cause the entry not to be used. BR=BRIDGE, on the other hand, is likely what you and most of the rest of us want. Evidently Loquendo did believe there were instances where bridge had been abbreviated as BRG. Can't say I've seen one, but it makes as much sense to leave that one =BRIDGE as well just in case there's a sign out there that uses it.

Just wondering, also if all O=WEST are removed will that screw-up 720?
Only if you're one of those folks living in Quebec (or France, or parts of Belgium, or one of those other "ouestern" sorta places) ;)

Thank you for info on 720 processor, my main reason to look into fastest SD is mainly because I noticed when making turn, "vehicle" on map moves kind of jerky, not smooth, completes 90-degree when I am about 50-75 feet down the street, my speed at that time apx. 10-15 mph. Unit never looses signal (with its own internal antenna) top of unit is even with top of dashboard (using Pro Clip mounting system). Dont know if attaching amplified external antenna will do any difference.

So far SanDisc Extreme III advertises to be the fastest one at 200x. The only thing it does not state if it is SLC type but must be 2.0, hopefully, and also could not locate 4gb so have to settle for 8gb. Kingston SDHC C6 at 4gb cost only $7 less and it is 133x. Judging by these 2-sd both stated as C6 it seems that there is difference in speed (200x vs 133x) maybe thats the giveaway that SanDisc is SLC (single level cell) and Kingston is MLC (multi level cell) read on Internet about MLC being slower. I honestly don know.

I haven't really noticed a speed difference with slow vs fast SD cards while driving. The biggest difference (for me) is the speed of planning a route.

To speed up the screen while driving, don't set too many POI categories to display. The POI categories overtax the processor.
Hi all,
Finally tested my GO720, works OK, as for jerky movement when making turn I wonder if either higher processor (600mhz) or larger RAM needed (or?). Using 4gb Cl-6 150x Transcend SDCH vs Transcend 4gb Cl-6 SDHC plain did not do any difference neider did turning off most POI leaving just gas POI's.
The only thing have not done yet is removing original appl. 7.221 from internal drive, have removed old map thought and using all new appl. and map on external SDHC. Dont think it has to do anything with jerking on turns and map scrolling. Also using amplified external antenna since my unit is located under dash in my S-10 pick-up, this way its out of sight, no sun on screen and no view obstruction. Still, when need its easy to see the map, mostly listening for navigational instructions.
Other then mentioned jerks, love this unit, especially using with external SD, easy to have spare in case one of SD's will go sour for some reason. The other thing (forgot to mention) would like to change small tiny blue pointer (representing vehicle) by larger bright yellow one but that one only available in 3-D view and I dont like 3-D. If there is a way to get large pointer could some body instruct me how to get-it please.
Go to "update my GO" in HOME and upgrade your application again.

App 8.300 was known to be very very jerky and voices would stutter all the time.

app 8.302 or later was better.
2 Gig SD only for Go 720?

I was told by Tom Tom support that you should not fit an SD card bigger than 2 Gig to a go 720.
It is also in the Go 720 download manuals instructions.
I don't know how right it is.
They said something about it not being able to address more than 2 Gig.
Does this sound right or not ?
I am on version 8.351 and it seems to work fine off the 2 Gig SD card.
Mine has the yellow car chevron available in 2D and 3D view. I downloaded extra car icons from Tom Tom so maybe you need to do that.
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Read my lips...........

The person who told you that is an IDIOT!

A 720 with the latest application (8.351) can use a 32-gig sdhc card.
They said something about it not being able to address more than 2 Gig.
Does this sound right or not ?

That was accurate when the 720 was first sold.

Tomtom released a software update in late 2008 / early 2009 that gave all 720's the capability to read up to 32GB cards.
Actually, it was 4 gigs the units could originally read/write to. Anything over that the 720 could only read from.

The point remains that in mid 2010, CS should know better and TT should spend a few bucks and time in updating sadly outdated Support screens .........

I have updated to Appl:8.351 and Map:NA v.845.2645 and been using it since 4/24/10. I just got spoiled by Navigon 5100, at turns Navigon just makes fast 90-degree single turn instead of 4 incremental ones that 720 does. Who knows, maybe TT will eventually come out with similar type of turn in one of their updates. Its no biggie for me.

I would rather concentrate on how to get larger arrow that represents vehicle on map to be much easier to see (bright yellow or orange).

Also noticed that 720 (if I dont follow its instruction in navigation mode) did change routing the way I like to go. Is it possible that 720 can memorise my route preference and after a while uses it?

I realy like 720 and hope it will keep working, it is constantly connected to vehicle power (constantly hot 12v cigarette lighter receptacle) to avoid frequent connect/disconnect USB power connector, less chance of loosening female USB receptacle in unit.

As for TT support - when I need-it I come to these forums. Thank a lot guys!
I would rather concentrate on how to get larger arrow that represents vehicle on map to be much easier to see (bright yellow or orange).
The icon for "you" can be made into just about anything you can imagine. The blue arrow is just the default. Your TomTom has several built in that you can select.

Main menu
Change preferences
(third page in)
Change car symbol

Try the yellow arrow instead of the blue arrow and see how you like that one.

FWIW, there's a whole section here of icons people have created.

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