MyDrive Connect "waiting for device"

Hi there @KeithG -

When my GO 5100 is connected to MyDrive connect under “MY DEVICES”, it shows GO 5100, then below, the S/N: QR……, and then Model: GO 5000, so you should have no issues with the loss of speed cameras.
On a number of occasions when my GO 5100 failed to download/waiting for device, another recommendation was to go to the MyDrive Connect settings cogwheel (top right) and under “DOWNLOADS”, untick “Download updates to my computer (recommended). This would then download straight to the device, bypassing any likelihood of Internet security issues via the mac. Sometimes, I would also have to “trick” the GO 5100 if it was still waiting for device, leaving it connected after a few moments, then removing the lead at the back of the device, then connecting it again or whilst still connected, a quick tap on the power button to put into sleep, wait a couple of seconds, then power on again. Have you also tried a different USB port at the rear of the mac as that can sometimes help?
Thank you for that, but I wonder whether there might be other commands that one can issue to the device over http which might provide other information or perform other actions?
Hi @Kieron M
First off, it's reassuring (sort of <grin>) that you, too, have experienced the waiting for device problem. So it's not just me!
I hadn't realised the significance of:
Download updates to my computer (recommended). This would then download straight to the device, bypassing any likelihood of Internet security issues via the mac
I'll try that next.
And yes, I've tried different ports, also a different computer - also a Mac
Thanks for helping!
I've unticked "Download updates to my computer (recommended)" - which caused MDC to crash. But the changes appear to have stuck and it is running again.
MDC is still trying to add my device, without success.
In the meantime I have "recovered" the device:
and that worked as it should.
This suggests that the cable and USB port are working fine and that the device is responding correctly in this basic mode. In other words, it looks as if the hardware is OK.
And MDC is still trying to add my device ...
@Arno Yes, and a lot of other stuff too:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
<hello xmlns="" deviceid="QR1056K03838" rescue="false" ods="" pcmiOptions="3.0,favorites,keepsExistingFavorites" pcmi="false" swversion="21.200.0003.311" modelname="TomTom GO 5100" csl="" home2="" shop="" canceldownloadssupported="yes" />

Which was why I wondered what else might be possible ...
Sadly, my GO5100 is exhibiting the same symptoms as KeithG but in this case, the "restoring your device" doesn't do anything. Just sits there...

Have even left it running for a few hours but no change - just the screen as shown above.
Have followed the excellent video (see above) which follows the web site instructions but always back to the screen above.
The "cause" of the problem was updating maps using MyDrive Connect. It progressively wanted to updates of the software and finally wound up where we are now.
Has anyone solved this one and, if so, might you help here?
@Long-term-user It might be helpful if you were to indicate which version of MDC you are using and whether it's running under Windows or MacOS.
Have you been in touch with TomTom support?
Thanks for your reply. Ooops. MDC seems to demand an upgrade before it runs - this one is for Windows. TomTom support kindly sent me the web site link to the instructions as mentioned above (which I have already followed). Sadly, they haven't (as yet) replied as to what to do next despite explaining that the GO 5000 was recogniswed but not updating as MDC was saying.
Just might you have any thoughts?
I have many thoughts, very few of which would be suitable for a public forum.

In my case, MDC forced an update (on a Mac) and thereafter it failed to communicate properly with the GO. There has subsequently been one further forced MDC update but GO updates still fail.

I am pretty sure that it was a change in MDC which caused the problem, but it's hard to prove it as it's simply not possible (thanks to the forced update issue) to revert to an earlier version to demonstrate that that works.

TomTom customer service have been patient but unwilling or unable to take on board my conclusion that it was the MDC update which caused the problem. Their suggestions have included trying a different cable, try a different computer, try a windows computer, and so on, all of which (except the Windows machine) have been tried multiple times. In that respect I'm glad that there is at least one other similar case!

They are now telling me that the only option is to return the GO to them for "repair", for which there is a ~€100 charge. In other words, buy a new device.

It's a shame, in my experience the TomTom devices are very good, but having hit what feels like a brick wall with customer service, I'm not inclined to buy another one.

Again - thanks for the reply. I tend to the view that MDC is implicated in this. A while ago, the update for MDC refused to install and I was told the usual "try another cable, PC etc.". My PC has a dual load (W10 and W8) - the latter for hardware (film scanner) that no longer runs on W10. I moved MDC across to that and it installed. At the next update, MDC happily installed itself...
As an aside, I found a scanner program that allows non-W10 scanners to run on W10 - so three flat-bed scanners were saved from the skip.
I'm tempted to remove the GO5000 from the MDC menu and then install it but I don't hold out much hope. I've given support a nudge so will see what the response is. It would be nice to be told that 2nd line support were looking into it... However, it may be a brick wall like you experienced.
I would recommend caution.

At one point I tried deleting the maps and trying to download them again - which failed. So I went from a working GO with older maps to a working GO with no maps.

Then I thought to "recover" the GO, which appeared to work, but I was unable to download the software or the maps. So I went from a working GO with no maps to a non-working GO.

Like you, I thought I'd remove the GO from MDC, reenter it, and try that. I now cannot get MDC and / or the TomTom systems to recognise my GO.

Thanks for that. I think I went through the same sequence as you with the GO. I do wonder quite why this happened and why it seems the manufacturer has apparently no answer - except to send it in for a repair at my cost.

PS - we had to buy a Tom replacement as we were off on a driving holiday en France. It works well and has a bigger screen. But to get traffic updates, it requires a mobile with a hotspot sharing via bluetooth. No experience yet as to how much data will be used.
The GO5000 has(d) a SIM that worked en France. On our first use, it earned its keep as it diverted us away from a horrendous queue (bouchon) on the autoroute where we would have been stuck for several hours. Ditto another year in Belgium where it did the same.
Getting the GO5000 working would be a great benefit to us as we have two cars of necessity.
One possible explanation is that the GO5100 has now reached "end of life". I bought it (and a Premium X) because they both included lifetime updates. However there was no clarity about whose lifetime: mine, TomTom's, or the device itself. My GO5100 dates from 2016, it's just possible that TomTom have now relegated it to non-supported without actually declaring it. I emphasise that this is completely unsupported guess-work on my part and I'd really like to be proved wrong.

I think, which probably means I hope, that the problem lies in a lack of feedback from "customer service" to "development". I've pleaded with their support people to escalate the case to the developers but have so far only achieved escalation to 2nd line support.
Lifetime update services for the 5100 are still very much functional.

The only devices that have been deemed 'beyond lifetime' are those old TomTom devices whose memory restrictions are such that they just won't support the size to which the maps have grown - mostly Nav2 plus a few Nav3 types. Having all of the parking lot geometry for every shopping area, for example, tends to increase map size.

Here's the TT list of 'obsolete' devices.

GO 750 (LIVE) (W4/W7/W8)XL 30 Series (RB/RC/RH/RI/RM/RN/RO/RV)XXL IQ Routes/Classic (RY/RW/RX/GL/GQ)
ONE 30 Series (PA/PB/PC/PE/PF/PH/PI/PK/PN/PP/PL/PO/PQ/PV)Start (XA/XB/XC/XD)Start²/Start Classic (XN/XM/XF/XH)
XL IQ Routes² (GG/GH/GI/GJ/GP)GO 1000 (LIVE) (TD/TB)GO 1005 (LIVE) (SF/SB)
VIA 110(AG)/130/135(AV/AQ)VIA 120 (LIVE) (AN/AU/FM)GO 700 (M5)
GO 630 (JB)GO 720 (M6/M9)GO 730 (J3/J4)
GO 740 LIVE (WR/WL)GO LIVE 1050 / GO LIVE 2050 (SB)ONE IQ Routes (P1/PS/P2/PU)
XL IQ Routes (RU/RS)XL IQ Routes LIVE (R1/R2)GO 820 (FT)
GO 825 (FY)Start 20(AO)/25(BK)Start 60(WM)
ONE XL (L1/L2/L3/L4/L7/L9)ONE XL HD Traffic Europe (F3)ONE 1st Edition (G1/G2)
ONE 2nd Edition (E1/E2/Z1/Z2/Z3)ONE 3rd Edition (Y1/Y2/Y3/Y4/Y5/Y7/Y8)GO (B1)
GO 300 (M1)GO 500 (2005) (M3)GO 510 (V5)
GO 520 (M2/M4)GO 530 (J1/J2)GO 540 LIVE (WT)
GO 550 LIVE (W3)GO 710 (V5)VIA 110 (AH)
VIA 120 (AI)VIA 220 (AR)VIA 125 (BG)
VIA 125 (BH)VIA 125 (BM)GO 820 (FA)
GO 825 (FB)VIA 125 (FP)GO 730 (J5)
GO 930 (J6)GO 7000 (LF)GO 9000 (LG)
GO 920 (M8)XXL 540 WTE SERIES (RZ)GO 1005 (SE)
GO 1005 (SI)GO 1005 (SJ)GO 2535 (SL)
GO 2535 (SM)GO 2535 (SN)GO 1005 (SP)
GO 1005 (SQ)GO 1005 (SR)GO 910 (V7)
GO 950 (W1)GO 750 (W2)GO 950 (W5)
GO 750 (W6)GO 940 (WB)START (XO)
START 50/55 (GZ)
Thanks for the info re lifetime support. I did wonder whether the GO 5000 had found its way onto the list but with your reassurance...
I've just had this exact thing and managed to resolve it.

This might not help with the Mac as it's a Windows "fix" but might help?
In windows device manager, the TomTom was showing up under "network adapters", as an NDIS device. I had to tell Windows to install a new driver for the device (driver is installed as part of MyDrive Connect and found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\Driver\INF). Once the driver was installed and set as the driver to use, the device appears as "TomTom"... and the updates now work.
I've just had this exact thing and managed to resolve it.

This might not help with the Mac as it's a Windows "fix" but might help?
In windows device manager, the TomTom was showing up under "network adapters", as an NDIS device. I had to tell Windows to install a new driver for the device (driver is installed as part of MyDrive Connect and found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\MyDrive Connect\Driver\INF). Once the driver was installed and set as the driver to use, the device appears as "TomTom"... and the updates now work.
It is perfectly normal for any device from Nav3 onward to appear in "Network adapters" as "Remote NDIS Compatible Device". It's a little mini-server and the MyDrive Connect software turns the USB connection into a virtual network connection.

Which Windows OS are you running? There's no reason for any special drivers with any current versions of Windows. The drivers that you manually installed date back to 2009 and were prepared for users of XP vintage machines before the requisite drivers were part of the OS.

On Win10, rndismp6.sys and usb80236.sys come with the OS and work as a pair to turn the USB connection into a network connection.

It sounds as though the original install had issues.

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