Hi, thanks for the quick reply.
I'm looking for this.
But with a description for each item saying what it does. The website it's from
Menu structure - OpenTom has some of them described but doesn't have others.
Edit: I have a Tom Tom Ease
Here are some menu command descriptions from the TomTom SDK
3.6. Overview menu items
For more information on TomTom GO menu items, please refer to the manual that is provided with the TomTom GO.
There are three blocks that can currently be defined in a menu file:
* BLOCK_MAIN , Main Menu Block
* BLOCK_PREF, Preferences Menu Block
* BLOCK_CURSOR, Cursor Menu Block
At block-level, the following items can be defined to be shown at the bottom of the screen. Each menu-page of that block will show the BTM_options defined for that block.
* BTM_GPS_POSITION , GPS Information
* BTM_DONE , Done Button
* TRAFFIC_INFO , Traffic Information
* BTM_CAM_INFO , Safety cams last updated
Menu Items
The following menu items can be used in the customized menu file for the main menu and the preferences menu.
Special Tasks
* TASK_EMPTY, no task and this option will be shown as a blanc spot in the 6-option menu
* TASK_NONE, no task and no placeholder for it in the menu
* TASK_PAGEn, (n is in the range 1-20) a number identifying the custom menu page *****ATTACH A 24-BIT BMP TO THIS FOR AN ICON*****
* TASK_SDKn, (n is in the range 1-50) a command to be sent to a client application, as defined in a capability file
* TASK_AVOID_ROUTE_LINE, Choose part of the route to avoid
* TASK_CONFIRM_DELETE_ROUTE , Clear Route with asking the user confirmation first
* TASK_DELETE_ROUTE, Clear Route immediately
* TASK_ITINERARY , Itinerary planning
* TASK_NAVIGATE_TO , Navigate to
* TASK_MENU_FIND_ALTERNATIVES , Go to "Find alternative" menu
* TASK_MENU_PLAN_ATOB , Advanced planning
* TASK_MENU_RECALC_BLOCK, Go to "Avoid roadblock" menu
* TASK_MENU_ROUTE_INSTRUCTIONS, Show the menu with options for vieuwing route
* TASK_PLAN_VIA, Calculate a route that goes via specified address
* TASK_SET_TOLL, Set the preferences for toll roads
* TASK_SET_PLANTYPE, Set the preferences for route planning
* TASK_SET_CRADLE, Set cradle preferences
* TASK_SHOW_ROUTE_DEMO, Demonstrate planned route
* TASK_SHOW_ROUTE_INSTRUCTIONS, Show the list with route instructions
* TASK_STEP_ROUTE_INSTRUCTIONS, Browse through the route instructions as images
* TASK_SWITCH_2D3D, Switch between 2D and 3D navigation view
* TASK_MENU_DOWNLOAD , Download extras
* TASK_MENU_TRAFFIC , TomTom Traffic
* TASK_SHOW_WEATHER , TomTom Weather
Manage Maps
* TASK_DELETE_MAP, Delete a map
* TASK_SET_MAP, Choose a current map
* TASK_SET_HIDEMAP, Specifies whether the map should be replaced with a simpler view under certain conditions
* TASK_SHOW_MAP , Browse map
* TASK_ADD_FAVORITE , Add favourite
* TASK_MAINTAIN_FAVORITES, Maintain the list of favorites
* TASK_CHANGE_HOME_LOCATION, Specify new home location
* TASK_LEFTHANDED, Switch between lefthanded and righthanded UI
* TASK_MENU_PREFERENCES , Change Preferences
* TASK_RESET_SETTINGS, Restore original application settings
* TASK_ROTATE_DISPLAY, rotate display by 180 degrees
* TASK_SET_BRIGHTNESS, Adjust the brightness level for the device
* TASK_SET_BACKLIGHT, Adjust the backlight settings for the device
* TASK_SET_CLOCK_TYPE, Set clock type
* TASK_SET_COLOR_SCHEMES, Choose day and night color schemes
* TASK_SET_COMPASS, Specify how to show the compass in the navigation view
* TASK_SET_DAY_COLOR_SCHEME, Choose day color scheme
* TASK_SET_DIST_UNITS, Choose distance units
* TASK_SET_KEYBOARD_SIZE, Set preferences (size and type) of the on-screen keyboard.
* TASK_SET_LANGUAGE, Choose application language
* TASK_SET_NIGHT_COLOR_SCHEME, Choose night color scheme
* TASK_SET_PROMPT, Specify the additional settings for voice promtps
* TASK_SET_STATUS, Specify the information to show at the bottom of navigation view
* TASK_SET_VOICE, Choose the voice for reading instructions
* TASK_SET_VOLUME, Adjust the voice volume
* TASK_SHOW_STATUS, Show route status
* TASK_SWITCH_ASN, Switch accelerometer on/off
* TASK_SWITCH_BLUETOOTH, Enable/disable bluetooth connectivity
* TASK_SWITCH_NIGHTVIEW, Switch to night view mode
* TASK_SWITCH_SOUND, Enable/disable sound
* TASK_SWITCH_TIPS, Enable/disable tips
* TASK_CONFIGURE_POI, Choose which types of POI to show
* TASK_MAINTAIN_POI, Go to POI maintenance menu
* TASK_SWITCH_POI, shows/hides POI
* TASK_MENU_TRAFFIC, go to traffic menu
* TASK_TRAFFIC_ENABLE, enable traffic support
* TASK_TRAFFIC_EXPLAIN, help for traffic
* TASK_TRAFFIC_REPLAN, replan current route
* TASK_TRAFFIC_SETTINGS, specify traffic settings
* TASK_TRAFFIC_UPDATE, update traffic information
* TASK_TRAFFIC_VIEW, go to traffic incidents view
Miscellanious tasks
* TASK_ABOUT, show Navigator information screen
* TASK_SET_NAME_DISPLAY, specify naming preferences for map/navigation views
* TASK_BUDDIES, go to buddies menu
* TASK_EXIT_APP , Reboot the TomTom
* TASK_DOWNLOAD_MAP, Download map
* TASK_DOWNLOAD_VOICE, Download voice
* TASK_DOWNLOAD_SCHEME, Download color scheme
* TASK_DOWNLOAD_VERSIONNUMBER, Upgrade the Navigator application
* TASK_MANAGE_MAPS, Go to "Manage maps" menu
* TASK_MENU_DOWNLOAD, Go to "Downloads" menu
* TASK_SERVICE_LOGIN, Perform login to the TomTom Plus services
* TASK_SHOW_WEATHER, Get the current weather information
* TASK_HELP_GENERAL, General help
* TASK_HELP_ITINERARY, Help for itinerary
* TASK_HELP_MAINMENU, Help for the main menu
* TASK_HELP_MAPBROWSER, Help for the map view
* TASK_HELP_PLANNING, Help for route planning
* TASK_HELP_TRAFFIC, Help for traffic
* TASK_HELP_ZOOMING, Help for zooming
* TASK_TUTORIAL , Guided tour
* TASK_MENU_PHONE , Mobile phone
* TASK_PAIR_WITH_PHONE, Connect to the phone via Bluetooth
* TASK_MULTIMEDIA, Go to multimedia menu
* TASK_JUKEBOX, Go to jukebox menu
* TASK_IPOD, Go to IPod control
* TASK_IMAGE_BROWSER, Go to image library
* TASK_DOC_BROWSER, Go to document reader
The following menu items can be used in the customized menu file for the map cursor menu.
Cursor menu
* TASK_PLAN_TO_MAPLOC, Navigate to map cursor location.
* TASK_NEARBY_POICAT, Find POI near map cursor location.
* TASK_CENTER_ON_MAP, Center map on map cursor location.
* TASK_DO_ADD_FAVOURITE, Add map cursor location as favourite.
* TASK_CURSOR_INTO_POI, Add map cursor location as POI.
* TASK_TRAVEL_VIA, Travel via map cursor location.
*****************TWO NEW ADDITIONS 3-27-2011********************
BTM_CAM_INFO , Safety cams last updated
TASK_EXIT_APP , Reboot the TomTom