MyDrive not syncing with TomTom Go on iPhone

Old recent destinations may still be in the app.

.try sending a new favorite location to see if it still syncs.
Yup, done that.
Ive even deleted the app from the phone and re installed it, but still no routes.

Because recent destinations are there and because my places are there, i feel its a simple setting or a major TomTom problem. It seems that nothing i do works.
Hi @cragman7
Can confirm I am having the exact same issues.
Routes synched fine when setup on web, and they appeared in both the MyDrive app and the TomTom Go app on my iPhone.

Now routes only synch to the MyDrive app.

Saved places synch fine between all 3 so no issues regarding login details etc.

I have done the old reinstall of the app etc. but nothing seems to work.

Must admit it’s been a few weeks since I last tried syncing routes but all seemed fine then so something has happened since then to cause this issue, and given it’s happening to us both then I am presuming (Maybe wrongly) that it is at TomTom end.
Hi @cragman7
Can confirm I am having the exact same issues.
Routes synched fine when setup on web, and they appeared in both the MyDrive app and the TomTom Go app on my iPhone.

Now routes only synch to the MyDrive app.

Saved places synch fine between all 3 so no issues regarding login details etc.

I have done the old reinstall of the app etc. but nothing seems to work.

Must admit it’s been a few weeks since I last tried syncing routes but all seemed fine then so something has happened since then to cause this issue, and given it’s happening to us both then I am presuming (Maybe wrongly) that it is at TomTom end.
Yup, sounds the same issue. No routes saved in Go on 2nd phone. On first phone, logged out, then back in, all routes that were there have all gone. My places if fine and populate, recent destinations is fine and populate. Rider 550 has all routes and they work ok. My Drive fully functional and all routes present.
I'm having the same issue. I just got the app and in "trial" right now. My Rider 550 is starting to act up so I'm looking for another solution since I can't get one in the US anymore. I chatted with tech support a few days ago and they said that they know there is a problem, but do not have a solution at this time, nor a time frame. I'm questioning whether to let the charge go through for the year. If my routes are not going to sync up, I don't want the app.
I'm having the same issue. I just got the app and in "trial" right now. My Rider 550 is starting to act up so I'm looking for another solution since I can't get one in the US anymore. I chatted with tech support a few days ago and they said that they know there is a problem, but do not have a solution at this time, nor a time frame. I'm questioning whether to let the charge go through for the year. If my routes are not going to sync up, I don't want the app.
There's probably no quick fix. Have you given TomTom GO Ride a try and checked if your routes are shown in there?
There's probably no quick fix. Have you given TomTom GO Ride a try and checked if your routes are shown in there?

Yes, Go Ride works properly. The reason that I want the Go Nav is because it works with carplay. Go Ride does not. Go Nav trail expireed today, I cancelled last night. I'll revisit it later to see if it's working properly.
Same issue over here as Bryan.
Created my own route ONLINE in MyDrive, but it does NOT sync with TomTom Go on my Iphone.
1. I am logged on in TomTom Go as well as in Mydrive with same account.
2. The route was saved with the option to sync.
3. In settings on TomTom Go the , MyDrive is switched on

I can not imagine Bryan and I are the only person's who suffer this issue, so there must be a solution for this. Anyone ?
Same problem here. Routes created on are not syncing with TomTomGo on iPhone. Checked alle connections and accounts, they're all OK.
Has there been any change in this issue? Aka.... and update that fixed it? I used my trial up, and if it won't sync my routes, it's of no use to me. Using an Iphone w/ Ios 17.5.1
Has there been any change in this issue? Aka.... and update that fixed it? I used my trial up, and if it won't sync my routes, it's of no use to me. Using an Iphone w/ Ios 17.5.1
Currently no, no update has corrected the problem.
Received a reply from TT support:
"We have received reports from other users as well who are experiencing similar issues.
We have already flagged this to our 2nd line team for further investigation. They're actively working to resolve this as soon as possible.
Until then, please bear with us."
Thank you. I really would like it to work properly. I have a lot of routes on my account for my dying 550... bad thing is, it worked great until the recient software updates. After them, the 550 has acted up with reboots and going stupid during planned routes. I can't help but wonder if the updates and the stopping of shipping to the US is them trying to force me into paying for the App. I really like planning on Mydrive and the GPS, despite it quirks, and WISH that they would release a new motorcycle model with a larger screen and better brightness, but it doesn't look like it. Soon, I'll be stuck with a Garmin, which I hate.
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Thank you. I really would like it to work properly. I have a lot of routes on my account for my dying 550... bad thing is, it worked great until the recient software updates. After them, the 550 has acted up with reboots and going stupid during planned routes. I can't help but wonder if the updates and the stopping of shipping to the US is them trying to force me into paying for the App. I really like planning on Mydrive and the GPS, despite it quirks, and WISH that they would release a new motorcycle model with a larger screen and better brightness, but it doesn't look like it. Soon, I'll be stuck with a Garmin, which I hate.
Have you tried the TT Go ride app? You can at least import GPX routes very easily although it does miss many key features that TT has. There are probably more apps out there but I too would prefer to just have the one app with all my motorbike routes. We'll wait and see. Good luck!
PS I hate Garmin too ;-)
Still doesn't work I'm afraid. Logged out of TT app, shut down the app and restarted it. Went to, logged in and tried to sync a route. No luck, still empty in app on iOS. No change it seems.
Thank you Harry for checking. I'm waiting for it to be fixed to renew. No point in thorwing away money at this point.
I went ahead and did my subscription since there seems to be movement in the Android section. I can confirm that it still doesn't work. I made a new favorite place, and it shows, and I made a new route, and it does not. I logged off and on, and resync'd a few times. Nothing. Iphone 12 mini running IOS 17.5.1
I have the workaround...If you create a new tomtom account with a new email address, send your route to that and then log into the tomtom go app using the new account it syncs perfectly. Bit of a PITA but it works 100%, it seems the issue is affecting only old accounts. You will not need to re subscribe to tomtom go as this is subscribed on your device and not your account.

thank me later :p

Haggis Tours Ltd
Hi Keith et al,
I tried your suggestion and here's how it went:
- Create new TT account
- Login plan.tomtom with new account
- Load GPX file in plan.tomtom
- Routes installed in plan.tomtom
- Log out of TT app on iPhone
- Quit app
- Load app again and log in with new account
- Set app to synchronise
- Nada, still no routes

- Remove TT app completely
- Reinstall TT app from scratch
- Log in with new account ID
- Sync routes in plan.tomtom
- Presto, routes appear in TT app!

- log out TT app
- log in with original account ID
- routes disappear, no routes.

So, I think we can narrow it down a bit further, you're probably correct in assuming it's an old account thing. I've been using TomTom since 2002 (on Ipaq Palm with external GPS).
Result thus, keep new account and ditch old old one.

Thanks for the tip!!
Hi Keith et al,
I tried your suggestion and here's how it went:
- Create new TT account
- Login plan.tomtom with new account
- Load GPX file in plan.tomtom
- Routes installed in plan.tomtom
- Log out of TT app on iPhone
- Quit app
- Load app again and log in with new account
- Set app to synchronise
- Nada, still no routes

- Remove TT app completely
- Reinstall TT app from scratch
- Log in with new account ID
- Sync routes in plan.tomtom
- Presto, routes appear in TT app!

- log out TT app
- log in with original account ID
- routes disappear, no routes.

So, I think we can narrow it down a bit further, you're probably correct in assuming it's an old account thing. I've been using TomTom since 2002 (on Ipaq Palm with external GPS).
Result thus, keep new account and ditch old old one.

Thanks for the tip!!
Strange, I simply just needed a new tomtom account and when I sent the routes from old to new it works perfectly. I guess there is something different going on in different countries as I see we are in the UK and you appear to be Netherlands I think? Pardon my flag knowledge if its wrong as I think there are a couple similar

Haggis Tours Ltd

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